SNA Board Meeting – Wednesday, August 14th @ 7:15 PM

The SNA board will be holding a short meeting to ratify decisions that were discussed during our recent board retreat. All SNA board meetings are open to the public to observe.

On the agenda:
1. Appointment of officers
2. Appointment of board liaisons
3. Creation of a new committee for fundraising and special events

This meeting will be online only.
Wednesday, August 14 · 7:15 – 8:15pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

SNA Annual Meeting & Board Elections – THIS THURSDAY!

The SNA  will hold its annual meeting and elections for the board of directors this Thursday, May 9th at 7 PM at SE Uplift (3534 SE Main St.). As our bylaws require voting by paper ballot, this will be an in-person only meeting.  We will be electing 5 board members during this election for 2 year terms. Nominees need not be present in order to run, but we hope you can join us.

This is a wonderful opportunity to serve  your neighborhood while meeting new people and having some fun too! If you would like to learn more, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].

Light refreshments will be provided and it should be a beautiful evening for a stroll over to SE Uplift. The meeting will last about an hour. Find a draft agenda at

Board Election Results

Thank you to Christina Estimé for administering our election and SEUL for lending us their surprisingly cozy parking lot.  With four candidates running for five seats results were never really in doubt, but it was still very nice to see and speak to everyone in person.

It is very exciting to see two newcomers join the SNA Board in Ash Hester and Jessie Maran.  Incumbents Dave Boush and Russell Rinaldi were also elected to second two-year terms.  K.C. Hoffert, Lorraine Henriques, Colin Wonnacott and Sunia Gibbs, one year into their two year terms, round out the board to an even eight.  The remaining empty seat may be filled by appointment at any time during the next two years.

The next meeting of the SNA will be August 13th at 7pm via Zoom.

2019 SNA Board Election & Bylaws Revision Results

The big winner of the night, hands down, was Lorraine’s curried chicken.  YUM.

Beyond that, I’m happy to say our bylaws revision providing the Board with more meeting schedule flexibility in order to allow broader neighborhood participation passed, following a very helpful and lively discussion.  Thanks to Chris for brining up some important questions regarding notification lead times for “off schedule” meetings as well as Jan for keeping us on topic and reminding us of some important background and context.

I’m also happy to report that Colin Wonnacott will be joining the board and sad to say that Maggie McGann will no longer be lending her considerable insight to the board.  We all have great hope that she’ll remain connected and involved.

Please join us at our June meeting where we’ll be working on committee and project assignments.  We are looking especially for willing neighbors to help out with events, communications and resource development through the coming year.  Spread the word and remember, you don’t have to be on the board to help out!

Meet Board Candidate Colin Wonnacott

I’m Colin Wonnacott, and after having lived in Portland for over a decade, I’m finally interested in getting involved in my neighborhood association.  As a lifelong renter, I feel that it is important that renters are represented in our neighborhood association.  The presence and views of non-homeowners on concerns that affect the neighborhood is a valuable insight, and having a renter on the board would allow it to further represent and be representative of the people of the Sunnyside neighborhood.

I have lived and worked in Sunnyside for most of the time I have lived in our fair city, and I feel lucky to continue to live here.  I’m an avid cyclist and gardener, a former chef, and I enjoy cooking for the Hard Times Supper at Sunnyside Community House every Wednesday.  Please consider me to represent you on the board of the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association!