Leaf Removal in Sunnyside

There has been a lot of conversation on this topic since it’s leaf season. Here is some helpful information for neighbors to determine if they are in a leaf removal zone and how to opt out should you choose. As well as some tips to keep in mind like parking elsewhere when the time comes.

Overall, most of Sunnyside is NOT in a leaf removal zone. Therefore, you must collect and dispose of your leaves yourselves. The city will not collect/sweep your street. It is vital for folks to pick up leaves, particularly in the streets where water collects and prevents proper drainage for traffic & pedestrians to move about safely.

It appears that these sections of Sunnyside have leaf removal service: 28th to 30th  is included as are the blocks on SE Washington between 37th and 33rd, and the four block-long sections between Stark and Washington at 33rd, 35th, 37th, and 39th. 2010 leaf districts. If you are in a leaf removal district you would have received a notice in October informing you which days the crews will come through.

If you are in a leaf removal district, you can also go through a process to OPT OUT.

More can be found here at City of Portland’s Transportation site as it pertains to Leaf Removal. It’s a great idea for all to know the schedule so you don’t park on one of the streets the day of leaf removal.




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