Approved Minutes
Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2010
Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214
Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Paul Loney, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila,
Tim Brooks, Bill Stites, Heather Wilson, Gina Binole
Guests: Tim O’Neal, Ann Dufay, Peter N., Jeff C
1. Approve Agenda. Paul moves as modified. Jane. Approved.
2. Finance Committee Report. Tim produces his report. Notes he and Allen had worked at same time and coincidentally their times overlapped. Easy to run through for any proposal. Covers requests for donations and letters of support. 4 guidelines. (outlined them). Patterns after SEUL form to request information from someone who is seeking. What it’s covering, leveraged funds, donated funds. Tim suggest a test run of this. Bill offers feedback stating it’s excellent. Curious about caps on per year amount of donations. Tim notes item 4 addresses funding caps. Discussion follows along of setting donations as budget line. Paul moves we adopt this then next election time review by new board to see success. Jane seconds. Heather asks about charitable contributions. Tim explains that Equity was added to explain disparity in neighborhood. For instance the tokens for Farmer’s Market food stamp users. MG expresses concern that new board reviews and offers that this board reviews prior to election. PUT ON WORK PLAN IN APRIL TO REVIEW. Amendment accepted. All approved. Bill states we have no budget. Reuben reminds us that we have numbers roughly that can be presented. Reuben & Jane will work on a budget.
3. Tree Planting. Funding request. Cost for 2011 is $50 per tree. Scholarship trees program. Michele mentions 32nd tree removal. Tim is going to write STern letter regarding PGE landscape issues. Request is money for trees only. $300 = 6 trees. Tim motions to approve. Paul 2nd. Approved.
4. Check in with Tim O’Neal (SEUL)
Annual board training in September. 23rd 6-9pm. For new & seasoned. Overview of community involvement. About ONI, SEUL, SNA. Register in advance. 28th 6-9pm in Northeast if you cannot attend. 29th spin-off of lunch tour coalition wide. Starts at Migration 28th & Glisan. Informal to hang out with other neighborhood leaders. Permits approved for onsite stormwater. Depaving parking lot, bioswale, raingardens. 4H is involved. Oct 16th is tentative date for groundbreaking. Tim Brooks asks if they want a space at Fair. Gonna crowd the SNA table. 🙂
5. Purpose of newsletter and ads discussion
Reuben: Kevin Levy request for sponsorship. Newsletter ad. Led to this discussion about finite room for ads. Jane states waiting list for businesses. With all the new businesses around, how can we invite more to advertise. Sunset the current advertisers. Heather says it doesn’t seem fair. Discussion follows. We decided to put together a proposal for electronic adds for another meeting. Ann Dufay wants to check on guidelines regarding Non-Profits advertising for profit.
6. Blair Community Garden Funding
Tim says Laurelhurst Village hasn’t convinced boss for $2000 so they have raised $1000 for soil. Doesn’t know if our $2000 donation was conditioned to match. Got a match from Portland community garden for $2000. So we have $5000. Which is what was budgeted. Bill asks about water contribution. They will fix the shed. Parks will manage. Paul asks if water was part of the original land use agreement. Bill says it sounds reasonable for those dollars + water. Water supplied indefinitely. GET IT IN WRITING. Who maintains the pipes?
7. Request from Buckman’s Farmer’s Market to extend program in sponsorship for grant application. Ann clarifies that grant program encourages grantees to form partnerships with neighborhood associations. Fresh Exchange is a fiscal sponsor program currently. Notes they have done well. Paul wonders…access to good quality food. But how does this build neighborhood capacity? Nov. 11th is the grant deadline. We have several people approach us for grant sponsorship. Michele wants to see it on next agenda to discuss WHO we actually want to sponsor.
8. Belmont St. Fair table. NA table is hosted by Jane. Transition Sunnyside leaflet. Plus the Know Your Neighborhood pamphlet. Sunnyside Banner. Transition banner. A draft of accomplishments by this board. Need help. Bathroom breaks. Etc…Jane needs help erecting canopy for booth. Funds for materials from sustainability committee.
9. Newsletter articles (due September 15). We’re good on newsletter article contributions. Heather clarifies that Fred Meyer will buy trees and fund concrete cutting. FOTT does the labor.
10. Action items
August board meeting minutes. Paul moved to approve, Michele 2nd. Approved!
11. Other Business. None.
12. Meeting Adjourn. Time: 9:25.