SES Book Sale November 20th

SES Book Sale – November 20th, 9am-6pm

SES will be hosting a used book sale to raise funds for its library.

WHEN: Saturday, November 20th, 9am-6pm

WHERE: The old Wild Oats at 3016 SE Division Street

Contact Zoe Pedersen for more information at 503-756-4287.

If you have books to donate to the sale, organizers will accept book donations at SES (3421 SE Salmon St.) until November 15th, Mon-Fri, during school hours. Leave books in a clearly marked bag or box labeled “Book Sale” in the main hallway, under the glass display case.


Safer Crossings in Sunnyside. Let’s Celebrate!

Autumn greetings!

You are cordially invited to a little celebration and inaugeration of the new “Pedestrian Safety Improvement” in front of our SE Multicultural Service Center (4610 S.E. Belmont St.) at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 28th!   After 14 years since the subject was first discussed, and more than 8 years since our first formal request to the city, the project is finally very close to completion!  Join us outside (rain or shine) for a little symbolic ribbon-cutting and a few words from those who were involved in the process; then retreat inside to the Loaves and Fishes dining room for a little cake, ice cream, and hot refreshments.

This event is a late add-on to our center’s annual “Wintering In” service day.  See attached flyer and forward it to those you feel would benefit by attending.

Many, many thanks for supporting and contributing to the crosswalk project!   I look forward to seeing you there!

Darvel Lloyd
Chair, S.E. District Senior Advisory Council

P.S. I’ve tried to include as many supporters and “key” people as I could remember in the “Bcc” box; however, if you know anyone who deserves an invitation but did not receive this, please forward it along.  Parking close-in is a bit difficult, so plan to park on the side streets or take the bus (#15).

September 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Board Members Present: Reuben Deumling, Paul Loney, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila,

Tim Brooks, Bill Stites, Heather Wilson, Gina Binole

Guests: Tim O’Neal, Ann Dufay, Peter N., Jeff C

1. Approve Agenda. Paul moves as modified. Jane. Approved.

2. Finance Committee Report. Tim produces his report. Notes he and Allen had worked at same time and coincidentally their times overlapped. Easy to run through for any proposal. Covers requests for donations and letters of support. 4 guidelines. (outlined them). Patterns after SEUL form to request information from someone who is seeking. What it’s covering, leveraged funds, donated funds. Tim suggest a test run of this. Bill offers feedback stating it’s excellent. Curious about caps on per year amount of donations. Tim notes item 4 addresses funding caps. Discussion follows along of setting donations as budget line. Paul moves we adopt this then next election time review by new board to see success. Jane seconds. Heather asks about charitable contributions. Tim explains that Equity was added to explain disparity in neighborhood. For instance the tokens for Farmer’s Market food stamp users. MG expresses concern that new board reviews and offers that this board reviews prior to election. PUT ON WORK PLAN IN APRIL TO REVIEW. Amendment accepted. All approved. Bill states we have no budget. Reuben reminds us that we have numbers roughly that can be presented. Reuben & Jane will work on a budget.

3. Tree Planting. Funding request. Cost for 2011 is $50 per tree. Scholarship trees program. Michele mentions 32nd tree removal. Tim is going to write STern letter regarding PGE landscape issues. Request is money for trees only. $300 = 6 trees. Tim motions to approve. Paul 2nd. Approved.

4. Check in with Tim O’Neal (SEUL)

Annual board training in September. 23rd 6-9pm. For new & seasoned. Overview of community involvement. About ONI, SEUL, SNA. Register in advance. 28th 6-9pm in Northeast if you cannot attend. 29th spin-off of lunch tour coalition wide. Starts at Migration 28th & Glisan. Informal to hang out with other neighborhood leaders. Permits approved for onsite stormwater. Depaving parking lot, bioswale, raingardens. 4H is involved. Oct 16th is tentative date for groundbreaking. Tim Brooks asks if they want a space at Fair. Gonna crowd the SNA table. 🙂

5. Purpose of newsletter and ads discussion

Reuben: Kevin Levy request for sponsorship. Newsletter ad. Led to this discussion about finite room for ads. Jane states waiting list for businesses. With all the new businesses around, how can we invite more to advertise. Sunset the current advertisers. Heather says it doesn’t seem fair. Discussion follows. We decided to put together a proposal for electronic adds for another meeting. Ann Dufay wants to check on guidelines regarding Non-Profits advertising for profit.

6. Blair Community Garden Funding

Tim says Laurelhurst Village hasn’t convinced boss for $2000 so they have raised $1000 for soil. Doesn’t know if our $2000 donation was conditioned to match. Got a match from Portland community garden for $2000. So we have $5000. Which is what was budgeted. Bill asks about water contribution. They will fix the shed. Parks will manage.  Paul asks if water was part of the original land use agreement. Bill says it sounds reasonable for those dollars + water. Water supplied indefinitely. GET IT IN WRITING. Who maintains the pipes?

7. Request from Buckman’s Farmer’s Market to extend program in sponsorship for grant application. Ann clarifies that grant program encourages grantees to form partnerships with neighborhood associations. Fresh Exchange is a fiscal sponsor program currently. Notes they have done well. Paul wonders…access to good quality food. But how does this build neighborhood capacity? Nov. 11th is the grant deadline. We have several people approach us for grant sponsorship. Michele wants to see it on next agenda to discuss WHO we actually want to sponsor.

8. Belmont St. Fair table. NA table is hosted by Jane. Transition Sunnyside leaflet. Plus the Know Your Neighborhood pamphlet. Sunnyside Banner. Transition banner. A draft of accomplishments by this board. Need help. Bathroom breaks. Etc…Jane needs help erecting canopy for booth. Funds for materials from sustainability committee.

9. Newsletter articles (due September 15). We’re good on newsletter article contributions. Heather clarifies that Fred Meyer will buy trees and fund concrete cutting. FOTT does the labor.

10. Action items

August board meeting minutes.  Paul moved to approve, Michele 2nd. Approved!

11. Other Business. None.

12. Meeting Adjourn. Time: 9:25.


September 2010 General Meeting Minutes

Approved Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2010

Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214


Board Members Present: Jane Pullman, Heather Wilson, Bill Stites, Tim Brooks, Michele Gila, Reuben Deumling, Gina Binole, Paul Loney

Neighbors and Guests: Katherine Anderson, Josh Palmer, John Barker, Allen Field, Rodolfo Serna, Lee Greer, Karen Hery, Emily Hery, George Lederer, Jeff Cole, Daniel Caplan, Kelley Roy,  Peter Nierengarten, Kate Simer, Terry Richardson, Kevin Corcoran, Jeanne Longley, Tim O’Neal, Anne Dufay, Doug Klotz

1. Introductions

2. Approve Agenda Approved

3. P:EAR Mural Project (Rodolfo Serra & Esteban Camacho)

Rodolfo. Works with PEAR. This is NOT the Chavez project but a multi organization project. Mentor program for homeless youth. Showed a slideshow of projects, including Marshall HS mural. Powell, Lombard, K’worth, Alberta also have sites. Emphasis on mentoring, to bring college age youth to go into schools for mentoring younger people. Sometimes up to 400 people involved in creating the mural. Students help to design the piece. Community art. Would like in put from us for the project. Once piece is finished, then a cultural blessing/celebration/thanks. Bringing young people of covers backgrounds to show Unity. Kids research then submit drawings. He then brings it all together into a design. Afro/Asian/Latino/Native groups joining. Por Que No location for the west side of the building. Neighbor expresses sadness that Chavez mural isn’t happening. Asked if SNA would still have it eventually. Expresses support. He’s a social worker. Another neighbor echos such sentiment. He lives across from Belmont Library. Has 90 long foot wall to offer. Rodolfo explains the new locale might be further north on CC Blvd. Reuben asks if there is something we can do to support. Rodolfo asks for a letter of support from SNA to apply for his grant. Reuben says we would need more info to supply this letter. Allen asked if owner of Por Que No was in support. Rodolfo says YES. What grant? LELAC grant. SEUL is another he thinks. In working with RACC his experience feels letters of support really help. Trying not to impart his ideas but rather leaving it to the kids/community. Tim asked if he has a grant application for this project. Rodolfo will send that to us. Doug from RNA expresses that he doesn’t like murals. Rodolfo speaks to that to say it’s the PROCESS that inspires him.

4. Belmont Street Fair. John Barker updates: final touches. 160 vendor spots sold out. Waiting list of 15. Shuttles 33 to 20. Then trolly to 33-47th. Looking for folks upper end to wear shirts for trolly. Karen has ambitious footprint for swap shop coop. Parking lot behind belmont market and turned it into mirror of their play area. Includes Roost Lounge. DJ, Foosball, Air Hockey. Hip hop dancers. Replicating the labyrinth. Do Jump will stilt and juggling pit. Nothing costs $. Just a relaxing retreat. Wants feedback afterward. First Aid tent will be present. SES has farmer’s market from student grown produce. Book sale maybe? Selling donated books to get money for new books for the school library. Accepting book donations. Proceeds from veggies go back to fund school garden. SNA will have booth next to SES with info about projects regarding emergency preparedness & accomplishments. Needs a few helpers to help with the bouncy thing. All volunteers to party at Hoda’s night before. Safety talk. Josh is volunteer coordinator. 2-3 hour shifts. Cargo bike display at park by Bill, including electric assist. There will also be the neighborhood green again. John reminds us that after his 9 years he is retiring from this position.

5. Bagdad Film Fundraiser

RNA/SNA collaboration. Tim & Allen overview. It is not fun for families afterall. Now it’s 21+. Sunday Sept. 19th at Bagdad. Reminds us via Katherine that we have GNA with them to donate space each year to us. Silent movie set to live music. Need 180 people to break even. Seats 600. Tickets on sale now as well as at the door. $10. We have images to print. Allen printed up postcard side handouts to passerby. Allen expresses desire to do this yearly. Mentions consolidating next year with Belmont Street Fair for postering.

6. Liquor Licensed, Outhouse LLC etc…

Reuben points out a bunch of new establishments applying for liquor licenses. Comment period for Outhouse is reaching expiration. Mentioned Hop House and we expired before we had time to meet. Patio is an issue. Circa 33 is the new name. Owner is on vacation. Comment period expires 9/11. Paul’s been asking for extensions. Katherine posted OLCC impact area at city hall event. Karla Morelove. 823-4086. karla.more-love. POST TO FB & WEBSITE. 32-37th avenues general GNA like Upper Hawthorne. Bill clarifies that we need a group meeting Paul agrees to get everyone in the same room to show we aren’t applying certain rules to the individual and not the other. Frank Silva might need to get involved. This Monday LUTC meeting will deal with this too to further it.

7. Tree Planting 2011 (Peter N. & Jeff C.)

Jeff Cole new volunteer neighborhood coordinator for friends of trees for SNA. Acknowledged Peter N for doing it all these years. Peter will continue with bike crews. Key dates: get the word out in newsletter or whatever. Planting date is Jan. 22. Sign up Deadline 12/20. Order deadline 1/9. GO to website, create account as part of that you can request curb side vs. in your own yard. Then inspector from BES comes to site to check for suitability for tree choice. Then the trees can be ordered. [email protected] goes to Jeff. Community building event + planting trees. Reuben asked for short article. Peter talks unique aspect is the crew done by bike cargo trailer to haul trees tools stakes. Doing it again this year! Let Jeff know if you are interested in being on the bike crew.

8. Committee Reports:

Sustainability – Nothing to report this month. But national emergency preparedness month. Please come to BSF table Sunday. Trying to work with city to get trainings. Know Your Neighbor. Step by step intro to EP and planning. Intent is collaborative effort between neighbors. Will share the Know Your Neighbor pamphlet at the Fair.

LUTC- Paul. Main issue alcohol establishments. Heather asks about clarification on Clearwire.

Crime Prevention- Chuck not here to report. Katherine mentions prescription drug turn in agin. 9/18 10-4pm at Gateway Fred Meyer. Safe & Proper disposal.

SEUL- Jane introduces the coalition for 20 SE neighborhoods. Introduces Tim and Ann. Board meets monthly first monday of the month. 2 new board members seated. Reed(way?) neighborhood was one. SE PDX getting press in Oregonian. Carol Cushman League of Women Voters ballot measure. Staff put together their work plan and presented it. Board approved 4pt strategic plan. Ann commented that it was developed by staff and board. Kristin starting intern project.

9. Announcements

Karen Hery: Methodist Church becoming sustainable. In the black on operating. Renovations ahead? Roof repairs done more to come. Improve heating. Newsletter idea: 3rd autumn fest. Do Jump dinner/silent auction. $30 per family. Spaghetti dinner.

Heather: update on peacock lane historic designation. Try to have that for newsletter & media. Someone from city & state to inform neighbors.

Jeannine. League of women voters. Yes on 26-108. SEUL signed on to coalition. Asks for our help. Renewing current program.

Katherine Anderson: group liquor license GNA. Upper Hawthorne semi annual meetings. Wed Oct 6th at the 47/Burnside traffic building.

Dan Green Micro Gym. 34th north of Belmont near Hodas & Side Street Tavern. Small gym. Cardio equip into electricity grid. Connecting with other local businesses.

Reuben: we have a newsletter & fb & list serve.

Paul asks Gina for info for school starting news. Portables host 2 5th grade classes. New landscaping. Teachers are happy to be there. Special Ed was affected by budget cuts. But kept PE. Harvest Fair is a community event, not just SES event. A bloom of kindergarteners on their way.

10. Approve August Minutes. Tim Moves. Paul second. Approved.

11. Next Meeting October 14th

12. Adjourn. Time: 8:05pm.



Banning the Bottle

Just yesterday, Multnomah County passed a resolution to ban the use of county funds on bottled water. Multnomah County is joining a movement of cities, municipalities, schools, businesses, restaurants, and individuals who are taking a pledge to stop spending money on and consuming bottled water. In an effort to bolster these initiatives, Food & Water Watch is co-hosting a screening of Blue Gold, an excellent film about world water wars.Sign up today to attend the free screening of Blue Goldthis Sunday at 6pm at the Bagdad Theatre!

Bring your friends and family to enjoy beverages and food from McMenamin’s theatre pub and to get involved with the local Take Back the Tap movement! We hope you will join us to celebrate the passage of the county resolution by attending the free Blue Gold screening.