SNA General Meeting Agenda
January 12, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
- Introductions (3 min)
- Approve agenda, circulate November minutes (2 min)
- Better Together – coordinated efforts of NA and BA. (Karen & Connie 7 min)
- Neighborhood Tree Survey/application (Jeff Cole 5 min)
- Sunnyside Sunflower painting: passing the torch (Suzanne Tom 7 min)
- February 19, movie matinee fundraiser w/ RNA (Tim 5 min)
- Committee Reports (15 min)
Sustainability (RD)
Land Use and Transportation (TJ)
Crime Prevention (HW)
Southeast Uplift (HW)
Treasurer’s Report (JP)
- Announcements (5 min)
- Approve minutes (2 min)
- Next meeting on February 9 / Newsletter articles (due Jan. 15)
- Adjourn
SNA Board Meeting Agenda
January 12, 2011, 8:00 – 9:00 PM
- Approve agenda/minutes (2 min)
- Funding flexibility for FoT planting (Jeff Cole 5 min)
- Group GNA on Belmont progress (Tony 10 min)
- Peacock Lane traffic mitigation (2012 and beyond) (Tony, 10 min)
- Oppose Buckman Pool closure (5 min)
- Action items:
– FoT funding adjustment, if any
– Movie matinee
– Letter opposing Buckman Pool closure
- Newsletter articles (due Jan. 15)
- Other Business
- Adjourn