Temporary Bike Corral Closure

I wanted the community to know that the on-street bicycle corral at the corner of SE Belmont and 33rd Avenue will be removed this week due to traffic operation needs along this street.
The corral will be removed for approximately 2 weeks and then reinstalled using the newer City standards, which replaces the yellow curbing and reflective wands with white pavement markings.
We are also looking at ‘upgrading’ the bike corral at the corner of SE Belmont and 34th Avenue with the new standard design at the same time.
If there are any questions related to the bicycle parking changes I can be reached directly on 503-823-0805.
Thank you again!

– Sarah
SARAH FIGLIOZZI | Bicycle Program Specialist
City of Portland Bureau of Transportation
1120 SW 5th Avenue | Suite 800 | Portland, OR 97204
503.823.0805 |   [email protected]
Find more information about Portland’s Bicycle Parking at: www.portlandonline.com/transportation/bikeparking
The Portland Bureau of Transportation fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the ADA Title II, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For accommodations and additional information, contact the Title VI Coordinator at Room 1204, 1120 SW 5th Ave, Portland, OR 97204, or by telephone 503-823-2559, City TDD 503-823-6868.

February 2011 Meeting Agenda

SNA General Meeting Agenda

February 10, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min)
  3. Update from SES VP (Amy Kleiner, 10 min)
  4. Senior co-housing project in Sunnyside (Mildred White, 15 min)
  5. Committee Reports (15 min)

Land Use and Transportation

Crime Prevention

Southeast Uplift

6. Announcements (5 min)

7. Approve minutes (2 min)

8. Next meeting on February 11 / Newsletter articles (due January 17)

9. Adjourn


      November 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

      Approved Minutes

      Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Thursday, Nov 11th, 2010

      Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

      Neighbors & Guests: Zach Michand (North Tabor NA)

      Board Members: Gina Binole, Jane Pullman, Reuben Deumling, Tim Brooks, Paul Loney, Bill Stites, Michele Gila. Heather Excused. Chuck unexcused.

      1. Approve agenda/minutes (2 min). Move to delete item #3. Approved. Minutes approved.

      2. December Holiday potluck: planning (10+ min). Holiday Cheer is welcome. Do we want to invite anyone? We assigned Chuck to bring his usual platter. Appreciation of Gary Ballou. Appreciate John Noel. Appreciate Jane. Newsletter delivery people. Add an invite to each stack? Jane will personally call them. Tim suggests someone donate a $10 toward a meal somewhere. Tim will send Reuben of Certificate of Appreciation. Dec. 9th 7-9pm at SEUL. Bill will bring some drinks. Jane will bring a cake. Gina will bring food. BRING FOOD. Bill will talk to the regular food donors since we’ve missed a few months. Move to extend time for agenda. Jane seconds. Entertainment? Deanna Wilder? Bill will ask her. Back up plan? Via email. Singer Songwriter.

      3. SNA Budget – report back (Jane 5 min). DELETED.

      4. BSF future & SNA’s role – follow up (discussion 5+ min). Tim wants to support the takeover of the BSF. SNA wants to see the BSF continue. Brings people out.  If SNA takes over the responsibilities of the BSF, is it worth having the conversation about the PURPOSE of the fair. Will it still be a commercial endeavor. Would we do as we have been doing? Bill notes that was discussed today. What is the intent? Noted that there was a big focus on vending not so much on community builder. If SNA took it on, we could balance it. Leadership and Collaboration. If we provide the Leadership we would like to see a bit more on community building. Tim moves that SNA supports and wants the street fair to continue and we are prepared to take a leadership role. Paul 2nd. Approved.

      5. Newsletter frequency change? (discussion 10 min). Bill: wants to revisit the idea of reducing newsletter frequency to every 2 months. Reduction in resources would drop by half. Believes we’d keep the 80% of benefit. Mentions electronic communication tools. Bill moves to every other month. MG 2nds. Reuben has long been opposed to reduction. Champion of the benefit of monthly. It is a lot of work. And by reducing the time frequency do we lose the continuity of the volunteers. Bill notes there would not be a black hole in the off months. Just an extension. Gina would write an article/poll for the newsletter to see what neighbors want to see. Reuben hears unsolicited positivity around the newsletter. Tim mentions that what he always hears while delivering the support of it. Monthly is important to people. Having done it for so many years, the monthly pattern is helpful. Tim also suspects that if we break it up a bit we’d have advertisers & volunteers drop off. Bill states that he doesn’t agree that we need a 30 day cycle to stay in the groove. Thinks folks would be ok with a 60 day. Thinks we could project articles for the future publications. The benefit for bi-monthly outweighs. Paul says it’s hard to gauge. Focus group of 10 random selected neighbors and quiz them on content to see how well  folks know what is going on. We are biased and intimately involved. 2 yes. 3 no. 1 abstain. Motion fails.

      6. Newsletter articles (due November 15). Jane will contribute. Tim will write on Blair. Gina tree recycling. Articles due by 15th. MG/Paul to write cell tower summary.

      7. Other Business . Bill wants to talk about Chuck Lawrence.

      8. Adjourn. 9:12pm.


      November 2010 General Meeting Minutes

      Approved Minutes

      Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting Thursday, Nov 11th, 2010

      Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

      Neighbors & Guests: Zach Michaud, Jeanne Longley, Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, Colleen Welch

      Board Members: Gina Binole, Jane Pullman, Reuben Deumling, Tim Brooks, Paul Loney, Bill Stites, Michele Gila

      1. Introductions (3 min)

      2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min) MG moved/Bill 2nd. Approved agenda.

      3. Blair Garden update (Tim, Parks 5 min). Leslie from Parks. Lead on Blair Garden! Been about 5 years working on getting it all going. New Director who is a gardener at Laurelhurst Village. 2 weeks ago was ground-breaking with volunteers from All in One Basketball Academy. The kids worked hard! This Saturday 9:30am 2nd follow up party. Reuben is the connection to local cedar source and has been delivered to site.  Soil arrives tomorrow at the street. This wknd soil needs to be moved to upper area where it’s compacted. Then the raised beds get built. 2 types/heights of raised beds. Dec 11th is another work party. 9:30-11:30. How do people get a bed? is a frequent question. Previous people will be contacted and offered first dibs. Adams sisters have been making calls. 🙂 People who have been on the waiting list in this neighborhood get 2nd dibs. 200 sf plots. 17 plots. + 2-3 accessible/raised beds. This will make the 36th garden in the Parks Program. Democratically led garden/managed. Security is important so crops aren’t taken. Private lots can be considered for about a 10 year commitment. Jane brings up 12/Salmon location about potential. Leslie suggests contact City Leadership!

      4. Update on Group GNA for Belmont (Paul/Bill 5 min). Met on Mon at LUTC. Small turn out. A few business owners & a few neighbors. Tony offered to write letter to all bar owners to invite them to a meeting. Pied Cow owner & neighbor showed up. Pied Cow put a wall up and it was not permitted. Her bedroom window is 8 feet from patio. Employees smoke there. Gina asks what our role as NA is. Bill explains that he continues to talk with the tenant. Mediations NW might need to be involved. It seems to be a post-10pm issue. The whole Group GNA is to get consistency. Most seem to be ok with 10pm closing time for back patio, including Aalto Lounge!

      5. SNA’s role in Belmont Street Fair future (Tim 5 min). Reuben, Tim, Bill all went to BABA this morning. Paul & Tim have offered for at least 5 years to take over. John talks frequently about retiring, but seems to have a 3-5 year plan to continue. Bill reports the meeting went really well. Still a question on the funding. It has raised substantial funding. Supports paid staff. Raised profit in funds in excess of $4000 after paying staff. The fair funds in excess have certainly gone to support BABA budget. Tim is reluctant to take it on if SNA doesn’t share in the proceeds. Nancy would like to stay involved and provides good continuity, including booth organization. REACH started the idea initially.

      6. Community connectedness: an SNA project proposal (Reuben 10 min). Wants feedback if  this seems a useful proposal. Main premise is that within neighborhood we more or less know each other but could do more to be connected. Encouraging neighbors to get to know neighbors. KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD “KYN” is a good framework or at least potential. Sustainability Committee is starting a 6 week journey of little block parties. Jane is excited to get her block organized. Meeting at U of P 18th City class on KYN. Jeanne talks about a Chilean Earthquake story and how the neighborhood association took the lead for 2000 residents to move them upland.

      7. Committee Reports (15 min)

      Sustainability – see above

      Land Use and Transportation – see above. Further, Monday at 6:30 is the SEUL LUTC on the 15th for cell towers.

      Crime Prevention – Tim will address Chuck’s email bouncing.

      Southeast Uplift- Jane reports:

      a.. Small Grants Deadline has passed. $22,000 to go out, requests $142,000. A committee is formed to figure that out.

      b. Mentioned Sunnyside has suggested Ben & Jerry’s at the clean up. Needed tax id #.

      c. Anne Dufay wants us to announce again that the NAs are not 501 (C)(3) and are not to use SEUL tax id #. Only if being fiscally sponsored.

      d. Rich Newlands talked about Bikeway Project. Still in public process. Discussion ensued about street parking at residences and how that’s not going to be popular.

      e. Leaf district update. You will have to PROVE that you handle your own leaves if you want to opt-out. Let’s promote better use of the leaves.

      8. Announcements (5 min) Site Council update from Gina. It was noted that Rachel Bloom has donated $3000 to the school to be used however they would like. Gina notes that there are no discussions around the fence. The current focus seems to be Literacy. Bill asks about the baseball field. Asks about the batting practice set up and how it happens as it could hit someone walking by.

      Gina on HABA Dec. 9th holiday stroll starting at 4pm, businesses would stay open late. Looking for performers, carolers, etc… contact HABA.

      PGE Landscape update.

      2 Rivers Aikikai fundraiser Dec. 3rd at the Rose Garden.

      9. Approve minutes (2 min) Tim moves to approve. Gina 2nd. Approved.

      10. Next meeting on December 9th. That is the Holiday Party.

      11. Adjourn. 8:18pm.