First SNA Meeting of 2012 — Here’s what’s on the agenda

SNA General Meeting Agenda

January 12, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 PM


  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate November minutes (2 min)
  3. Better Together – coordinated efforts of NA and BA. (Karen & Connie 7 min)
  4. Neighborhood Tree Survey/application (Jeff Cole 5 min)
  5. Sunnyside Sunflower painting: passing the torch (Suzanne Tom 7 min)
  6. February 19, movie matinee fundraiser w/ RNA (Tim 5 min)
  7. Committee Reports (15 min)

Sustainability (RD)
Land Use and Transportation (TJ)

Crime Prevention (HW)

Southeast Uplift (HW)

Treasurer’s Report (JP)

  1. Announcements (5 min)
  2. Approve minutes (2 min)
  3. Next meeting on February 9 / Newsletter articles (due Jan. 15)
  4. Adjourn

SNA Board Meeting Agenda

January 12, 2011, 8:00 – 9:00 PM


  1. Approve agenda/minutes (2 min)
  2. Funding flexibility for FoT planting (Jeff Cole 5 min)
  3. Group GNA on Belmont progress (Tony 10 min)
  4. Peacock Lane traffic mitigation (2012 and beyond) (Tony, 10 min)
  5. Oppose Buckman Pool closure (5 min)
  6. Action items:

–          FoT funding adjustment, if any

–          Movie matinee

–          Letter opposing Buckman Pool closure

  1. Newsletter articles (due Jan. 15)
  2. Other Business
  3. Adjourn



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