Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, August 12, 2010
Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214
Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Paul Loney, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila,
Tim Brooks, Chuck Lawrence, Bill Stites, Heather Wilson, Gina Binole
Guests: Allen Field, Mary Ann Schwab
Paul moved approve agenda. Approved.
Michele asks Were Board meeting agenda approved last month? No one thinks they were officially, however it did follow that order.
1. Allen from RNA. Decision needed for SNA $187 contribution. Jane moves we support. Bill asks question. Michele 2nds motion. Motion passes. What can we do? GET THE WORD OUT. Reminds us of their promise to host annual fundraiser. Reuben discusses cost of color printing. Newsletter insertion? Side bar preferred. Promote at Belmont street Fair. Heather suggests at the produce booth. We table printing costs until after item #3. RNA has account at UPS store and hopes to tap that. Jane asks about Bagdad advertising. Alan talks about Press Release for it to WW. When does RNA need check from Treasurer. Reuben will coordinate that with Jane.
2. Put this whole communications topic on next board agenda. ASK TONY to join. An overview: Agenda will be on dry erase board. Minutes distributed via email prior to meetings to cut down on print waste. Michele will bring hard copy of all to each meeting just in case. Also discussed developing an email list of all neighbors who attend so as Bud suggested we can reach out and Welcome each new attendee and give them info on neighborhood meetings etc…Facebook logo in newsletter? Working on the new website. Renew domain name. $14.97 per year on WordPress. Cost savings from current site. Jane asked for People Get Ready to be a committee category, as well as SEUL. Talked about basically including all that is on current website. Michele reminds everyone there is a subscribe button to the web blog.
3. Budget. On back of function order for film project exists subcommittee report.
Paul points out it’s more than a subcommittee report. Doesn’t seem useful.
Long term balance of $4000 in account. Paul wants to see the technical of How We Do It? Paul is looking for procedure. MAS points out past donation to children’s club is still sitting in the basement. Jane thought the task was to develop budget. Reuben thinks the meat is criteria and dollar amount. Bill asks what our annual income is and no one seems to know. About $9000 in account. Tim wants to connect with Paul on the structure. We all don’t follow this report. Back to drawing board.
4. Chuck wants to give report. Jae’s Market before & after photos. 47/Belmont. Hooray!
5. Board focus 2010. Suggestion for theme or sustainability or something so we organize meetings around. Reuben finds we aren’t doing that due to obvious reasons. Should we rescue the theme? Do we want agenda items for the theme? Jane suggests being proactive. Newsletters can organize around the theme. At what point do we manage things that aren’t that crucial, Jane asks. Be a bit more purposeful. To take more of a leadership role. Thinks we are primarily reactive. Paul brings up history of 2 hour General and 2 hour Board meetings. Heather suggests committee reports at beginning of the meetings while we have most people here to get them interested in joining committees.
6. Michele reminds all of our annual retreat outline for website & newsletter update. September is Back to school. Clean up. Milk jugs. Street Fair. Mural project. (Tim thinks we need to invite everyone to next meeting if we are going to take a position.) Paul asks if they have permission from FM yet? Doesn’t sound like it.
7. Since SNA & RNA both support tree planting on FM site we will put this in newsletter. Heather promises not to drop the ball. She still has the info.
8. Tim will get Gulliver’s article together.
9. 9:26 meeting adjourned.