June 10, 2010 General Meeting Minutes

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting

Approved Minutes

June 10, 2010 Southeast Uplift, 3534 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214

Board Members: Paul Loney, Reuben Deumling, Jane Pullman, Michele Gila, Bill Stites, Heather Wilson, and Gina Binole. Absent: Tim Brooks, Chuck Lawrence.

Neighbors and Guests: Karen Hery, Rachel Bloom, Zoe Pedersen, Bill & Martha Wheeler, Matt Wickstrom, Heidi (last name?), Lee Greer, Josh Palmer, Dana Berterman (?), Jeanne Longley, John Barker, Mark Wheeler.

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm


Approve agenda / circulate minutes:

Motion to approved modified agenda by Michele Gila; seconded by Reuben Duemling. Modified Agenda approved.

Minutes from March and April’s General Meeting handed out for approval later in the meeting. Election Results: Gina, Reuben, Paul, Heather, elected.

Matt – Portland Plan: Circulated flyer for the 25 year plan for city. Where we are now and where we want to be in 25 years. This is a people oriented plan, such as health, public safety, equity, civic engagement, arts and culture and land use, housing etc. Lot of patrons – Mult Co, tri-met, DEQ and other bureaus and agencies.

Phase 1 at beginning of year. Vision PDX. Phase 2 workshops wrapped up 3 weeks ago about where we are heading. Survey went out to everyone in Portland. Survey came up with a list of Directions based on survey. There is a more detailed list that Matt will send. Also on PDXPlan.com. This puts target number on goals to see if we are meeting goals. They are getting out into the community. Will be at Belmont St. Fair, Gay Pride, Sunday Parkways, etc. District liasons are assigned to groups that are not geographically defined, such as seniors.

Phase 3 will occur in the fall. They are developing strategies now. Intend to come up with 7 different draft strategies. In fall will be at community events and workshops. The plan will direct the City and partner agencies.

Question: When will plan be adopted? The completion would be in 2011 (see brochure).

Question: How does our spending on arts compare with other cities? Seattle and Denver spend about $7. How much success came from the last plan? Light rail was cited. This plan does what Other cities don’t do by including other things aside from transportation and

land use.

Paul says now the plan includes education, environment. They are trying to think creatively. Not a whole lot of money so they are trying to be creative.

Paul says the 20 minute neighborhood – almost everyone talked about green housing and different kinds of housing. The meeting Paul went to expressed that the 20 minutes neighborhood should be diverse.

Matt says also affordability – not just housing but also transportation.

Question: To what extent do the recommendations from the Peak Oil plan are integrated into the Portland plan? The Plan is not just new stuff. It incorporates other plans such as climate action plan, peak oil task-force, etc.

F/U Question: At some point there is the need to negotiate how different plans are arbitrated? Whose priorities get included? The Plan is learning what is important to people.

More living wage jobs Eduction Not aggressive enough on health water sheds and green.

Question: What concerns me in housing is nothing to preserve the historic character of housing. On the schools, it doesn’t’ say how to get to the goal. Does that mean tearing down? Does the plan address that the most sustainable thing is to keep the buildings rather than tearing them down? Matt says its important to provide comments.

Question: Any idea how many people are participating? 8, 000 plus 5000 plus 1800 in workshops and 75 hosted presentations. Matt said participating is been really good.

Matts email is Committee Reports

Reuben – will be meeting on Monday at 6pm. Several members of the board have been talking about incorporating more sustainability focus in our general meetings.

Are you planning of continuing the events? We are taking a break on that. We are going to help other sustainable committees with their events. Also we have presentation worked up that can be shared.

Jeanne says other neighborhoods will be having events. SE-S, neighborhood, Richmond, NW.

We will be bringing the Red Cross in to future meetings.

Question: There was an article in a newsletter about finding out how much water, electricity, gas, etc your neighbors are using. She expressed concern about people’s neighbors knowing – confidentiality. Reuben said we would be showing a graph.

Land Use and Transportation Committee: We meet the second Monday of every month at 7:30. The big issue is the Clearwire pole. They will come to our July 12th meeting at 7:30 at SEUL to show a mock up which they have to do to use a category 4 street. Hope people come because we have to show Commissioner Fritz the level of interest. Its serious because Clearwire plans to put lots of these poles in the neighborhoods. Paul explained this issue. Fritz said only 1 in 4 will be in neighborhoods. Too many!

Mary Ann Schwab is tying to get the location into the portland plan. Paul said Commissioner Fritz is not willing to take a proactive role. Irvington has 2 community groups. Ongoing liquor – Rice Junkies,

Will finalize Good Neighbor Agreement with Hall of Records. – half of what used to be It’s a Beautiful Pizza.

Cognito is going to close the back patio early. Will have live music indoors but have sound proofed. This is the other half of It’s a Beautiful Pizza.

Vegan place will be in Dixie mattress – it’s a collective. Paul said they want to go higher end. They bought the building. Bye and Bye.

Josh asks Does the committee review the cart in the empty lot next to Hoda’s? Sounds like a another cart is planning to move in.

Will Dixie Mattress be 2 places?

Karen asks if the SNA has weighed in on the portables? Paul explains we could not take a position because have not had a meeting about it yet because of timing. We did comment that any land they take up needs to be replaced. The federal grant says it has to remain open space forever. The only way to get around it is to provided the amount of open space elsewhere so the neighborhood will not loose the open space.

Rachel said on May 6th the application was deficient. She talked yesterday about the fence and the district said . . . she did not want to say. Paul said the City said the application is complete and by state law they have to send out notification but because we couldn’t

How do parents know what the status is? Paul said PPS has not been very communicative. The City said more people will be using the site and wants to know what the impact will be when you square footage. Because of a new building, it triggers a transportation study because there is more square footage.

Crime Prevention: No report.

SE UP Committee: No board report because we are in transition so we don’t have a representative. We will appoint a representative at tonight’s board meeting.

Approve Minutes: Feb– Michele moved to approve; second by heather. Minutes approved.

March – any comments? Corrections? Michele makes a motion to approve, Reuben second. Minutes approved.

April – no additions/ Reuben moves to adapt April minutes. Heather seconds. April minutes approved.

Announcements: Karen Hery. This will be the first year that the church will be on the black. We can now look at the boiler, etc. Final tenant is the metro council for the church for the whole city. They own the building so it give us more security. Karen is looking for more involvement in the useful goods exchange and the back to school exchange. Sarah Taylor has asked for them to move. Next option is to move it to the church Karen is looking for greeters. Also, Karen would like a SEUL information table. August 30th from noon to 7pm. Drop of in the morning. Last hour free. Looking for sporting gear, art supplies, binders. Its purposely a week before school starts.

Heather: From cite council. Sarah said the school will have several booths at the street fair and will give us the information for that.

Question: Anyone here on the neighborhood emergency plan?


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