February 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

SNA BoardMeeting Minutes – Approved

Feb. 10th 2011 7pm

Board Members: Michele Gila, Chuck Lawrence, Heather Wilson, Gina Binole, Reuben Deumling, Bill Stites, Jane Pullman, Paul Loney

Excused Absence: Tim Brooks

Guests: John Barker & Kari Briggs

1. Approve agenda/Minutes. Paul moves. MG 2nd. Approved.

Jan. board meeting Minutes: Gina moves to approve. Chuck 2nd. Approved.

2. BSF – Future Focus

Bill summarizes.  Joint venture. What are the responsibilities. A reorganization. Draft of Joint Agreement submitted/ on file.

3. By laws discussion continued.

No one is prepared to really pick it up. Would like to continue the discussion. Reuben mentions co-chair desire. Reuben won’t be Chair this year. Too much work travel. Might seek the position at another date.  Jane outlines a summary of last month’s minutes on this subject.

1. Do nothing?

2. Subcomittee study?

3. X or Y in May?

4. Table to next month?

4. Future of Neighborhood Clean up, proceeds distribution.

5. SNA Proposed 2011 Budget. Tim made a budget. Reflects the recent year’s numbers. We would like to have a budget. Move to next month agenda so we have more time to review the budget.

6. Follow up to SES Park Work Group.

7. Adjourn 9:02 pm.


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