Approved Minutes
Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting Thursday, October 14, 2010 Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214
Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila, Tim Brooks, Heather Wilson, Bill Stites, Gina Binole
Neighbors and Guests: Jennifer Adams, Lee Greer, Colleen Welch, Officer Ryan Mele, Karen Hery, Emily Hery, Nicole Krueger, George Slanina
1. Introductions
2. Approve Agenda, circulate minutes (2 mins). Approved.
3. Communications Strategies: new directions/electronic media (MG 3 mins) Add cloud to categories
4. East Portland Historical Calendar Project (Heather 3 mins) Trying for 2012 calendar. Dana is applying for a grant. He will write proposal. $10 each. 100 calendars for SNA. Fundraiser. April 2011 submission of photo and text. Jane asks if we are obligated to pay for the 100 calendars upfront. Expresses concern about becoming salespeople. Reuben asks about production…are they cheaper for production? We like the idea. $700 profit if we sold them all. WE DON’T KNOW WHAT THE COST IS. Grant is to cover costs likely. We still have historical posters from ’88. $15 a piece then. They are for sale now. Ask Reuben. Heather suggests bringing them for holiday party. Move to support the calendar if there is no cost to SNA. 2nd. Approved.
5. Neighborhood Clean Up/Useful Goods Exchange future collaboration (Karen Hery 5 mins) Useful Goods is held 4 times per year at SES. 3 day event. Donated goods. Friday drop off. Sat swap. Grant funded through SNA initially. Coop has managed since. Now it happens in Methodist Church. Move to St. Stephens in conjunction with clean up. Gary Ballou is retiring from coordinator. Karen would like to take over the organizing. St. Stephens has approved with no fee but with cleaning deposit. How can SNA formally involve? GRANT due end of Oct. Do we have plans to sponsor any of the grants? Would like us to sponsor it. Do 2 clean ups makesense? Fall clean up is not something she can handle. Less funds from Metro available. Who will sponsor? How many per year? In what fashion shall we support/associate? Jane asks for clarification on sponsorship. Karen explains SNA requested funds. WHO ARE The PARTNERS? is part of the application. Heather asks about Karen’s non profit being based in WA (Winward) They had already formed in WA so it was easy to tag on to them instead of forming their own non- profit. Jane mentions Transition PDX is also looking to this grant $ for sustainability effort and asked if SNA is interested. Out of time but Reuben expresses desire to continue. Karen suggests Sustainability Committee to continue involvement and revokes her request saying they’ll work it out on their end.
6. Self-Help small grant application proposal (George Slanina 10 mins) Small amount of money for outreach for their group. Under represented groups. Funds 50% of last year. Goal is to get people employed. One grant per neighborhood. Are We Worthy? Lee asks how much $$ and what would you be doing with it. $500-$1000 for posters and outreach and surveys, to include some adjacent neighborhoods to start a potluck series. To cover out of pocket expenses like leaflets. Stipend is not realistic. Max is $5000 which is 1/4 of total fund ($20K). Concedes there are other worthy projects in the neighborhood. Promotional materials, event expenses, matching funds would include George produced video about their group (for every minute of project = one hour). Lee asks what % of match do they seek? George is not really sure but recites from the application and references the website. Jane mentions we cannot make a decision on the spot. Bill wonders if someone who understands the grant and even though neighborhood is limited to one grant many applications can input. Can NA sponsor several? Our endorsement has a lot of power according to attendee.
7. Group GNA on Belmont – Discussion (Bill 5 mins) New businesses on Belmont besieged with liquor license applications. Almost all new businesses are interested in serving alcohol. ONI, OLCC, SNA all involved to create dialogue to prevent problems. Noise issues from rear facing patios primary concern. Refers to Upper Hawthorne group GNA and its success. Has regular meetings. Businesses and neighbors get to meet each other. Meet about twice per year. Putting together a group GNA for Belmont. 32nd-37th is kind of the hot spot. Frank Silva is facilitating.
8. Committee Reports (15 mins) Sustainability- Jane reports that the SES offered a service credit to 8th
graders for emergency preparedness in lieu of meeting. Hoping to work with the school for EP in the ‘hood.
LUTC- Most of report was the Group GNA.
CP- Officer Mele from east precinct reports. Burglaries on the rise but not a trend. Crimes seem to be headed NW. Laurelhurst crime on the rise. Day time burglaries on the rise. Why not more cops/patrols? Budget cuts. Not enough cops to go around. Small radio left on in a home is a good tactic. Install alarm system if you can afford it. Loud air horns outside to draw attention from other neighbors. Thinks our streets are too dark. More outside lights. Create noise. Keep valuables hidden or locked. Media is affecting the courage of the thieves. Vacations…talk to neighbors…set up a network to have folks watch your home if you are away. You can request an extra patrol if you are going to be gone for a duration. Make sure it’s clearly communicated. Sensor lights triggers a response as opposed to porch light that is constant.
SEUL- No notes. TBC.
9. Announcements (5 mins) Heather: Auction for Arch Heritage Center this wknd. Good programs this fall. Sat. at 6pm. Go to website. $100 includes meal. Tim: Blair Community garden. Funding secured from Laurelhurst Village. Set tentative date for Oct. 30th for first work party. Dane is pushing. Parks dragged their feet on this one. 40 beds planned. Most funds go to lumber for raised beds and ADA beds. + soil. Blair was person it was named for previously when it was under St. Joseph’s. How are people to secure plots? Lesly at parks says first invited are the folks who were there before (including some of the folks we’ve contacted) then the established wait-list generally pulling from locals then beyond to whomever or newcomers.Tim doubts the garden is on the city’s list yet. Reuben will write check for $2000 to Friends of Community Gardens via Tim.
10. Approve minutes September (2 mins) Gina moves to approve. Jane 2nds. All approve.
11. Next meeting Nov. 11th. 12. Adjourn 8:01pm.