Depave SEUL Oct. 16th

Depave Work Party! On Saturday, October 16th, from 9-noon, work will begin to prepare SE Uplift’s parking lot at 3534 SE Main for installation of a bioswale.  We are partnering with the Depave Project to remove 280 sq. ft. of asphalt for the facility.  This will allow us to treat onsite 100% of the stormwater runoff from the parking lot!  We would love to have the Sunnyside community involved with this exciting event.  No training or prior experience is necessary.  The work can be difficult but there are a variety of tasks available if you’re not up for heavy lifting.  The asphalt will be pre-cut into manageable pieces.  With several of us working together this will be a piece of cake, and we’ll all be proud of the improvement to the neighborhood once we’re done. Refreshments will be provided during and after the work.  Gloves, tools, and eye protection will also be provided. To sign up to volunteer, or if you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call 503-232-0010 x 313.

Crossing Belmont

Hello everyone,

In case you haven’t seen it – the work on the improved crossing at 46th and Belmont is at about the mid-point.  The sidewalk has been reconstructed and the curb extension has been formed to be “poured.”  The last bit of finishing work to be completed will be striping the actual crosswalk and TriMet relocating the bus stop.

Just thought I’d give everyone an update.

Thank you for your patience!


Kyle Chisek

Project Management | Portland Bureau of Transportation

1120 SW Fifth Ave Rm 800 | Portland, OR 97204

(: 503-823-7041 | *[email protected]