Approved Minutes
Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, October 14, 2010 Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214
Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila, Tim Brooks, Heather Wilson, Bill Stites, Gina Binole
Neighbors and Guests: George Slanina
1. Approve agenda & September minutes (2 mins). Reuben loses voice. Tim & Jane take over. Motion to approve. 2nd. Approved. Tim moves to approve. Heather 2nd. Approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report (Jane 3 mins). Has all 2009 and 2010 figures to date. Has a few copies of that data. Jane has some observations. Very lucrative ’09. Fred Meyer/Parks WAMU insert/Newsletter advertising. $8000 revenue. Expenses $7200. Reviewing the records our revenue has gone down over time. We are running a tight ship this year. Overage now based on past revenues. Rainy day fund the excess? Notes the money to community garden. Balance is about $6000. Bill asks about newsletter budget covers expenses with slight gain. Clean up gives about $300 gain. What does IRS allow for gain? We don’t seem to fall into the parameters. We have had no complaints. If we have questions Jane will research for answers. Let’s talk about this again next month.
3. Finance Committee report (Jane & Tim 5 mins) Jane expresses lack of time to do much more for n’hood than what she does. Tim says they already reported on this. Gina asks how are books kept? Register/ledger/ check book. Bill asks if annual budget will be worked on? Yes.
4. Interacting with new website (MG 5 min) Who wants to be a ‘contributor’? If you want me to post, it needs to be in copy and paste format with links and jpg or pdf apparent. I will site you as the author. You should also tell me which category you would like it posted in and if you would likecomments enabled or disabled. If you send me an email but don’t direct me in subject line to post to website and/or facebook I will not pursue it. You will need to direct me so I don’t have to hunt you down.
5. HABA liaison & BSF leadership (5 mins). Bill reports that at BABA on Tue Nancy Chapin asked if Bill would request a rep from SNA for HABA meetings. Sunnyside is the north half of Hawthorne. Can we make this happen? Gina might consider being the liaison. Bill will connect Gina with Nancy. Barker really is retiring from BSF. BABA tossed the idea around to do monthly things instead of yearly event. Bill told them we want to keep the event. BABA has a sense of ownership of the event. $4000 profit. Who Made That Money? Tim is going to ask Barker about that. We echoed that we are Partners to the event. Tim was surprised to hear Barker’s concern that we wouldn’t want to handle it. Tim & Paul have been ready to take over the reigns entirely. Reuben suggests Tim & Paul show up to BABA meeting to make it known officially. Tim has written Barker emails about it. Bill will work to make that invite formal.
6. Do we want to partner with anyone on this grant cycle? (discussion 10 mins) Reuben mentioned Allen from RNA wants us to partner with them for more movies at Sewallcrest. Gina & Michele express that no one has actually made a formal proposal to us. Tim notes that George has been running a subcommittee for SNA that we have sponsored all along. There is a direct connection. Tim would like to help George organize the proposal. Conversation ensues to find out more about what they are doing and who is involved. George says they share skills and information and lobby the state legislature for jobs. They feel that if the private sector isn’t going to provide jobs then the Govt’ should. Reuben thinks Tim & Gina should help with the proposal and deadline is 2 wks from now. Jane moves that SNA be the lead sponsor for the grant application for the SN employment self help group. Heather 2nds. Discussion: SEUL manages the funds. Is this group being a subcommittee of SNA, can we do this? Bill asks if other proposals are floating around? Karen has one. Allen, less formal. Motion from Jane revised to SNA apply for neighborhood small grants funds for the neighborhood self employment group. Heather agrees to amend her 2nd. Motion Passes. Back to Karen proposal. Bill moves that the board preapproves letters of support for Karen & Allen projects so that it’s not a formal partnership. Tim 2nds. Discussion: what’s the value if weare going to undermine it? Not happy with the movie program so far. Let’s try to make it successful. Bill withdraws motion. Tim is cool with that.
7. Action items? Liquor licenses? Self-Help Grant proposal? (20 mins) We covered the grant proposal above and liquor licenses in the LUTC GNA report at general meeting.
8. Newsletter articles due September 15th.
Bill – Group GNA on Belmont Gina – SES/Laurelhurst Science projects, etc. Jane – Swan Song of a Quad leader Tim O – Depaving the SEUL parking lot Michele & Mark – Weatherization & Radon Tim B – Blair Garden (if dates are chosen)
9. Other Business Reuben. Lumber for Blair garden might be something he can work to help get. His Brother might be able to supply lumber at cheaper cost.
10. Adjourn 9:18pm