Holiday Lights on Peacock Lane

The tradition continues on Peacock Lane; four blocks of historic homes adorned with lights for for the holidays.  The festivities begin December 15th with our annual PEDESTRIAN ONLY night.  Lights are on every night December 15th to 31st from 6pm to 11pm.  Lights stay on until midnight December 24th and 31st.  Cocoa and Cider will be provided for donations nightly until the 24th.  As residents, we really enjoy our pedestrian only night and look forward to adding more of them.  I think the experience is better having the whole street to wander, with no fumes, less noise, no cars!

Because we barricade the street at Stark and Belmont, we need volunteers on the 15th from 6pm to 11pm.  The volunteers are there to move the barricades in case of emergency.  Any happy soul willing to brave whatever weather comes please contact [email protected]. We are also on Facebook.

We encourage everyone to use Tri-Met to get to Peacock Lane!  We are just a block away from the #15 and #75 bus lines.  Please do not park at Walgreen’s while visiting the lights.  Their parking lot is reserved for the use of their customers.  They had some ugly incidents last year – please, please everyone remember that this is a season of joy, giving, kindness, that includes parking lots!

I think that should work, thanks again.


PS I also say car-free every day!  You wouldn’t believe the noise level on the busy nights, it is crazy and frankly unsafe for pedestrians.

Leaf Removal in Sunnyside

There has been a lot of conversation on this topic since it’s leaf season. Here is some helpful information for neighbors to determine if they are in a leaf removal zone and how to opt out should you choose. As well as some tips to keep in mind like parking elsewhere when the time comes.

Overall, most of Sunnyside is NOT in a leaf removal zone. Therefore, you must collect and dispose of your leaves yourselves. The city will not collect/sweep your street. It is vital for folks to pick up leaves, particularly in the streets where water collects and prevents proper drainage for traffic & pedestrians to move about safely.

It appears that these sections of Sunnyside have leaf removal service: 28th to 30th  is included as are the blocks on SE Washington between 37th and 33rd, and the four block-long sections between Stark and Washington at 33rd, 35th, 37th, and 39th. 2010 leaf districts. If you are in a leaf removal district you would have received a notice in October informing you which days the crews will come through.

If you are in a leaf removal district, you can also go through a process to OPT OUT.

More can be found here at City of Portland’s Transportation site as it pertains to Leaf Removal. It’s a great idea for all to know the schedule so you don’t park on one of the streets the day of leaf removal.



Portland Plan – Inspiring Communities Series

From Bud Garrison

Hi Everyone,

If you’ve been wondering what’s happening with the Portland Plan, here’s the latest.  The City, in collaboration with a number of its partners organizations has put together a thought provoking, speakers series featuring some of the best and the brightest. See below for what’s coming up starting in December.  Economic Development is last but not least in the series on January 17th. Meanwhile the Planning staff is taking the ideas you gave them via the last round of workshops, surveys, street fairs and community events and turning them into possible scenarios for our city’s future.  You’ll see those early in 2011.

Portland Plan – Inspiring Communities Series presents some of the best and brightest thinkers on urban issues
Portland, ORE. — The Portland Plan – Inspiring Communities Series offers Portlanders a chance to learn how other cities are tackling the issues of economic development, community health, education and equity as well as how to create complete communities and make the most of our natural systems. Each evening will include a keynote speech, local panel discussion and questions from the audience. Admission is free, and childcare is provided at select locations.


All events start at 7 p.m.; doors open at 6:30 p.m. *Childcare provided by reservation; call 503-823-2041.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dr. Robert Ogilvie, Public Health Law and Policy

on Healthy and Complete Communities

Kaiser Town Hall Ballroom

3704 N Interstate Ave


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Judith Bell, Policy Link

on Education

PSU – Lincoln Hall*

Recital Hall (Room 75)


1620 SW Park Ave


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Dr. Julian Agyeman, Tufts Univeristy, Dept. of Urban & Env. Policy & Planning

on Re-imagining (E)quality

Hollywood Theatre*

Main Theater

4122 NE Sandy Blvd


Monday January 10, 2011


Cynthia Girling and Ronald Kellett, University of British Columbia

School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture

on Designing for Environment and Community

Multnomah Arts Center*


7688 SW Capitol Hwy


Monday, January 17, 2011


Bob Weissbourd, RW Ventures

on Economic Development

Mercy Corps Action Center

Aceh Community Room

28 SW 1st Ave




Kids bring new life to Blair Garden

By Tim Brooks, SNA Board Member

After five years of laying fallow, the Blair Community Garden is back! The first official garden work party got off to a great start on October 30 with the enthusiastic help of a group of kids and their coaches from the All in One Basketball Academy. Gray weather did not deter 15 young volunteers, ages 10 to 16, from an afternoon of garden preparation. Lamar Hurd and several other coaches at the All in One Basketball program worked with the kids hauling and spreading compost over the entire upper section of the garden. When they are not shooting hoops, Lamar and his team are often volunteering for groups such as the Oregon Food Bank, the Blanchet House and now, local community gardens.

Our second work party took place November 13. We had an even larger turnout of young volunteers, including students from Grant High School’s Environmental Club, Riverdale High School National Honors Society, and Hands On Portland. This work party focused on applying soil to the garden and building garden beds using locally harvested and milled cedar.

The SNA would like to thank all the young volunteers that joined us for these two events. A special thank you goes to Holly Wilkalis from Hands On Portland who helped coordinate the November event, and to Lamar Hurd and Bridget Hazard who helped bring the hoop-shooting gardeners to the October event. A big thank you also goes to Portland Community Gardens staff Dan Franek, John Iott, and Leslie Pohl-Kosbau for helping us bring the Blair Community Garden back to life!

Our next work party is December 11 from 9:30 to 11 am. The garden entrance is located on the west side of SE 33rd Avenue, about a half block south of Stark Street. For some recent press on the garden’s rebirth, visit For more information, call 503 295-1699.


General Meeting This Thursday November 11th!

It’s time once again for our General Meeting at 7pm at SEUL 3534 SE Main St. Please come join the conversation, get to know some neighbors and enjoy the snacks provided by some of our local businesses. Please see the PDF below for the details of our agenda.

Immediately following with be our monthly Board of Directors Meeting.

Agenda November 2010