January 2011 General Meeting Minutes

SNA General Meeting Minutes – Approved

January 13, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.


Board Members Present: Michele Gila, Jane Pullman, Paul Loney, Bill Stites, Tim Brooks, Gina Binole, Heather Wilson

Excused Absence: Reuben Deumling

Unexcused Absence: Chuck Lawrence

Neighbors and Guests Present: Tim O’Neal, Abby Dacey, Katherine Anderson, Karen Hery, Emily Hery, Adam Green, Valerie Stricklund, Josh Palmer, Edward Morris, Adam Green, Valerie Strickland, Mary Ann Schwab (MAS)

1. Introductions (3 min)

2. Approve Agenda. Circulate Nov. minutes (2 min) Approved.

3. SEUL update (Tim O’Neal 5 min). Until Feb 25th collecting to donate to transition projects for homeless. Linens, blankets, adult clothing, toiletries. Want to recognize & appreciate the n’hood volunteers. Appreciation meeting in April. Bowling competition included. Each n’hood 4-6 people on each bowling team. 2 games bowling + shoes + food. Powell Lanes. Mon 4/25 6-9pm. Kicking around the idea of Soapbox Derby participation 1/31 7-8pm meeting.  Co-sponsor with Center of Earth Leadership “Economics of Happiness” film. Worldwide movement. 1/21 7-10pm will be screened + discussion. First Unitarian Church downtown. $15 donation.

4. Central Catholic High School Master Plan (Abby Dacey 15 min) She works for BOORA. Hired a year ago to vision master plan. School has been at this site for 75 years. Not trying to change classroom count but gain sf for the classes + specialized spaces for special needs/language labs/student commons. Have been working with Buckman and immediate school neighbors. Conditional Use Master Plan is what BOORA is doing. 2 stories above + 1 underground to complete the 4th link. Plus interior remodel. 3rd phase would add 2nd story over original school. Target LEED platinum for first phase. Widen street 4 feet on 24th. Adding pedestrian crossing. Transportation safety is a big issue. Empty lots on west side of 24th at Oak, owned by CCHS and parking added to those lots. Currently have 17 spots on campus. Reducing that to 4. Adding that new parking lot to make up the difference. Curb extensions at 26th crossing. Front angle parking in front of Lone Fir. Neighbors voiced PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION/TRIMET as a parking solution. She responded that is ‘difficult’. Tim asks about solar panels and would they power the school. Phase 1 would have ecoroof. Maybe. Any other traffic flows through PDOT? One way? Portland “doesn’t want to see the grid interrupted”. Tim asks about curb extensions on Stark. Cannot make Stark more narrow without removing parking to create more pedestrian access. Tim suggests moving parking east further at curb extension and remove 3 parking spots. TIMELINE? Conditional Use Master Plan is right now. No plan to submit by certain date? Probably a few more weeks. Mid Feb. Design in June. Construction about a year later. School schedule. PLEASE STAY IN TOUCH.

5. Committee Reports (15 min)

Sustainability – Focused on Emergency/Community Preparedness. Attended City and County formal training “Know Your Neighbor”. To learn how to present that tool to other groups. Some committee members are hosting events at their homes to introduce the idea of being prepared. A way to get together and get to know each other better. As a group, going to design emergency preparedness kits. Anyone is welcome to join. They aren’t ‘advertising’. Email Jane or Reuben if you are interested. MAS attended neighborhood emergency teams network and the communications between neighborhood watch etc…Many streets already have block captains. Meet 2nd Monday of the Month 6-7:30 at SEUL. Please come!

LUTC – Meeting was cancelled this month. Meet right after Sustainability 7:30-8:30. Transportation/Crosswalks/Land Use/ Liquor Licenses. All welcome and bring any concerns you may have.

Crime Prevention – Chuck not here. Our neighborhood is divided into 2 precincts. Frank Silva is Katherine Anderson’s counterpart. She’s east of 39th. Was working with a group of neighbors about the cluster of liquor establishments on Belmont. Katherine brought info on residential burglary. Up 10% on east precinct. East precinct had to drop burglaries by 50% in 4 months and they did it. So successful that police bureau has established a city wide task force. It’s usually 1-2 people that hit a general area. There is no absolute to get rid of it…but many opportunities to reduce/mitigate. SNA/Tabor/Richmond got together to talk about Upper Hawthorne in Oct. Not much attendance. She suspects it’s because there aren’t big problems. Next meeting in April. MAS brings up the hope of changing OLCC to 1 year from 2 year license. Asks board to write a letter of support for current director Steve Pharo to Commissioner Phil Lange commenting on the good work that’s been done and we’d like to keep him there. Portlandmaps.com enter your address and you can see multi level crimes near your home. Portland Police Bureau www.portlandonline.com/police will also give you crime stats, reports, every block. All the 911 calls. Pretty live and updated.

SEUL – Bowling & Soap Box Derby. See Tim O’Neal’s report.

6. Announcements (5 min) Valerie is here from condos at 24/Belmont. 37/Main will be open for first Fridays. It’s a studio where he and his wife live. Karen Hery has the Sunnyside report card. Winter Carnival last Sat. of Feb. Family Entertainment. She’ll submit an article for the newsletter. Can drop by prizes of small toys or stuffed animals. Useful Goods Exchange and Clean up. Ideas for fundraising. Wants to thoughtfully plan the event. Best date is right around Earth Day. 15-17 April would be good all around. Suggest a committee from all aspects of the event. Bill from BABA meeting update: Umpqua Bank at Haw/36th having grand opening. Has feedback on Street Fair for SNA. Interested in meeting with SNA on this subject. Gina for HABA that despite the weather etc..holiday stroll was a success. Hope to recreate it next year. Annual silent auction is 2/17 at Masonic Temple. Looking for business donations. Katherine Anderson mentions heavy towing area where Umpqua Bank is now. Property owner said they would aggressively tow. Homeless man who resides in Sunnyside died at that parking lot. Hypothermia. During the extreme cold.

7. Approve Minutes (2 min) Jane moves to approve. Bill 2nd. Approved.

8. Next meeting Feb. 11, 2011. Newsletter articles due January 17th.

Karen Hery. Gina Binole. Tim O’Neal.

9. Adjourn. 7:57pm




November 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, Nov 11th, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Neighbors & Guests: Zach Michand (North Tabor NA)

Board Members: Gina Binole, Jane Pullman, Reuben Deumling, Tim Brooks, Paul Loney, Bill Stites, Michele Gila. Heather Excused. Chuck unexcused.

1. Approve agenda/minutes (2 min). Move to delete item #3. Approved. Minutes approved.

2. December Holiday potluck: planning (10+ min). Holiday Cheer is welcome. Do we want to invite anyone? We assigned Chuck to bring his usual platter. Appreciation of Gary Ballou. Appreciate John Noel. Appreciate Jane. Newsletter delivery people. Add an invite to each stack? Jane will personally call them. Tim suggests someone donate a $10 toward a meal somewhere. Tim will send Reuben of Certificate of Appreciation. Dec. 9th 7-9pm at SEUL. Bill will bring some drinks. Jane will bring a cake. Gina will bring food. BRING FOOD. Bill will talk to the regular food donors since we’ve missed a few months. Move to extend time for agenda. Jane seconds. Entertainment? Deanna Wilder? Bill will ask her. Back up plan? Via email. Singer Songwriter.

3. SNA Budget – report back (Jane 5 min). DELETED.

4. BSF future & SNA’s role – follow up (discussion 5+ min). Tim wants to support the takeover of the BSF. SNA wants to see the BSF continue. Brings people out.  If SNA takes over the responsibilities of the BSF, is it worth having the conversation about the PURPOSE of the fair. Will it still be a commercial endeavor. Would we do as we have been doing? Bill notes that was discussed today. What is the intent? Noted that there was a big focus on vending not so much on community builder. If SNA took it on, we could balance it. Leadership and Collaboration. If we provide the Leadership we would like to see a bit more on community building. Tim moves that SNA supports and wants the street fair to continue and we are prepared to take a leadership role. Paul 2nd. Approved.

5. Newsletter frequency change? (discussion 10 min). Bill: wants to revisit the idea of reducing newsletter frequency to every 2 months. Reduction in resources would drop by half. Believes we’d keep the 80% of benefit. Mentions electronic communication tools. Bill moves to every other month. MG 2nds. Reuben has long been opposed to reduction. Champion of the benefit of monthly. It is a lot of work. And by reducing the time frequency do we lose the continuity of the volunteers. Bill notes there would not be a black hole in the off months. Just an extension. Gina would write an article/poll for the newsletter to see what neighbors want to see. Reuben hears unsolicited positivity around the newsletter. Tim mentions that what he always hears while delivering the support of it. Monthly is important to people. Having done it for so many years, the monthly pattern is helpful. Tim also suspects that if we break it up a bit we’d have advertisers & volunteers drop off. Bill states that he doesn’t agree that we need a 30 day cycle to stay in the groove. Thinks folks would be ok with a 60 day. Thinks we could project articles for the future publications. The benefit for bi-monthly outweighs. Paul says it’s hard to gauge. Focus group of 10 random selected neighbors and quiz them on content to see how well  folks know what is going on. We are biased and intimately involved. 2 yes. 3 no. 1 abstain. Motion fails.

6. Newsletter articles (due November 15). Jane will contribute. Tim will write on Blair. Gina tree recycling. Articles due by 15th. MG/Paul to write cell tower summary.

7. Other Business . Bill wants to talk about Chuck Lawrence.

8. Adjourn. 9:12pm.


November 2010 General Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting Thursday, Nov 11th, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Neighbors & Guests: Zach Michaud, Jeanne Longley, Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, Colleen Welch

Board Members: Gina Binole, Jane Pullman, Reuben Deumling, Tim Brooks, Paul Loney, Bill Stites, Michele Gila

1. Introductions (3 min)

2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min) MG moved/Bill 2nd. Approved agenda.

3. Blair Garden update (Tim, Parks 5 min). Leslie from Parks. Lead on Blair Garden! Been about 5 years working on getting it all going. New Director who is a gardener at Laurelhurst Village. 2 weeks ago was ground-breaking with volunteers from All in One Basketball Academy. The kids worked hard! This Saturday 9:30am 2nd follow up party. Reuben is the connection to local cedar source and has been delivered to site.  Soil arrives tomorrow at the street. This wknd soil needs to be moved to upper area where it’s compacted. Then the raised beds get built. 2 types/heights of raised beds. Dec 11th is another work party. 9:30-11:30. How do people get a bed? is a frequent question. Previous people will be contacted and offered first dibs. Adams sisters have been making calls. 🙂 People who have been on the waiting list in this neighborhood get 2nd dibs. 200 sf plots. 17 plots. + 2-3 accessible/raised beds. This will make the 36th garden in the Parks Program. Democratically led garden/managed. Security is important so crops aren’t taken. Private lots can be considered for about a 10 year commitment. Jane brings up 12/Salmon location about potential. Leslie suggests contact City Leadership!

4. Update on Group GNA for Belmont (Paul/Bill 5 min). Met on Mon at LUTC. Small turn out. A few business owners & a few neighbors. Tony offered to write letter to all bar owners to invite them to a meeting. Pied Cow owner & neighbor showed up. Pied Cow put a wall up and it was not permitted. Her bedroom window is 8 feet from patio. Employees smoke there. Gina asks what our role as NA is. Bill explains that he continues to talk with the tenant. Mediations NW might need to be involved. It seems to be a post-10pm issue. The whole Group GNA is to get consistency. Most seem to be ok with 10pm closing time for back patio, including Aalto Lounge!

5. SNA’s role in Belmont Street Fair future (Tim 5 min). Reuben, Tim, Bill all went to BABA this morning. Paul & Tim have offered for at least 5 years to take over. John talks frequently about retiring, but seems to have a 3-5 year plan to continue. Bill reports the meeting went really well. Still a question on the funding. It has raised substantial funding. Supports paid staff. Raised profit in funds in excess of $4000 after paying staff. The fair funds in excess have certainly gone to support BABA budget. Tim is reluctant to take it on if SNA doesn’t share in the proceeds. Nancy would like to stay involved and provides good continuity, including booth organization. REACH started the idea initially.

6. Community connectedness: an SNA project proposal (Reuben 10 min). Wants feedback if  this seems a useful proposal. Main premise is that within neighborhood we more or less know each other but could do more to be connected. Encouraging neighbors to get to know neighbors. KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD “KYN” is a good framework or at least potential. Sustainability Committee is starting a 6 week journey of little block parties. Jane is excited to get her block organized. Meeting at U of P 18th City class on KYN. Jeanne talks about a Chilean Earthquake story and how the neighborhood association took the lead for 2000 residents to move them upland.

7. Committee Reports (15 min)

Sustainability – see above

Land Use and Transportation – see above. Further, Monday at 6:30 is the SEUL LUTC on the 15th for cell towers.

Crime Prevention – Tim will address Chuck’s email bouncing.

Southeast Uplift- Jane reports:

a.. Small Grants Deadline has passed. $22,000 to go out, requests $142,000. A committee is formed to figure that out.

b. Mentioned Sunnyside has suggested Ben & Jerry’s at the clean up. Needed tax id #.

c. Anne Dufay wants us to announce again that the NAs are not 501 (C)(3) and are not to use SEUL tax id #. Only if being fiscally sponsored.

d. Rich Newlands talked about Bikeway Project. Still in public process. Discussion ensued about street parking at residences and how that’s not going to be popular.

e. Leaf district update. You will have to PROVE that you handle your own leaves if you want to opt-out. Let’s promote better use of the leaves.

8. Announcements (5 min) Site Council update from Gina. It was noted that Rachel Bloom has donated $3000 to the school to be used however they would like. Gina notes that there are no discussions around the fence. The current focus seems to be Literacy. Bill asks about the baseball field. Asks about the batting practice set up and how it happens as it could hit someone walking by.

Gina on HABA Dec. 9th holiday stroll starting at 4pm, businesses would stay open late. Looking for performers, carolers, etc… contact HABA.

PGE Landscape update.

2 Rivers Aikikai fundraiser Dec. 3rd at the Rose Garden.

9. Approve minutes (2 min) Tim moves to approve. Gina 2nd. Approved.

10. Next meeting on December 9th. That is the Holiday Party.

11. Adjourn. 8:18pm.



October 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, October 14, 2010 Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila, Tim Brooks, Heather Wilson, Bill Stites, Gina Binole

Neighbors and Guests: George Slanina

1. Approve agenda & September minutes (2 mins). Reuben loses voice. Tim & Jane take over. Motion to approve. 2nd. Approved. Tim moves to approve. Heather 2nd. Approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report (Jane 3 mins). Has all 2009 and 2010 figures to date. Has a few copies of that data. Jane has some observations. Very lucrative ’09. Fred Meyer/Parks WAMU insert/Newsletter advertising. $8000 revenue. Expenses $7200. Reviewing the records our revenue has gone down over time. We are running a tight ship this year. Overage now based on past revenues. Rainy day fund the excess? Notes the money to community garden. Balance is about $6000. Bill asks about newsletter budget covers expenses with slight gain. Clean up gives about $300 gain. What does IRS allow for gain? We don’t seem to fall into the parameters. We have had no complaints. If we have questions Jane will research for answers. Let’s talk about this again next month.

3. Finance Committee report (Jane & Tim 5 mins) Jane expresses lack of time to do much more for n’hood than what she does. Tim says they already reported on this. Gina asks how are books kept? Register/ledger/ check book. Bill asks if annual budget will be worked on? Yes.

4. Interacting with new website (MG 5 min) Who wants to be a ‘contributor’? If you want me to post, it needs to be in copy and paste format with links and jpg or pdf apparent. I will site you as the author. You should also tell me which category you would like it posted in and if you would likecomments enabled or disabled. If you send me an email but don’t direct me in subject line to post to website and/or facebook I will not pursue it. You will need to direct me so I don’t have to hunt you down.

5. HABA liaison & BSF leadership (5 mins). Bill reports that at BABA on Tue Nancy Chapin asked if Bill would request a rep from SNA for HABA meetings. Sunnyside is the north half of Hawthorne. Can we make this happen? Gina might consider being the liaison. Bill will connect Gina with Nancy. Barker really is retiring from BSF. BABA tossed the idea around to do monthly things instead of yearly event. Bill told them we want to keep the event. BABA has a sense of ownership of the event. $4000 profit. Who Made That Money? Tim is going to ask Barker about that. We echoed that we are Partners to the event. Tim was surprised to hear Barker’s concern that we wouldn’t want to handle it. Tim & Paul have been ready to take over the reigns entirely. Reuben suggests Tim & Paul show up to BABA meeting to make it known officially. Tim has written Barker emails about it. Bill will work to make that invite formal.

6. Do we want to partner with anyone on this grant cycle? (discussion 10 mins) Reuben mentioned Allen from RNA wants us to partner with them for more movies at Sewallcrest. Gina & Michele express that no one has actually made a formal proposal to us. Tim notes that George has been running a subcommittee for SNA that we have sponsored all along. There is a direct connection. Tim would like to help George organize the proposal. Conversation ensues to find out more about what they are doing and who is involved. George says they share skills and information and lobby the state legislature for jobs. They feel that if the private sector isn’t going to provide jobs then the Govt’ should. Reuben thinks Tim & Gina should help with the proposal and deadline is 2 wks from now. Jane moves that SNA be the lead sponsor for the grant application for the SN employment self help group. Heather 2nds. Discussion: SEUL manages the funds. Is this group being a subcommittee of SNA, can we do this? Bill asks if other proposals are floating around? Karen has one. Allen, less formal. Motion from Jane revised to SNA apply for neighborhood small grants funds for the neighborhood self employment group. Heather agrees to amend her 2nd. Motion Passes. Back to Karen proposal. Bill moves that the board preapproves letters of support for Karen & Allen projects so that it’s not a formal partnership. Tim 2nds. Discussion: what’s the value if weare going to undermine it? Not happy with the movie program so far. Let’s try to make it successful. Bill withdraws motion. Tim is cool with that.

7. Action items? Liquor licenses? Self-Help Grant proposal? (20 mins) We covered the grant proposal above and liquor licenses in the LUTC GNA report at general meeting.

8. Newsletter articles due September 15th.

Bill – Group GNA on Belmont Gina – SES/Laurelhurst Science projects, etc. Jane – Swan Song of a Quad leader Tim O – Depaving the SEUL parking lot Michele & Mark – Weatherization & Radon Tim B – Blair Garden (if dates are chosen)

9. Other Business Reuben. Lumber for Blair garden might be something he can work to help get. His Brother might be able to supply lumber at cheaper cost.

10. Adjourn 9:18pm


October 2010 General Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting Thursday, October 14, 2010 Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila, Tim Brooks, Heather Wilson, Bill Stites, Gina Binole

Neighbors and Guests: Jennifer Adams, Lee Greer, Colleen Welch, Officer Ryan Mele, Karen Hery, Emily Hery, Nicole Krueger, George Slanina

1. Introductions

2. Approve Agenda, circulate minutes (2 mins). Approved.

3. Communications Strategies: new directions/electronic media (MG 3 mins) Add cloud to categories

4. East Portland Historical Calendar Project (Heather 3 mins) Trying for 2012 calendar. Dana is applying for a grant. He will write proposal. $10 each. 100 calendars for SNA. Fundraiser. April 2011 submission of photo and text. Jane asks if we are obligated to pay for the 100 calendars upfront. Expresses concern about becoming salespeople. Reuben asks about production…are they cheaper for production? We like the idea. $700 profit if we sold them all. WE DON’T KNOW WHAT THE COST IS. Grant is to cover costs likely. We still have historical posters from ’88. $15 a piece then. They are for sale now. Ask Reuben. Heather suggests bringing them for holiday party. Move to support the calendar if there is no cost to SNA. 2nd. Approved.

5. Neighborhood Clean Up/Useful Goods Exchange future collaboration (Karen Hery 5 mins) Useful Goods is held 4 times per year at SES. 3 day event. Donated goods. Friday drop off. Sat swap. Grant funded through SNA initially. Coop has managed since. Now it happens in Methodist Church. Move to St. Stephens in conjunction with clean up. Gary Ballou is retiring from coordinator. Karen would like to take over the organizing. St. Stephens has approved with no fee but with cleaning deposit. How can SNA formally involve? GRANT due end of Oct. Do we have plans to sponsor any of the grants? Would like us to sponsor it. Do 2 clean ups makesense? Fall clean up is not something she can handle. Less funds from Metro available. Who will sponsor? How many per year? In what fashion shall we support/associate? Jane asks for clarification on sponsorship. Karen explains SNA requested funds. WHO ARE The PARTNERS? is part of the application. Heather asks about Karen’s non profit being based in WA (Winward) They had already formed in WA so it was easy to tag on to them instead of forming their own non- profit. Jane mentions Transition PDX is also looking to this grant $ for sustainability effort and asked if SNA is interested. Out of time but Reuben expresses desire to continue. Karen suggests Sustainability Committee to continue involvement and revokes her request saying they’ll work it out on their end.

6. Self-Help small grant application proposal (George Slanina 10 mins) Small amount of money for outreach for their group. Under represented groups. Funds 50% of last year. Goal is to get people employed. One grant per neighborhood. Are We Worthy? Lee asks how much $$ and what would you be doing with it. $500-$1000 for posters and outreach and surveys, to include some adjacent neighborhoods to start a potluck series. To cover out of pocket expenses like leaflets. Stipend is not realistic. Max is $5000 which is 1/4 of total fund ($20K). Concedes there are other worthy projects in the neighborhood. Promotional materials, event expenses, matching funds would include George produced video about their group (for every minute of project = one hour). Lee asks what % of match do they seek? George is not really sure but recites from the application and references the website. Jane mentions we cannot make a decision on the spot. Bill wonders if someone who understands the grant and even though neighborhood is limited to one grant many applications can input. Can NA sponsor several? Our endorsement has a lot of power according to attendee.

7. Group GNA on Belmont – Discussion (Bill 5 mins) New businesses on Belmont besieged with liquor license applications. Almost all new businesses are interested in serving alcohol. ONI, OLCC, SNA all involved to create dialogue to prevent problems. Noise issues from rear facing patios primary concern. Refers to Upper Hawthorne group GNA and its success. Has regular meetings. Businesses and neighbors get to meet each other. Meet about twice per year. Putting together a group GNA for Belmont. 32nd-37th is kind of the hot spot. Frank Silva is facilitating.

8. Committee Reports (15 mins) Sustainability- Jane reports that the SES offered a service credit to 8th

graders for emergency preparedness in lieu of meeting. Hoping to work with the school for EP in the ‘hood.

LUTC- Most of report was the Group GNA.

CP- Officer Mele from east precinct reports. Burglaries on the rise but not a trend. Crimes seem to be headed NW. Laurelhurst crime on the rise. Day time burglaries on the rise. Why not more cops/patrols? Budget cuts. Not enough cops to go around. Small radio left on in a home is a good tactic. Install alarm system if you can afford it. Loud air horns outside to draw attention from other neighbors. Thinks our streets are too dark. More outside lights. Create noise. Keep valuables hidden or locked. Media is affecting the courage of the thieves. Vacations…talk to neighbors…set up a network to have folks watch your home if you are away. You can request an extra patrol if you are going to be gone for a duration. Make sure it’s clearly communicated. Sensor lights triggers a response as opposed to porch light that is constant.

SEUL- No notes. TBC.

9. Announcements (5 mins) Heather: Auction for Arch Heritage Center this wknd. Good programs this fall. Sat. at 6pm. Go to website. $100 includes meal. Tim: Blair Community garden. Funding secured from Laurelhurst Village. Set tentative date for Oct. 30th for first work party. Dane is pushing. Parks dragged their feet on this one. 40 beds planned. Most funds go to lumber for raised beds and ADA beds. + soil. Blair was person it was named for previously when it was under St. Joseph’s. How are people to secure plots? Lesly at parks says first invited are the folks who were there before (including some of the folks we’ve contacted) then the established wait-list generally pulling from locals then beyond to whomever or newcomers.Tim doubts the garden is on the city’s list yet. Reuben will write check for $2000 to Friends of Community Gardens via Tim.

10. Approve minutes September (2 mins) Gina moves to approve. Jane 2nds. All approve.

11. Next meeting Nov. 11th. 12. Adjourn 8:01pm.