ReDirect Guide Aiming for Baby Carrying World Record

The ReDirect Guide proudly announces the 6th annual Green Sprouts Organic Baby and Family Festival on September 25th at Peninsula Park. Green Sprouts is a  community-oriented event that celebrates natural and healthy options for expecting parents and young families.

The free one-day festival will promote lead awareness and poisoning prevention, eco-friendly products, natural & healthy options for birthing and raising children, along with featuring many fun family activities. Exhibits from local green businesses and seminars focusing on natural and healthy child-rearing will round out the festivities at this joyful event.

Previous vendors have enthusiastically shared feedback that they have seen more parents at Green Sprouts wear baby carriers than in any other place or event. ReDirect wants to celebrate this phenomenon by setting the world record for the most persons (moms and dads) to be wearing baby carriers. At 1pm, ReDirect will video record parents fashioning slings, wraps, backpacks, and alike at the music stage. The slings must contain a child between the ages of birth to 14 months.

This record has never been attempted before; therefore ReDirect has a great chance of setting the record this year!  Green Sprouts will be held at Peninsula Park, a close-in North Portland park that features attractions for all ages. Families attending this event can enjoy local organic fare, live music and entertainment, the Baby and Children’s Clothing swap, Cotton Babies Diaper Dash,  Alma Midwifery Education & Movement Seminar Series, arts and crafts, as well as other child-parent activities.

For more information, seminar schedules and a full list of activities, please visit  Admission is free.

SNA Board Meeting Minutes

Board members in Attendance: Gina Binole, Bill Stites, Paul Loney, Tim Brooks, Tony Jordan, Josh Palmer, Karen Hery

Excused Absence:  Heather Wilson

Neighbors and Guests: Vincent Dawans, Mary Ann Schwab

Reuben: Calls meeting to order at 8:08.

  1. Reorder of agenda. Walgreen’s Drive-thru discussion comes first.


Vincent recaps neighbor involvement to date.


Paul reports that because we do not have Walgreen’s official proposal, we are unable to oppose it. As a neighborhood, we can say we would oppose a drive-thru at the location on two transit streets, which city code treats differently.


Tim says he has spoken with planners, and the Walgreen’s project remains the same. As he understands it, they are waiting to confirm the valuation threshold to determine whether non-conforming permits are necessary.


Vincent:  Says he wants the public to focus on the fact that we are not anti-corporation and points out that corporations, like Fred Meyer, have been able to engage the community in their projects.


Tim motions that the board write a letter to be signed by Reuben that raises both conceptual, broader, Sunnyside neighborhood issues, as well as any specific issues that the land-use committee members (Tim, Paul Tony) identify related to reduction of the buffer zone.


Bill seconds.


Motion carries with four votes. No nos, no abstentions.


  1. Seating of New board members and officer elections

Paul  motions to accept new board members written signatures of Code Of Ethics of the SNA submitted within one week of the 6/9 meeting.  Gina seconds.

Four members vote yes.


  1. Officer Elections

Reuben recaps our board retreat and officer/duty discussions.


Tim nominates the slate of candidates for the following offices: Reuben remains president, Paul Loney serves as Vice President, Gina is secretary and Josh is Treasurer. Bill seconds with the informal qualification that Paul and Reuben will be acting as co-presidents.


Motion carries with 8 votes.




Other duties are as follows:

Chair of newsletter: Gina Binole

BABA Rep: Karen, Michele

HBBA: Karen, Gina

SEUL: Heather Wilson, Mary Ann Schwab

SEUL Land Use – Paul & Tony

Site Council – Karen

Communications Czar – Gina & Tony

Newsletter Layout – Tony

Belmont Street Fair – Tim, Katie, Josh

Peacock Lane – Bill

Sunnyside Piazza – Bill

Karen – SNA Food & Josh

Newsletter proofreader –Gwyneth

8 vote yes


  1. New agenda item added at request of neighbor Mary Ann Schwab – She expresses concern over the number of cell phone towers on neighborhood buildings. No one was ever done a radiation check to determine safety/health results.

No action taken.


  1. Belmont Street Fair Planning & the BABA agreement.


Tim and Bill discuss the need for an agreement between BABA and the SNA.  Bill says he was at a BABA meeting that morning, which clarifies that everything is 50/50, and there will be a street fair account separate from BABA and the SNA. The goal is to share liabilities as well as profits.


Paul motioned, Bill seconded and friendly amended. The board unanimously (8-0-1 absent) approved a motion that Tim Brooks serve as the SNA board’s Belmont Street Fair co-coordinator, along with BABA representatives. As such, he is authorized to draft a budget, sign checks and execute financial decisions on behalf of the SNA not to exceed $18,000. Any funding from the SNA that would exceed that amount requires additional board review. Tim also will provide monthly street fair financial reports to the board.


The board also discussed, but did not formally vote on its support for, a local, community-based event that celebrates the culture, character, spirit and enterprise of the SNA, BABA and surrounding stakeholders.


Karen added that she hopes the bouncy house will at least break even, rather than be a street fair cost this year and will keep us updated.


  1. Support of the Sunnyside Piazza.


Reuben: suggests the board support the annual painting of the sunflower with a symbolic endorsement.


Karen motions, Tony seconds that the board support the endeavor with a matching grant not to exceed $100 for 2012. So, if the neighborhood raises $100, the SNA will chip in $100.


  1. Bagdad Movie Fundraiser: Reuben outlines two options for the board as presented earlier by Allen Field, one is to go with the movie the Bagdad is showing anyway for $3 and split the entry fee.


The other option is to select a movie and charge a higher entry fee.


Tony motions to go with whichever movie is playing and promote it heavily. Gina seconds.


Motion carries with 7 votes. Tim opposes the motion.


Meeting adjourned 9:12



Public Input Sought In Investigation of Portland Police

The U.S. Department of Justice seeks community input for their investigation of the Portland Police Bureau. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon, in conjunction with the Special Litigation Section of the Civil Rights Division, will conduct individual interviews with members of the public during the first week in August in three locations throughout Portland.

 On June 8, the Justice Department opened a civil investigation to determine whether the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) has engaged in a pattern or practice of use of force which amounts to a violation of civil rights.
Any individual that has specific and recent information they would like to share with the Department about their personal interaction with PPB officers may request an individual meeting at one of three locations in downtown, the outer east-side, or north Portland. To request an individual meeting, please contact the U.S. Attorney’s local Civil Rights Hotline at either 503- 471-5577 or by email at [email protected]. While space and time are limited for the interviews, the Justice Department welcomes information from any individual through the email and toll free number listed below.
Throughout the course of the investigation, the Justice Department will seek to determine whether there are systemic violations of the Constitution or federal law by officers of the PPB. The Justice Department will consider all relevant information, particularly the efforts that Portland has undertaken to ensure compliance with federal law. The Justice Department has taken similar steps involving a variety of state and local law enforcement agencies, both large and small, in jurisdictions such as New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, Louisiana and California.
The Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Special Litigation Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon are jointly investigating this matter. Individual meeting times are limited, but the department welcomes any information from the community. If you have any comments or concerns, but are unable to make an individual appointment, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]or 1-877-218-5228.

Neighbors, Help SES Harvest Rain Water

Umpqua Bank is sponsoring a “Build Your Block Challenge” to select one neighborhood improvement project to fund.  Sunnyside Environmental School invites you to celebrate the rain with us and hopes that our project will be chosen for funding!
Portland gets about 40″ of rain a year. Much of that ends up polluted and in our sewers, and isn’t available to us when we need it most…the summer. Our school is creating a rainwater harvesting system, which will water the school gardens and highlight other ways to capture and reuse water.
We will create educational materials and host a neighborhood rain barrel building event to help the greater community capture and use water!  If you are interested in helping us plan or implement this idea, please contact [email protected].
Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
–Langston Hughes (excerpt)

Helpful Info for Anyone Seeking Shelter. Plus a call to action for blankets & coats!

Good Evening Folks,
It’s just a couple of days before the Thanksgiving and there are some people who need you help. Please read the emails below. Warm shelter is available. Donations of blankets and coats are needed!
Happy Thanksgiving one and all.
Katherine Anderson
Severe Weather Alert: The National Weather Service predicts very cold temperatures with accumulating snow will begin the afternoon of Monday, November 22, 2010, with predicted snow accumulations of up to an inch or more in the Portland area. Though snow is expected to taper off before midnight, overnight lows may drop to the low-20s. At this time, it appears that severe weather conditions may persist through Tuesday night, as well. However, we will closely monitor forecasts today and tomorrow, and provide an updated announcement on Tuesday.
Anyone seeking shelter should contact 211info, reached by dialing 2-1-1. 211info will be available to identify available shelter and warming center resources between 8:00am and 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. Multnomah County callers may also contact 211info between 6:00pm and 10:00pm Monday to Friday, and between 8:00am and 10:00pm on Saturday and Sunday. People should call 211infoto be directed to shelter locations.
Service providers who would like to update information on services they offer during Severe Weather Alerts, please call Troy Hammond at (503) 419-8617.
In addition to existing year-round and winter shelter facilities, the following warming center facilities are available:
Family Winter Warming Center:
12505 NE Halsey Street, Portland Oregon
(on Halsey near 126th Avenue)
Call 211 or (503-548-0200 or 503-405-7875) to check for availability
Dates: seven nights a week throughout winter season
Hours: 7:00 PM – 7:00 AM, check-in on site
Serves: Families with children under 18
Women’s Winter Warming Center:
Check in at Transition Projects, 475 NW Glisan, between 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to reserve a space for the night. Call 503-823-4930 to check availability. Only for single women, up to 70 people.
Dates: seven nights a week throughout winter season
Hours: 7:00 PM – 7:00 AM
Serves: Single women
Men’s Expanded Shelter:
Located at Salvation Army Harbor Light, SW 2nd and Ankeny, between 7:30pm and 7:30am. Call 503-239-1259. Provides seating and hot beverages. Only for single men, up 70 people.
Dates: seven nights a week throughout winter season
Hours: 7:30 PM – 7:30 AM
Serves: Single men
Severe Weather Emergency Warming Center (only open when a Severe Weather Alert is issued):
Red Cross Severe Weather Emergency Warming Center at the Imago Dei Church
1302 Ankeny Street, (near 13th Avenue in Inner SE), Portland
Dates: November 22 & 23, 2010, open 9pm each day
Hours: 9:00 PM – 7:00 AM, check-in on site
Serves: Families, single adults, and youths; Pets allowed; some space for carts; accessible location (main floor)
The following expanded day center services are available during the Severe Weather Alert.
Downtown Chapel Roman Catholic Parish
601 W. Burnside Street, 503-228-0746
Provides hot beverages, some snacks and movies
Dates: November 22, 2010
Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Serves: Adults, up to 100 people
Please call 211 with questions regarding other shelter and transportation resources.
Winter service coordination provided by 211info is made possible by a grant from the Portland Housing Bureau. In partnership with other City departments, Multnomah County and community partners, the Portland Housing Bureau coordinates winter and severe weather shelter and day services for homeless individuals in our community.
For the most up-to-date information on shelter or assistance, contact 211info by dialing 2-1-1 or accessing In Multnomah County, the call line is open from 8am and 10pm, Monday through Friday; and between 8am to 10pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

For additional resources, please click on the link below:
For addresses and hours for Winter Shelter and Day Center locations for Adults, Victims of Domestic Violence, Families and Youth, click here.
Can You spare a Blanket… from the folks at 2-1-1
We have heard from a number of providers that there is a great need for blankets among the city’s homeless services agencies.
We are calling for donations of washable blankets and coats.
Agencies prefer twin-size blankets that are appropriate for use outside, i.e., not comforters or small throws.
Potential donors should contact agencies for drop-off locations and information, as well as a full list of items needed.

A number of agencies have agreed to accept donations.

  • Portland Rescue Mission – 111 W. Burnside, 503.647.7466,
  • JOIN – 1435 NE 81st Ave., 503.232.2031,
  • Transition Projects – 475 NW Glisan, 503.823.4930, see for other drop-off locations
  • Salvation Army Female Emergency Shelter – 11 NW 5th, 503.227.0810
  • CityTeam Ministries – 526 SE Grand, 503.231.9334

Winter service coordination is made possible by a $180,000 grant from the Portland Housing Bureau. In partnership with other City departments, Multnomah County and community partners, the Portland Housing Bureau coordinates Winter and Severe Weather shelter and day services for homeless individuals in our community.
For the most up-to-date information on shelter or assistance, call 211info by dialing 2-1-1. In Multnomah County, the call line is open from 8am and 10pm, Monday through Friday; and between 8am to 10pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

For additional resources, please click on the below: For addresses and hours for Winter Shelter and Day Center locations for Adults, Victims of Domestic Violence, Families and Youth, click here.
Katherine Anderson
Southeast Crime Prevention Coordinator
Office of Neighborhood Involvement
1081 SE Oak Street
Portland OR 97214
NEW EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]
Visit the Crime Prevention website:
To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and activities, the City of Portland will reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities. Call 503-823-4000, or the City’s TTY at 503-823-6868, or the Oregon Relay Service at 1-800-735-2900 no less than five (5) business days prior to the event.