Help Select New Board Members

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association election and potluck will take place in lieu of our regular meeting this month. Join us at Southeast Uplift, at the corner of 34th and Main, on Thursday, May 10 at 7 p.m. Neighbors should come prephred to share proof of address and a dish to share. Hope to see you there!

Help Choose Our Sunnyside Neighborhood Sign

By Heather Wilson, SNA Board Member


SNA sign entry #2

SNA Sign No. 3


We are thrilled to have three finalists in our neighborhood sign competition.  The southwest corner of SE Stark St. and 33rd Ave has been designated as a welcome point into the Sunnyside Neighborhood.  When Laurelhurst Village expanded their facility, they set aside a space for a sign, in addition to the ground for the Blair Community Garden. Currently the spot is bare with two lonely posts awaiting cheerful signage. Our requirements were to include the text ‘Sunnyside Neighborhood, Proud Past, Bright Future’ and feature a sunflower.

The first is from John Fell.  His submission is a carved wood sign featuring a horizon of rooftops and a cluster of sunflowers

The second is from John Chandler, owner of Oblique Coffee Roasters on SE Stark St.  His sign would be made from reclaimed Douglas fir. You can see examples of his work at his café.

The third is SNA board member Bill Stites of Stites Design. Bill’s entry is mixed media of wood and metal with a rotating sunflower.

We thank these artisans for their submissions and we look forward to having one of these creations grace our neighborhood.  All entries were viewed at our February general meeting and can be viewed at our website XXX.  The neighborhood will vote on our winner at our March general meeting on Thursday, March, 8th at 7:00 PM.  Please join us and vote for your favorite!

Join Us for Our February Meeting

On the agenda at the general meeting this month:

  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate November minutes (2 min)
  3. Sunnyside Neighborhood sign contest, viewing of entries (10 min)
  4. February 19, movie matinee fundraiser w/ RNA (Allen Field 5 min)
  5. Sunnyside Sunflower painting: passing the torch (Suzanne Tom 5 min)
  6. Disaster dinner funds request (Dana Buhl 5 min)
  7. Mural repainting on Walgreens (Nam Khalsa 5 min)
  8. Committee Reports (15 min)

Sustainability (RD)
Land Use and Transportation (TJ)

Crime Prevention (HW)

Southeast Uplift (HW)

Treasurer’s Report (JP)

  1. Announcements (5 min)
  2. Approve minutes (2 min)
  3. Next meeting on March 8 / Newsletter articles (due Feb. 15)
  4. Adjourn

And the board meeting’s agenda is as follows:


  1. Approve agenda/minutes (2 min)
  2. Sunnyside Neighborhood sign contest (10 min)
  3. Bagdad movie matinee logistics (10 min)
  4. Cell tower opposition (5 min)
  5. Disaster dinner funds request (10 min)
  6. Action items:

– Disaster Dinner funds

– Choosing winner of sign contest

– letter supporting cell tower opposition

  1. Newsletter articles (due Feb. 15)
  2. Other Business


We hope to see you there. As always, we meet at Southeast Uplift, the corner of 34th and Main.

First SNA Meeting of 2012 — Here’s what’s on the agenda

SNA General Meeting Agenda

January 12, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 PM


  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate November minutes (2 min)
  3. Better Together – coordinated efforts of NA and BA. (Karen & Connie 7 min)
  4. Neighborhood Tree Survey/application (Jeff Cole 5 min)
  5. Sunnyside Sunflower painting: passing the torch (Suzanne Tom 7 min)
  6. February 19, movie matinee fundraiser w/ RNA (Tim 5 min)
  7. Committee Reports (15 min)

Sustainability (RD)
Land Use and Transportation (TJ)

Crime Prevention (HW)

Southeast Uplift (HW)

Treasurer’s Report (JP)

  1. Announcements (5 min)
  2. Approve minutes (2 min)
  3. Next meeting on February 9 / Newsletter articles (due Jan. 15)
  4. Adjourn

SNA Board Meeting Agenda

January 12, 2011, 8:00 – 9:00 PM


  1. Approve agenda/minutes (2 min)
  2. Funding flexibility for FoT planting (Jeff Cole 5 min)
  3. Group GNA on Belmont progress (Tony 10 min)
  4. Peacock Lane traffic mitigation (2012 and beyond) (Tony, 10 min)
  5. Oppose Buckman Pool closure (5 min)
  6. Action items:

–          FoT funding adjustment, if any

–          Movie matinee

–          Letter opposing Buckman Pool closure

  1. Newsletter articles (due Jan. 15)
  2. Other Business
  3. Adjourn