July 9, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order 8:25

1. Approve agenda, minutes – tabled until next meeting

2. Actions on Blair Community Garden? – no actions to take

3. Time management during meetings – ideas – Need to be equitable and fair, particularly to people showing up later in the agenda. Talked about various time-keeping items, chimes, clocks, timekeepers, etc. Just say in the beginning of the meeting, for the sake of equity. Bill made a motion that we start using a timer set for each section, agenda item, based on the pre-written amount and that’s a simple guide to keep us on time. We will check in on time in a few months and guide our progress. We indicate during general announcements. Heather seconded the motion. The only caveat Jane mentioned would be that to be too rigid, would not be good. Need to have some flexibility if emotions are running high and not just cut people off. Tim abstained.

4. Finance subcommittee report does not exist because it has not met. Would like to support the Fresh Exchange, but hesitant to do so without this report. Let’s not discuss this further if we’re not going to do anything with it. One option is contingent is that provided that the committee says we’re OK, the board would like to support this at some level.

5. Sponsorship of Fresh Exchange for One Month. Will table this until the committee comes up with its guidelines. The finance committee will come up with a date before we leave this room to meet.

6. Newsletter articles —

7. Other Business – mason jars – Bill will bring it up to BABA, this land is our land sponsored by SEUL, 7 p.m. Thursday the 29th. WAMA just be aware.SEUL handbook, how to make the meetings are more friendly. If people feel like they can’t come, can’t find a sitter. A volunteer opportunity to participate. Would check that out. Advertised in back-to-school things.

8. Adjourn


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