Opening Day for Blair Garden

Blair Garden Opening Day: March 26, By Tim Brooks

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 26, Opening Day for the new Blair Community Garden!

Portland Community Gardens and SNA have hosted four garden work parties since October and we are just about ready to open the gates at the Blair Community Garden. By mid-March, we will build the remaining accessible raised beds, improve the path system and the shed, and then be ready to open.

The SNA would like to thank all the volunteers that joined us for the work parties. We would like to extend a special thank you to Holly Wilkalis from Hands On Portland and Lamar Hurd from the All in One Basketball Academy who helped coordinate the volunteer youth groups. SNA also wants to thank our partner in this effort, Portland Community Gardens, and their key staff Dan Franek, John Iott, and Leslie Pohl-Kosbau.

Come join us for a tour of the garden on March 26. The garden entrance is located on the west side of SE 33rd Avenue, half block south of Stark Street. For more on the garden’s rebirth, visit For more information on the opening day event, check the SNA website and listserve, or call the SNA Hotline at 503 295-1699.

Bus Riders Unite

TriMet riders who depend on the bus and MAX are facing greater hardships. Many transit riders, especially working-class families and people of color, rely on single-trip fares to meet basic needs and can’t afford to invest in transit passes. TriMet has cut bus service by over 170,000 hours leading to longer wait times between buses, overcrowded buses that pass us by, and missed transfers. Service cuts have decimated evening and weekend service. TriMet’s transfer policy is unequal and insufficient to give bus riders the time required to take care of our daily needs.

OPAL Bus Riders Unite! has a Solution:


Join us on Monday, February 21st for our Community Kick-off to have your voice heard and to get involved!

Kickoff Campaign for a Fair Transfer
Monday, February 21st
6:00 PM
St Francis Parish 11th and SE Oak (Bus #70)


Temporary Bike Corral Closure

I wanted the community to know that the on-street bicycle corral at the corner of SE Belmont and 33rd Avenue will be removed this week due to traffic operation needs along this street.
The corral will be removed for approximately 2 weeks and then reinstalled using the newer City standards, which replaces the yellow curbing and reflective wands with white pavement markings.
We are also looking at ‘upgrading’ the bike corral at the corner of SE Belmont and 34th Avenue with the new standard design at the same time.
If there are any questions related to the bicycle parking changes I can be reached directly on 503-823-0805.
Thank you again!

– Sarah
SARAH FIGLIOZZI | Bicycle Program Specialist
City of Portland Bureau of Transportation
1120 SW 5th Avenue | Suite 800 | Portland, OR 97204
503.823.0805 |   [email protected]
Find more information about Portland’s Bicycle Parking at:
The Portland Bureau of Transportation fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the ADA Title II, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For accommodations and additional information, contact the Title VI Coordinator at Room 1204, 1120 SW 5th Ave, Portland, OR 97204, or by telephone 503-823-2559, City TDD 503-823-6868.

Sunnyside School Park Use By Non-Students

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association would like to say thanks to those who took the time to respond to our query about park usage and gauge your thoughts on how the exclusive use by SES students between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays was working. Your feedback has been helpful.

We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that we will now be posting on our calendar days that SES students arrive late as part of Portland Public Schools planning and budget processes, and days when children are not in school and the community would be welcome at the park.

SES does not have school this Friday, Feb. 4, and school does not begin until 10:45 on Wednesday, Feb. 9. There is at least one late arrival day each month. There also is no school Monday, Feb. 21.

In March, the late opening day (10:45) is March 9. There is no school from Friday, March 18-March 25. Students return March 28.

We hope you find this information helpful as you plan your day and where you will spend it.

SNA seeks feedback on recent Sunnyside School Park changes

SNA requests input from all Sunnyside School Park users and neighbors on operational and design changes that were instituted at the park last spring by Portland Public Schools and Portland Parks and Recreation. These changes included:

* granting exclusive use of the park by the school from 9am to 3pm on school days.

* demarcating the northeast corner of the park with a row of boulders as being for public use at all hours. (A new play structure for pre-school children was planned in this location but has not been implemented to date.)

Please provide any comments related to the operational and design changes, your perspective on whether these changes are positive or not, and if not, how they might be improved to better serve your needs as a park user or neighbor. Please describe the nature and frequency or your use of the park, school or surrounding neighborhood, and if and how it has changed since the new rules were instituted.

Please post your comments to this site, or email [email protected] or call the SNA Hotline at 503 295-1655.