Come Mingle, Eat and Elect New Board Members

Elections for the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association will be held Thursday, May 12, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., during the regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The event is a potluck and a chance to get to know your neighbors and board.

Four board members will be chosen. Board members Jane Pullman, Chuck Lawrence and Michele Gila will not be seeking another term. Tim Brooks, a longtime board member who is co-chair of this year’s Belmont Street Fair, will be seeking re-election. Other known candidates include Josh Palmer, a neighborhood volunteer and enthusiast and Karen Hery, also a neighborhood volunteer and founder of the Sunnyside SwapShop and Playspace and The Roost.

Join us on Thursday to learn more about the candidates and to thank the outgoing members for their years of service.  Bring a dish to share. Those in the neighborhood who would like to vote will need:

— a current driver’s license or Department of Motor Vehicle ID card

— current voter registration card

— a bill or official correspondence addressed to the individual residing in or owning a business within the SNA boundaries.

Hope to see you there!

General Meeting March 10th 7pm!

SNA General Meeting Agenda

March 10, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.


  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min)
  3. SES Rainwater Catchment project (Heidi McNamee 15 min)
  4. Friends of Trees and planter strip width limitations (Jeff Cole 5 min)
  5. Mt. Tabor Concert sponsorship, continue? (Reuben Deumling 2 min)
  6. Committee Reports (15 min)

Sustainability (RD)
Land Use and Transportation (PL)

Crime Prevention (CL)

Southeast Uplift (JP)

  1. Announcements (5 min)
  2. Approve minutes (2 min)
  3. Next meeting on April 14 / Newsletter articles (due March 15)
  4. Adjourn


February 2011 Meeting Agenda

SNA General Meeting Agenda

February 10, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min)
  3. Update from SES VP (Amy Kleiner, 10 min)
  4. Senior co-housing project in Sunnyside (Mildred White, 15 min)
  5. Committee Reports (15 min)

Land Use and Transportation

Crime Prevention

Southeast Uplift

6. Announcements (5 min)

7. Approve minutes (2 min)

8. Next meeting on February 11 / Newsletter articles (due January 17)

9. Adjourn


      Come to our Monthly Neighborhood Meeting this Thursday!

      1. Introductions (3 min)
      2. Approve agenda, circulate [Nov] minutes (2 min)
      3. SEUL update (Tim O’Neal 5 min)
      4. Central Catholic High School Master Plan (Abby Dacey 15 min)
      5. Committee Reports (15 min)
      • Sustainability
      • LUTC
      • Crime Prevention
      • SEUL

      6. Announcements (5 min)

      7. Approve November Minutes (2 min)

      8. Next meeting Feb. 11 & Newsletter articles due Jan. 17th

      9. Adjourn

      General Meeting This Thursday November 11th!

      It’s time once again for our General Meeting at 7pm at SEUL 3534 SE Main St. Please come join the conversation, get to know some neighbors and enjoy the snacks provided by some of our local businesses. Please see the PDF below for the details of our agenda.

      Immediately following with be our monthly Board of Directors Meeting.

      Agenda November 2010