The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association election and potluck will take place in lieu of our regular meeting this month. Join us at Southeast Uplift, at the corner of 34th and Main, on Thursday, May 10 at 7 p.m. Neighbors should come prephred to share proof of address and a dish to share. Hope to see you there!
Author: gbmcommunications
Sunnyside Swap & Spring Clean Up is This Weekend
Last year was the first year the swap and clean up was combined in the same place after many years of being held on the same weekend but different locations. It was a great success, and we are grateful to the generosity of Saint Stephens Catholic Church for the use of their gym and parking lot at the corner of 42nd Avenue and SE Taylor once again for a one stop place for almost anything and everything you want out of your house.
This year’s swap schedule is as follows:
Friday, April 20th – Drop off of useful goods 6-9pm
Saturday, April 21st – Clean Up 9-noon and Swap 9-4
Sunday, April 22nd – Rummage Sale 10-1
SUNNYSIDE SWAP: Drop off of swappable useful goods through the main doors of the gym. $2 donation per family to enter the swap on Saturday. If you drop off your useful goods on Friday you will receive free entry to the swap on Saturday.
What to bring to the Swap: Any item that has some useful good left in it is welcome at the exchange. No stained or torn clothing or hazardous chemicals.
Swap Tips: All swapping is done on the honor system. Give as much or more than you take in a way that feels fair to you.
CLEAN UP of bulky waste and recyclable items takes place in the Saint Stephens parking lot right at the corner of 42nd and Taylor. $6 a car, $10 SUV/wagon, $14 pickup/truck/van. If you are walking or biking in with less than a car load, make a smaller donation that feels fair to you. Everyone donating to the clean up gets free entry to the swap.
What to bring to the Clean Up: Old home and lawn furniture beyond repair, broken up concrete (with or without rebar), wood, metal, cardboard, sheet rock, hard plastics (such as old/damaged toys beyond safe use), sod/dirt and yard debris (including stumps).
For more information, or to volunteer, please contact Karen Hery at [email protected] or (503) 407-2667.
Help Choose Our Sunnyside Neighborhood Sign
By Heather Wilson, SNA Board Member
We are thrilled to have three finalists in our neighborhood sign competition. The southwest corner of SE Stark St. and 33rd Ave has been designated as a welcome point into the Sunnyside Neighborhood. When Laurelhurst Village expanded their facility, they set aside a space for a sign, in addition to the ground for the Blair Community Garden. Currently the spot is bare with two lonely posts awaiting cheerful signage. Our requirements were to include the text ‘Sunnyside Neighborhood, Proud Past, Bright Future’ and feature a sunflower.
The first is from John Fell. His submission is a carved wood sign featuring a horizon of rooftops and a cluster of sunflowers
The second is from John Chandler, owner of Oblique Coffee Roasters on SE Stark St. His sign would be made from reclaimed Douglas fir. You can see examples of his work at his café.
The third is SNA board member Bill Stites of Stites Design. Bill’s entry is mixed media of wood and metal with a rotating sunflower.
We thank these artisans for their submissions and we look forward to having one of these creations grace our neighborhood. All entries were viewed at our February general meeting and can be viewed at our website XXX. The neighborhood will vote on our winner at our March general meeting on Thursday, March, 8th at 7:00 PM. Please join us and vote for your favorite!
Read All the Latest Neighborhood News in the March Newsletter
Be sure and check out the article on the upcoming neighborhood Disaster Dinner and our Neighborhood Sign Competition, among others!SNA MARCH NEWSLETTER
SNA Meeting Minutes for January
Board members in attendance: Gina Binole, Bill Stites, , Tony Jordan, Josh Palmer, Heather Wilson, Paul Loney, Tim Brooks, Karen Hery, Reuben Deumling
Neighbors and Guests: Kate & Alex Wood, Tim Platt, Sarah Platt, Val Strickland, Jeff Cole, Gregg Everhart,
Reuben calls meeting to order 7:03
- Intro
- Approve Agenda, Circulate minutes
- As the SNA BABA rep, Karen Hery started to think where we would be able to make the most of neighborhood and business association collaborations
She notes that business associations overlap with several neighborhood associations, and people often don’t know who they can turn to express complaints, share project ideas, discuss parking issues, inform folks of business mixers, meetings, etc.
Karen says she is happy to help share our success stories and spread the word of what we do, where people can go, who they can contact, etc. She also intends to submit a newsletter article on the subject.
- Jeff Cole & Greg Everhart announced they have formed a 3-person street tree team for the purposes of obtaining a grant to conduct a Sunnyside Neighborhood street tree survey. If selected, they are looking to train people and will have a training program in March.
This survey will, in part, build on a previous street tree survey conducted around the perimeter of Sunnyside Environmental School in 2006. About 900 trees were inventoried. They will revisit them see what’s grown, what’s died, etc.
They mentioned they are working with Vinnie Miller from SES, and Gina mentioned the PTSA voted last night to support pursuit of the grant. But because the survey will take place in the summer, it is difficult to assess volunteer enthusiasm. But Vinnie can surely help with that.
Only trees will be surveyed, not horse rings, names on sidewalks, etc. The results will help determine where we need more street trees, which trees are in poor condition, where we are in danger of losing our canopies, etc. It also gives us data and documentation to pursue future grants.
- Passing the Torch of the Sunnyside Piazza Painting (33rd & Yamhill). Suzanne Tom is absent, but Reuben says there is no heir apparent. Gina suggested that we enlist neighbors to help donate toward paint and supplies. There will be a newsletter article about this.
- Movie Matinee Fundraiser with RNA Tim – Last year SNA had a joint venture with RNA. Tim gave background on Bagdad beginnings. You can do an event with the Bagdad once a year on their dime. Last year we had a movie at the theater. This year we will choose the movie and the date and time. Allen (of Richmond) feels it’s a better movie that kids can go to, also could set the price for movie. Also could take half price. Are we bound to Roan Inish? Last time we found out a mere 5 days before, couldn’t advertise and didn’t necessarily like the choice. Tim says that’s unreliable.
SNA pays licensing fee, but Bagdad pays everything else.
Heather says that movies that are more recent that drive what you would choose and not considered a classic.
Reuben: Also have some questions about promotion, and we need them before the next board meeting. This year we pay licensing fee and we choose the movie.
Gina will help with social media to promote. Tim will submit a newsletter article
- Committee Reports.
Sustainability Committee. Reuben says the committee had a vibrant couple of years, and now we are in sort of a lull. Plugged Transition Sunnyside, which also seeks to lessen our dependence on fossil fuel.
LUTC – Definitely good discussions Right now the big issue is bars on Belmont between 33rd and 34th, 32nd, if you include the Pied Cow.
Tony is working on a letter to invite licensees to a meeting on the 13th
Tony has letter drafted and needs to distribute them to the biz. Bill will help. After that, Tony says he will get a flyer going to the adjacent neighbors. There have been meetings between city, neighbors, OLCC. Circa 33, Aalto.
- Crime Prevention – SEUL has a grant partnering with office of neighborhood involvement for graffiti and abatement removal. Last year they only had 10 applicants. Heather thought a mural on the side of the Stumptown Building would be a good candidate.
Karen mentioned the liquor store at the 39th Mart. The way it’s structured there is a little shed on the side of it, it’s the behind-the-store place to drink. If the cement gets removed, or if a planter box gets placed, the graffiti would go down. Was going to approach the store or neighbors.
- SEUL – The neighborhood small grants have been awarded. Out of 47 legitimate applicants, there were 16 projects recommended to the board for approval. Our neighborhood co-sponsored 3, the kitchen tool library, disaster dinner and the Sunnyside Park Equipment Sharing Program. That last one won.
Jeff Milkes from PP&R talked to SEUL about funding for movies in the parks and summer lunch programs. Many children get fed free lunch during the school year but not in the summer. Rather than figuring out which kids qualify, they serve to everyone.
We are not sure our park would qualify bc no handwashing stations.
Wickman building is up for possible community use.
Treasurers Report – Josh: Ascento is not in newsletter. Belmont Yoga will replace them.
Balance of the account is $10,500
- Announcements – Karen – Disaster dinner is coming up second weekend of March. If there is anyone here who is passionate, hoping it’s an annual event. Every year we get better and better at throwing a disaster. The idea is if there is a disaster, it takes a while for state and feds to survive. Can our neighborhood serve 1000 meals a year for a week.
She’s looking for people to take shifts during the event itself. Also if there’s anyone who wants to help with the planning of it.
Winter Carnival Feb. 18 at the Sunnyside Methodist church. Carnival is totally donated. $$ is able to go to the building, not the event itself.
Next month we will be viewing the submissions for the sign.
Aalto Lounge owners wanted to say they are looking forward to working responsibly with the community. They encourage neighbors to come talk to them directly.
Brief announcement from Lois Levine spearheading effort to prevent the Walgreens’ Drive Thru.
She says our only course of action is to voice safety concerns. The things that cause concern at Sunnnyside, should cause concern anywhere. Now connecting signatures nationally on this issue.
- Approve minutes – Heather motions to approve minutes, Bill seconds, motion carries, Reuben abstains.
Meeting adjourned 8:11
Board members in Attendance: Gina Binole, Bill Stites, , Tony Jordan, Josh Palmer, Heather Wilson, Paul Loney, Tim Brooks, Karen Hery, Reuben Deumling
Guests & Neighbors in Attendance: Lorraine Henriques, Greg Everhart, Jeff Cole
Reuben: Calls meeting to order at 8:08
1) Minutes approved for December
2) Jeff Cole gives Friends of Trees Update. At a previous meeting, he asked for, and the SNA approved $300 for six scholarship trees. He is now asking for flexibility that that money be allowed to pay for curb and concrete cuts. FOT has money for scholarship trees, but Sunnyside now has a greater need for curb cuts, mulch, etc., and he respectfully ask the money the SNA already has allocated pay for that. Each curb cut costs $50.
Cole says he intends to apply for a grant from SEUL next year to offset curb cut costs.
Paul Loney votes to move that we allocate $$ from scholarship trees to curb cuts, mulch, etc. Karen Hery seconds. Motion carries unanimously.
Street Tree Survey discussion– Jeff and Greg Everhart say they are looking for formal support from the board to apply for a grant to survey street trees in the entire Sunnyside Neighborhood. Tim Brooks has agreed to be the official liaison to the street tree survey team from the board. Paul motions that Tim serve in this role and the SNA submit a letter of support to be included in the grant application. Tim seconds. Motion carries.
- Tony discusses the Group GNA Progress for Belmont businesses.
Tony notes that the letter submitted to applicable businesses tells them we are going to do this and invites them to participate in a meeting on Jan. 13. A Group GNA already exists on Hawthorne, and Tony says they will be shown that. He also will take best practices from that for the Belmont Group GNA.
The major complaints from neighbors re: Belmont businesses have been noise, particularly back patio, but the GNA also will ensure seating doesn’t spill out into the walkway. Some bars stress they make most of their money between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. and the GNA will address that in some fashion.
At Tony’s request, Paul says he will look and see how many agreements are in place and make copies of those we have on file.
4. Tony discusses Peacock Lane traffic:
Several board members talked about their experience and how the carfree nights were very crowded , with cars backed up to 48th and the bus taking an extremely long time to move up Belmont.
Board members say they favor more car-free nights, or one-way options, or something to mitigate the traffic.
Lorraine Inriques, member of the Peacock Lane Neighborhood Association notes we would dall like to have car free nights. This year, we had great weather, which increased participation tremendously.
The first two nights were the busiest ever for Peacock Lane. On the Belmont side, had about 150 cyclists come in. She agreed traffic was unbearable. We hate it. Not just on our street, but how much congestion it causes on Belmont and Stark.
She and her neighbors also are sensitive that many people could not come to Peacock Lane if all nights were pedestrian-only. They also have discussed one-way options.
What she hopes to propose at her association’s next meeting is to see the first week be pedestrian only, and possibly a shuttle vehicle situation the following week. But financially, that can’t happen for 2012.
She said she would report back to the board what comes of that meeting.
5. Buckman Pool Closure Support – Bill says the email circulated to the board prior to the meeting did not offer enough information to make a decision.
Karen Hery said she would back trying to stop the closure because there is no community center in SE, so there are few places where we have community center amenities.
Karen makes motion that we draft a letter saying it’s one of the few areas where SE residents are able to receive Parks and Recreation amenities, like a pool, and Josh Palmer seconds. Karen will write the letters to all the city commissioners, Amanda within Parks and Cc everyone. Motion carries.
Action Item:
Tim moves that we support the Feb. 19 matinee with a movie selected by RNA/SNA and have a joint fundraiser at the Bagdad that day. Gina seconds. Tim accepts Bill’s friendly amendent to charge $3-5. Motion carries
New Biz – Disaster Dinner did not get grant funded and would the board be willing to put $500 in seed money toward expenditures toward disaster dinner planned for March. Organizers will charge $$ to those who come and eat at the disaster dinner. Reuben notes this is an Item for the next board meeting.
Heather notes SEUL is transferring minutes to the Office of Neighborhood Involvement. We will be able to start the transfer Feb.-March.
Meeting adjourns 9:06