September 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Paul Loney, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila,

Tim Brooks, Bill Stites, Heather Wilson, Gina Binole

Guests: Tim O’Neal, Ann Dufay, Peter N., Jeff C

1. Approve Agenda. Paul moves as modified. Jane. Approved.

2. Finance Committee Report. Tim produces his report. Notes he and Allen had worked at same time and coincidentally their times overlapped. Easy to run through for any proposal. Covers requests for donations and letters of support. 4 guidelines. (outlined them). Patterns after SEUL form to request information from someone who is seeking. What it’s covering, leveraged funds, donated funds. Tim suggest a test run of this. Bill offers feedback stating it’s excellent. Curious about caps on per year amount of donations. Tim notes item 4 addresses funding caps. Discussion follows along of setting donations as budget line. Paul moves we adopt this then next election time review by new board to see success. Jane seconds. Heather asks about charitable contributions. Tim explains that Equity was added to explain disparity in neighborhood. For instance the tokens for Farmer’s Market food stamp users. MG expresses concern that new board reviews and offers that this board reviews prior to election. PUT ON WORK PLAN IN APRIL TO REVIEW. Amendment accepted. All approved. Bill states we have no budget. Reuben reminds us that we have numbers roughly that can be presented. Reuben & Jane will work on a budget.

3. Tree Planting. Funding request. Cost for 2011 is $50 per tree. Scholarship trees program. Michele mentions 32nd tree removal. Tim is going to write STern letter regarding PGE landscape issues. Request is money for trees only. $300 = 6 trees. Tim motions to approve. Paul 2nd. Approved.

4. Check in with Tim O’Neal (SEUL)

Annual board training in September. 23rd 6-9pm. For new & seasoned. Overview of community involvement. About ONI, SEUL, SNA. Register in advance. 28th 6-9pm in Northeast if you cannot attend. 29th spin-off of lunch tour coalition wide. Starts at Migration 28th & Glisan. Informal to hang out with other neighborhood leaders. Permits approved for onsite stormwater. Depaving parking lot, bioswale, raingardens. 4H is involved. Oct 16th is tentative date for groundbreaking. Tim Brooks asks if they want a space at Fair. Gonna crowd the SNA table. 🙂

5. Purpose of newsletter and ads discussion

Reuben: Kevin Levy request for sponsorship. Newsletter ad. Led to this discussion about finite room for ads. Jane states waiting list for businesses. With all the new businesses around, how can we invite more to advertise. Sunset the current advertisers. Heather says it doesn’t seem fair. Discussion follows. We decided to put together a proposal for electronic adds for another meeting. Ann Dufay wants to check on guidelines regarding Non-Profits advertising for profit.

6. Blair Community Garden Funding

Tim says Laurelhurst Village hasn’t convinced boss for $2000 so they have raised $1000 for soil. Doesn’t know if our $2000 donation was conditioned to match. Got a match from Portland community garden for $2000. So we have $5000. Which is what was budgeted. Bill asks about water contribution. They will fix the shed. Parks will manage.  Paul asks if water was part of the original land use agreement. Bill says it sounds reasonable for those dollars + water. Water supplied indefinitely. GET IT IN WRITING. Who maintains the pipes?

7. Request from Buckman’s Farmer’s Market to extend program in sponsorship for grant application. Ann clarifies that grant program encourages grantees to form partnerships with neighborhood associations. Fresh Exchange is a fiscal sponsor program currently. Notes they have done well. Paul wonders…access to good quality food. But how does this build neighborhood capacity? Nov. 11th is the grant deadline. We have several people approach us for grant sponsorship. Michele wants to see it on next agenda to discuss WHO we actually want to sponsor.

8. Belmont St. Fair table. NA table is hosted by Jane. Transition Sunnyside leaflet. Plus the Know Your Neighborhood pamphlet. Sunnyside Banner. Transition banner. A draft of accomplishments by this board. Need help. Bathroom breaks. Etc…Jane needs help erecting canopy for booth. Funds for materials from sustainability committee.

9. Newsletter articles (due September 15). We’re good on newsletter article contributions. Heather clarifies that Fred Meyer will buy trees and fund concrete cutting. FOTT does the labor.

10. Action items

August board meeting minutes.  Paul moved to approve, Michele 2nd. Approved!

11. Other Business. None.

12. Meeting Adjourn. Time: 9:25.


September 2010 General Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214


Board Members Present: Jane Pullman, Heather Wilson, Bill Stites, Tim Brooks, Michele Gila, Reuben Deumling, Gina Binole, Paul Loney

Neighbors and Guests: Katherine Anderson, Josh Palmer, John Barker, Allen Field, Rodolfo Serna, Lee Greer, Karen Hery, Emily Hery, George Lederer, Jeff Cole, Daniel Caplan, Kelley Roy,  Peter Nierengarten, Kate Simer, Terry Richardson, Kevin Corcoran, Jeanne Longley, Tim O’Neal, Anne Dufay, Doug Klotz

1. Introductions

2. Approve Agenda Approved

3. P:EAR Mural Project (Rodolfo Serra & Esteban Camacho)

Rodolfo. Works with PEAR. This is NOT the Chavez project but a multi organization project. Mentor program for homeless youth. Showed a slideshow of projects, including Marshall HS mural. Powell, Lombard, K’worth, Alberta also have sites. Emphasis on mentoring, to bring college age youth to go into schools for mentoring younger people. Sometimes up to 400 people involved in creating the mural. Students help to design the piece. Community art. Would like in put from us for the project. Once piece is finished, then a cultural blessing/celebration/thanks. Bringing young people of covers backgrounds to show Unity. Kids research then submit drawings. He then brings it all together into a design. Afro/Asian/Latino/Native groups joining. Por Que No location for the west side of the building. Neighbor expresses sadness that Chavez mural isn’t happening. Asked if SNA would still have it eventually. Expresses support. He’s a social worker. Another neighbor echos such sentiment. He lives across from Belmont Library. Has 90 long foot wall to offer. Rodolfo explains the new locale might be further north on CC Blvd. Reuben asks if there is something we can do to support. Rodolfo asks for a letter of support from SNA to apply for his grant. Reuben says we would need more info to supply this letter. Allen asked if owner of Por Que No was in support. Rodolfo says YES. What grant? LELAC grant. SEUL is another he thinks. In working with RACC his experience feels letters of support really help. Trying not to impart his ideas but rather leaving it to the kids/community. Tim asked if he has a grant application for this project. Rodolfo will send that to us. Doug from RNA expresses that he doesn’t like murals. Rodolfo speaks to that to say it’s the PROCESS that inspires him.

4. Belmont Street Fair. John Barker updates: final touches. 160 vendor spots sold out. Waiting list of 15. Shuttles 33 to 20. Then trolly to 33-47th. Looking for folks upper end to wear shirts for trolly. Karen has ambitious footprint for swap shop coop. Parking lot behind belmont market and turned it into mirror of their play area. Includes Roost Lounge. DJ, Foosball, Air Hockey. Hip hop dancers. Replicating the labyrinth. Do Jump will stilt and juggling pit. Nothing costs $. Just a relaxing retreat. Wants feedback afterward. First Aid tent will be present. SES has farmer’s market from student grown produce. Book sale maybe? Selling donated books to get money for new books for the school library. Accepting book donations. Proceeds from veggies go back to fund school garden. SNA will have booth next to SES with info about projects regarding emergency preparedness & accomplishments. Needs a few helpers to help with the bouncy thing. All volunteers to party at Hoda’s night before. Safety talk. Josh is volunteer coordinator. 2-3 hour shifts. Cargo bike display at park by Bill, including electric assist. There will also be the neighborhood green again. John reminds us that after his 9 years he is retiring from this position.

5. Bagdad Film Fundraiser

RNA/SNA collaboration. Tim & Allen overview. It is not fun for families afterall. Now it’s 21+. Sunday Sept. 19th at Bagdad. Reminds us via Katherine that we have GNA with them to donate space each year to us. Silent movie set to live music. Need 180 people to break even. Seats 600. Tickets on sale now as well as at the door. $10. We have images to print. Allen printed up postcard side handouts to passerby. Allen expresses desire to do this yearly. Mentions consolidating next year with Belmont Street Fair for postering.

6. Liquor Licensed, Outhouse LLC etc…

Reuben points out a bunch of new establishments applying for liquor licenses. Comment period for Outhouse is reaching expiration. Mentioned Hop House and we expired before we had time to meet. Patio is an issue. Circa 33 is the new name. Owner is on vacation. Comment period expires 9/11. Paul’s been asking for extensions. Katherine posted OLCC impact area at city hall event. Karla Morelove. 823-4086. karla.more-love. POST TO FB & WEBSITE. 32-37th avenues general GNA like Upper Hawthorne. Bill clarifies that we need a group meeting Paul agrees to get everyone in the same room to show we aren’t applying certain rules to the individual and not the other. Frank Silva might need to get involved. This Monday LUTC meeting will deal with this too to further it.

7. Tree Planting 2011 (Peter N. & Jeff C.)

Jeff Cole new volunteer neighborhood coordinator for friends of trees for SNA. Acknowledged Peter N for doing it all these years. Peter will continue with bike crews. Key dates: get the word out in newsletter or whatever. Planting date is Jan. 22. Sign up Deadline 12/20. Order deadline 1/9. GO to website, create account as part of that you can request curb side vs. in your own yard. Then inspector from BES comes to site to check for suitability for tree choice. Then the trees can be ordered. [email protected] goes to Jeff. Community building event + planting trees. Reuben asked for short article. Peter talks unique aspect is the crew done by bike cargo trailer to haul trees tools stakes. Doing it again this year! Let Jeff know if you are interested in being on the bike crew.

8. Committee Reports:

Sustainability – Nothing to report this month. But national emergency preparedness month. Please come to BSF table Sunday. Trying to work with city to get trainings. Know Your Neighbor. Step by step intro to EP and planning. Intent is collaborative effort between neighbors. Will share the Know Your Neighbor pamphlet at the Fair.

LUTC- Paul. Main issue alcohol establishments. Heather asks about clarification on Clearwire.

Crime Prevention- Chuck not here to report. Katherine mentions prescription drug turn in agin. 9/18 10-4pm at Gateway Fred Meyer. Safe & Proper disposal.

SEUL- Jane introduces the coalition for 20 SE neighborhoods. Introduces Tim and Ann. Board meets monthly first monday of the month. 2 new board members seated. Reed(way?) neighborhood was one. SE PDX getting press in Oregonian. Carol Cushman League of Women Voters ballot measure. Staff put together their work plan and presented it. Board approved 4pt strategic plan. Ann commented that it was developed by staff and board. Kristin starting intern project.

9. Announcements

Karen Hery: Methodist Church becoming sustainable. In the black on operating. Renovations ahead? Roof repairs done more to come. Improve heating. Newsletter idea: 3rd autumn fest. Do Jump dinner/silent auction. $30 per family. Spaghetti dinner.

Heather: update on peacock lane historic designation. Try to have that for newsletter & media. Someone from city & state to inform neighbors.

Jeannine. League of women voters. Yes on 26-108. SEUL signed on to coalition. Asks for our help. Renewing current program.

Katherine Anderson: group liquor license GNA. Upper Hawthorne semi annual meetings. Wed Oct 6th at the 47/Burnside traffic building.

Dan Green Micro Gym. 34th north of Belmont near Hodas & Side Street Tavern. Small gym. Cardio equip into electricity grid. Connecting with other local businesses.

Reuben: we have a newsletter & fb & list serve.

Paul asks Gina for info for school starting news. Portables host 2 5th grade classes. New landscaping. Teachers are happy to be there. Special Ed was affected by budget cuts. But kept PE. Harvest Fair is a community event, not just SES event. A bloom of kindergarteners on their way.

10. Approve August Minutes. Tim Moves. Paul second. Approved.

11. Next Meeting October 14th

12. Adjourn. Time: 8:05pm.



August Board of Directors Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, August 12, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Paul Loney, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila,

Tim Brooks, Chuck Lawrence, Bill Stites, Heather Wilson, Gina Binole

Guests: Allen Field, Mary Ann Schwab

Paul moved approve agenda. Approved.

Michele asks Were Board meeting agenda approved last month? No one thinks they were officially, however it did follow that order.

1. Allen from RNA. Decision needed for SNA $187 contribution. Jane moves we support. Bill asks question. Michele 2nds motion. Motion passes. What can we do? GET THE WORD OUT. Reminds us of their promise to host annual fundraiser. Reuben discusses cost of color printing. Newsletter insertion? Side bar preferred. Promote at Belmont street Fair. Heather suggests at the produce booth. We table printing costs until after item #3. RNA has account at UPS store and hopes to tap that. Jane asks about Bagdad advertising. Alan talks about Press Release for it to WW. When does RNA need check from Treasurer. Reuben will coordinate that with Jane.

2. Put this whole communications topic on next board agenda. ASK TONY to join. An overview: Agenda will be on dry erase board. Minutes distributed via email prior to meetings to cut down on print waste. Michele will bring hard copy of all to each meeting just in case. Also discussed developing an email list of all neighbors who attend so as Bud suggested we can reach out and Welcome each new attendee and give them info on neighborhood meetings etc…Facebook logo in newsletter? Working on the new website. Renew domain name. $14.97 per year on WordPress. Cost savings from current site. Jane asked for People Get Ready to be a committee category, as well as SEUL. Talked about basically including all that is on current website. Michele reminds everyone there is a subscribe button to the web blog.

3. Budget. On back of function order for film project exists subcommittee report.

Paul points out it’s more than a subcommittee report. Doesn’t seem useful.

Long term balance of $4000 in account. Paul wants to see the technical of How We Do It? Paul is looking for procedure. MAS points out past donation to children’s club is still sitting in the basement. Jane thought the task was to develop budget. Reuben thinks the meat is criteria and dollar amount. Bill asks what our annual income is and no one seems to know. About $9000 in account. Tim wants to connect with Paul on the structure. We all don’t follow this report. Back to drawing board.

4. Chuck wants to give report. Jae’s Market before & after photos. 47/Belmont. Hooray!

5. Board focus 2010. Suggestion for theme or sustainability or something so we organize meetings around. Reuben finds we aren’t doing that due to obvious reasons. Should we rescue the theme? Do we want  agenda items for the theme? Jane suggests being proactive. Newsletters can organize around the theme. At what point do we manage things that aren’t that crucial, Jane asks. Be a bit more purposeful. To take more of a leadership role. Thinks we are primarily reactive. Paul brings up history of 2 hour General and 2 hour Board meetings. Heather suggests committee reports at beginning of the meetings while we have most people here to get them interested in joining committees.

6. Michele reminds all of our annual retreat outline for website & newsletter update. September is Back to school. Clean up. Milk jugs. Street Fair. Mural project. (Tim thinks we need to invite everyone to next meeting if we are going to take a position.) Paul asks if they have permission from FM yet? Doesn’t sound like it.

7. Since SNA & RNA both support tree planting on FM site we will put this in newsletter. Heather promises not to drop the ball. She still has the info.

8. Tim will get Gulliver’s article together.

9. 9:26 meeting adjourned.

August General Meeting Minutes

August Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting Thursday, August 12, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Paul Loney, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila,

Tim Brooks, Chuck Lawrence, Bill Stites, Heather Wilson, Gina Binole

Neighbors and Guests: Lee Greer, Al Stern, Esteban Camacho, Allen Field, Taro Tomisawa, Doug Klotz, Elinor Friedberg, Karl Blume, Peter Hutkins, Thalis Begun, Kirk Baillie, Daniel Fogg, Kevin Levy, Blaine Bartholomew, John Barker, Phaedra Cole, Kate Schoninger, Carmen Viciconte, Lee Silverman, Matt Pearson, Steven Topp, Shiho Ikeda, Natsumi Hata, Naobumi Yamada, Michael Gray, Charlotte Kemp, Katherine Anderson, Ken Diener, Diane Phillips, SE Hayes

1. Introductions

2. Approve Agenda- Approved

3. Clearwire – Reuben reviews the state of affairs. One LUTC meeting. Steven Topp is here with 2 other reps from C’Wire.

(Bill interjects with reminder on timer)

Facility in the general neighborhood is proposed. 29/Yamhill. No photo sims at initial meeting then went to Topp. Looked about for alternate location at 32/Yamhill. Had meeting with neighbors and took tour of both sites. Outside power station amendable with PGE. Relative height. flush mount at top. no shroud. Can add if desired. Equip. cab NOT in yard. Right of way in vault, adjacent to. Underground in the street in vault. He said 91′ won’t require another meeting to meet requirement of City. WHAT IS LOCATION? asks Reuben. On street outside fenced compound. SE asks if construction has started. NO. Katherine asks about dimension of pole and what is ‘shrouding’. Pole 21″ diameter at top. 6″ antenna on 3 sides. “or might be more”. Verified 3 from C’wire engineer. Microwave dish antenna on top of that. Photos sims will be circulated by request. What color? painted brown or rusted oxidation. 24″ at bottom. WHY in RES? Poles are way shorter on Belmont and can only go up 15′ from there so signal won’t work. 45% of ht of pole or 15 feet, whichever is less. Heather clarifies base diameter. Says photo is out of line. “I THINK” is his answer. Might be bigger. Rambled on about pole replacement. Reuben clarifies on SE question about the ratio for height of poles.

Fellow C’Wire person chimes in about amount of signal. If shorter pole they’d have to go 2 sites, so to keep it 1 pole, it’s tall. Reuben asks about height of building install. Said it’s specific to location. Reuben asks if space on the poles going to be leased to others. Topp says THEY won’t lease but PGE owns the pole. Possibility to grow with more. Gina asks about customer gas on future growth in various neighborhoods. NO INFO he says. Topp has no idea what their customer base is. In order to have on site it must be 90′. How far with next pole? “Hole in the systems” is the engineer response. Talks about each location to be specifically different. But the math still doesn’t make a difference.

Tim brings up 2 small pole idea. In the interest of n’hood friendly, why not 2 shorter poles along Belmont? Tim clarifies that it hasn’t been looked at and doesn’t know if it would work or not. C’wire gal says PGE says they can’t add to poles that wire transmit or criss cross. Tim points out again that  it appears it hasn’t been explored. ‘system is highly designed’ and have to integrate into our existing system. Must be precise, says Engineer. Jane asks about demise of C’wire. Who will take down poles. Topp says they’ll be removed. Performance Bond on all poles. Topp asks if antenna or both the pole. They will lease pole from PGE. C’wire is subsidiary of Sprint. Reubuen asks to be kept in the loop.

4. Safeway Remodel. Ken Deener joins and Diane Phillips. Astoria model, as typical Safeway store, peaked roof, fuel station. parking lot. Since then they have gone to the more urban design…Lloyd center etc… Tried to bring in elements they’ve seen around, tile, arches, brick, low profile. More urban. Comes right to street, no set back. NE corner of site remains at Hawthorne.  29th & 27th access underground parking. Truck traffic comes through signal at 27th and exits site on Hawthorne. Bike parking question by Jane & Doug from  Richmond also commented on more bike parking needed. Diane says she can get us that info. Added bike parking at each entry + covered bike parking. Jane clarifies to ask for wanting more bike parking…are they amenable to adding more? Diane says they are in full compliance with BDS codes. Starbucks will be at the one corner with indoor and outdoor seating, on property, not on right of way. 56000 sf will be new store. Katherine asks bout crime prevention through environmental design. And if they can be involved to look at plans about congregating around existing site. Once it’s built then it’s hard to change. Diane said they are open to suggestions.Parking lot will close when store closes. Says they are cleaning up the back. Apologizes. Hoping to clean that up and Maxi lighting. Katherine brings up light pollution. Tim asks if they are going to look at green roof. She said no not in this location. “Business” reasons “Not here”. Tim mentions PR would support Ecoroof. Tim says this would be a good experiment. Heather asks if structure could support Ecoroof. “I don’t know” says Diane. Paul asks about crime prevention regarding bottle and can return. IN basement/garage. Green standards at all? Recycling materials. Taking grease containers and testing them indoors to recycle. Eliminating compactors and recycling more materials. Buys offsets for trucks/wind power. Parking access on 27th across from Funeral Home. Window/door opening is larger. It’s a daylite corner because it follows the level of the street.

5. Hawthorne Open. Kevin Levy. Sep 19th could move if need be to another date. 62 houses in Hawthorne District. SEUL allows a booth in parking lot if a non-profit will sponsor his project.  Making map for biking route of the Open. Refreshments. Reuben asks about sponsorship. Needs non-profit sponsorship. Wants SNA sponsorship. Are is roughly SE 30th-SE 50th, Stark-Division. It’s coming up for Richmond Assn and their issue is coming up with guidelines. How do you get around underlying issue of non-profit. We use SEUL non-profit status. So it doesn’t really make sense. Reuben confirms that ours doesn’t exist. Kevin doesn’t know that PMAR is a non-profit after Michele suggests asking them for sponsorship. Kevin wants an announcement in newsletter. SEUL non profit purpose…is this consistent. FOR PROFIT concerns. We get the spirit.  Michele asks Kevin to talk later about going to PMAR.

6. Formation of working group for SES…

Reuben preamble. Just an idea.  Use/access.: Parties, School, pps, parks, occasionally SNA and lesser degree “just neighbors”. Overall process less than idea. Marlys was notified of our objection to process. Motion to convene a smaller group of folks who live here, use park, send kids there etc…interested in the continuation of it remaining a park. City Level agencies not a part of the effort. That’s the idea because they don’t seem to take local input. Jane asks for clarification on concept. How it will be utilized? Reuben points out not everyone is happy with the way things are happening now. Thinking long term of livability…a group to get together without purpose, but just to talk and have open communication about the on-going issues with Parks or PPS hijacking the purpose. Gina thinks without purpose how could it be a committee, but perhaps rather quarterly coffee meeting. Bill echoes the quarterly coffee in neutral location. Heather asks if it could then be an agenda item on regular meetings. At least these meetings bring us together and have room for more contribution from those not so in the loop. Jane likes idea. Face to face. Mending. Tim clarifies that this process wasn’t hijacked by PPS or Parks. But by others. George Slanina mentions this past board elections and neighbor turn-out…community interest in that issue. Neighbor asks for mediation assistance possibility. MAS confused about boulders. Very upset. Path is clear and patrolled and watched. Boulders are dangerous in her opinion. Church’s children’s club is upset. Jeff Milkes is working his best to work with regular users. PPS and Principal needs to place more staff on playground if the final thought.

7. Committee Reports

Sustainability – focusing on emergency preparedness. Talk to Jane or Jeanne or Reuben for more.

Crime – photos supplied by Chuck of before and after for graffiti removal.

LUTC- no agenda items this month. 2 new liquor apps at hawthorne hop house 4111 Hawthorne. Just starting to delve into that. East half of IABP…looks like changed owners to Sunnyside Outhouse. Outdoor patio under consideration for outdoor seating until midnite. Not as upscale.

SEUL – Jane. 8/2 staff meeting for SEUL put together work plan for a strategic direction. Encouraging board to develop a work plan. Jane walked away with a How could SNA take advantage of SEUL offerings and how can we work together to make better use of the resources? What would be helpful to SNA to bring from those meetings and what can Jane bring to them. Seeking better connection.

8. Minutes. June Minutes. No changes. Jane moves to approve General minutes. Bill 2nd. Motion carries.

July – Jane moves approval . Lee 2nd. Motion carries.

9. Announcements. Gina says Kern Hery’s daughter and friends are providing babysitting for NA. Starting in September. Gets service hours through SES. Karen also getting the word out regarding Back to School Exchange in basement of church.

Esteban. Looking for support for his art project. Wants to work with Richmond, Laurelhurst, SNA and SEUL for mural project on Hawthorne Fred Meyer. Premise that FM started in OR. Portland Commission of HIspanic Affairs in support. Fruit Picking and employees organizing produce and customers buying. To show the circle of where the food comes from. Wants to hear our thoughts. Allen says at RNA we talked about planting trees at that sidewalk. Wants to propose native vegetation to go with this theme of agriculture. Did a mural at PSU LEED building at school of social work. Wants a letter of support then will work via email for design approval. Pear is one of the sponsors of the project. They are the ones organizing the hispanic youth. Reuben hopes for help with Rodolfo for letter in newsletter for our Sep. meeting. Involves Ceasr Chavez mural. Will it get into the politics? He wants our feedback. Mural will show the history. On agenda for next month. Jane states support. Kevin Levy hugely supports.

Katherine Anderson. Crime prevention program. Prescription drug turn in. Environmental impact concerns…proper disposal so not abused by others. Gateway Fred Meyer collection site. September 18th 10-4. She’ll have something ready for newsletter.

BIll SHIFT list organizing a memorial for Thurs 19th at 6:45. Would be his 40th b-day. Died at 28th. 37/Taylor. 7:15 Ride of Silence.

George. Question for board. Are we going to take a position on the C’Wire pole?

Alan August 21st. Richmond. Movies in the Park Silent Film. Sewallcrest Park. The Lost World. In 1991 Baghdad to do annual fundraiser for Richmond and SNA and so it’s being negotiated for this to happen. Terms of contract distributed to neighbors present. Split the cost between RNA & SNA. RNA wrote the $375 on Monday. Needs $187 from SNA. Sep. 19th Gulliver’s Travels. $10 tickets. Fundraiser for both NAs. 187 people to break even. 600 capacity theater. Press releases/slides at all McMens. No guarantee to band. MAS moves to support. Paul says Out of Order. Paul moves to adjourn meeting.

Meeting Adjourned.

July 9, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order 8:25

1. Approve agenda, minutes – tabled until next meeting

2. Actions on Blair Community Garden? – no actions to take

3. Time management during meetings – ideas – Need to be equitable and fair, particularly to people showing up later in the agenda. Talked about various time-keeping items, chimes, clocks, timekeepers, etc. Just say in the beginning of the meeting, for the sake of equity. Bill made a motion that we start using a timer set for each section, agenda item, based on the pre-written amount and that’s a simple guide to keep us on time. We will check in on time in a few months and guide our progress. We indicate during general announcements. Heather seconded the motion. The only caveat Jane mentioned would be that to be too rigid, would not be good. Need to have some flexibility if emotions are running high and not just cut people off. Tim abstained.

4. Finance subcommittee report does not exist because it has not met. Would like to support the Fresh Exchange, but hesitant to do so without this report. Let’s not discuss this further if we’re not going to do anything with it. One option is contingent is that provided that the committee says we’re OK, the board would like to support this at some level.

5. Sponsorship of Fresh Exchange for One Month. Will table this until the committee comes up with its guidelines. The finance committee will come up with a date before we leave this room to meet.

6. Newsletter articles —

7. Other Business – mason jars – Bill will bring it up to BABA, this land is our land sponsored by SEUL, 7 p.m. Thursday the 29th. WAMA just be aware.SEUL handbook, how to make the meetings are more friendly. If people feel like they can’t come, can’t find a sitter. A volunteer opportunity to participate. Would check that out. Advertised in back-to-school things.

8. Adjourn