April 11, 2019 Board and General Meeting Minutes

SNA Board Meeting April 11, 2019

Present: Board Members: K.C., Lorraine, Reuben, Matt  Excused-absent: Maggie, Pat

Members and Guests: Emily Panos, Dale Peppel, Bethany Sakewitz, Glenn Devitt, Jan Molinaro, Colin Wonnacott, Christina Estime, Gaby Saldana-Lopez

Meeting came to order at 7:05PM


Motion to approve Agenda (Matt) seconded (Reuben) Motion passed

Motion to approve March minutes,  (Reuben) seconded (Dave) Motion passed


Gaby and Christina from SEUplift shared new event will take place in June or early July-International Bazaar, which will take place at SEUplift building. This is described as a “place-making event” with food, music and vendors, to support local vendors and talent.

Christine shared information about election planning for upcoming elections. It is important to publicize elections, showcasing accomplishments of SNA from this past year. Christina will being ballots and sign-in sheets. Reuben agreed to post elections info on Nexdoor, K.C. will post to Sunnyside Environmental school newsletter if possible, Belmont Library, and Jan suggested we post on the facebook page. Pat has helped with the potluck assignments.

Board seats to be filled: Sean (vacant), Pat, Maggie, K.C., Lorraine.

Accomplishments should include ongoing GNA with the Community House, Neighborhood Watch. Board members should speak at the Elections-Reuben, Lorraine, Dave, Matt

Committee Reports

LUTC (Dave) no meeting this month due to ParkWatch training. We have received a few results from the questionnaire.

Safety and Liv Parkwatch training went well. Next actions: GNA language should be finalized by next GNA meeting

HBBA (Dave) spoke with Alan Fields. Brief discussion revolved around current state of Richmond Board. PPD will be hiring a houseless liason and will increase foot patrols in Richmond. Events at Eagles Club on Hawthorne has a new agreement with Cascade Blues Assoc and will feature a Blues Festival, “Soul Night” May 10-11th.

BABA current President is Dustin Slack asked if they do a Neighborhood map again, can will stuff in our newsletter. SNA will get $400.00 for this.

SES PTSA (K.C.) School Auction is May 11th at Beeswing restaurant.

SEUplift (Reuben) SEUL may participate in a study to move railyards out of Portland. SEUL is interested in including Albina and Brooklyn neighborhoods in study. Company doing study will be on next month agenda to discuss funding for study. Foster parents are needed for Boys and Girls Aid. Cascadia Clusters-tiny home villages is announced. Portland United against Hate-no news. Richmond Grievance-2nd greivance in 1 month, and 12 Board members who paused their service resigned. Alan and Brian are the only Board members left.

Sunnyside Prepared (Glenn) Descalation training is this Sunday, for NET volunteers, is full. City is close to approval for container for supplies ($1650.00 to buy supplies) for SES location. In future, Sunnyside Prepared will be fundraising through businesses and Sunnyside Environmental School.

Bylaws  Board discussed language regarding meetings. Reuben suggested we discuss option for changes to SNA bylaws.

Motion (Lorraine) moved that the Board change language to read SNA Board meetings can take place “Up to 6 times a year.” Reuben Seconded motion. Motion passed.

Request from Alan Fields that our Board approve funding for their event, “Paint the Town Red.”

Motion (Reuben) that SNA be a $0 sponsor  Seconded (K.C.) Motion passed

Meeting adjourned at 9:02


SNA Board Minutes 4-11-19

Matt Lembo

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