SNA Board Meeting Minutes

Board members in Attendance: Gina Binole, Bill Stites, Paul Loney, Tim Brooks, Tony Jordan, Josh Palmer, Karen Hery

Excused Absence:  Heather Wilson

Neighbors and Guests: Vincent Dawans, Mary Ann Schwab

Reuben: Calls meeting to order at 8:08.

  1. Reorder of agenda. Walgreen’s Drive-thru discussion comes first.


Vincent recaps neighbor involvement to date.


Paul reports that because we do not have Walgreen’s official proposal, we are unable to oppose it. As a neighborhood, we can say we would oppose a drive-thru at the location on two transit streets, which city code treats differently.


Tim says he has spoken with planners, and the Walgreen’s project remains the same. As he understands it, they are waiting to confirm the valuation threshold to determine whether non-conforming permits are necessary.


Vincent:  Says he wants the public to focus on the fact that we are not anti-corporation and points out that corporations, like Fred Meyer, have been able to engage the community in their projects.


Tim motions that the board write a letter to be signed by Reuben that raises both conceptual, broader, Sunnyside neighborhood issues, as well as any specific issues that the land-use committee members (Tim, Paul Tony) identify related to reduction of the buffer zone.


Bill seconds.


Motion carries with four votes. No nos, no abstentions.


  1. Seating of New board members and officer elections

Paul  motions to accept new board members written signatures of Code Of Ethics of the SNA submitted within one week of the 6/9 meeting.  Gina seconds.

Four members vote yes.


  1. Officer Elections

Reuben recaps our board retreat and officer/duty discussions.


Tim nominates the slate of candidates for the following offices: Reuben remains president, Paul Loney serves as Vice President, Gina is secretary and Josh is Treasurer. Bill seconds with the informal qualification that Paul and Reuben will be acting as co-presidents.


Motion carries with 8 votes.




Other duties are as follows:

Chair of newsletter: Gina Binole

BABA Rep: Karen, Michele

HBBA: Karen, Gina

SEUL: Heather Wilson, Mary Ann Schwab

SEUL Land Use – Paul & Tony

Site Council – Karen

Communications Czar – Gina & Tony

Newsletter Layout – Tony

Belmont Street Fair – Tim, Katie, Josh

Peacock Lane – Bill

Sunnyside Piazza – Bill

Karen – SNA Food & Josh

Newsletter proofreader –Gwyneth

8 vote yes


  1. New agenda item added at request of neighbor Mary Ann Schwab – She expresses concern over the number of cell phone towers on neighborhood buildings. No one was ever done a radiation check to determine safety/health results.

No action taken.


  1. Belmont Street Fair Planning & the BABA agreement.


Tim and Bill discuss the need for an agreement between BABA and the SNA.  Bill says he was at a BABA meeting that morning, which clarifies that everything is 50/50, and there will be a street fair account separate from BABA and the SNA. The goal is to share liabilities as well as profits.


Paul motioned, Bill seconded and friendly amended. The board unanimously (8-0-1 absent) approved a motion that Tim Brooks serve as the SNA board’s Belmont Street Fair co-coordinator, along with BABA representatives. As such, he is authorized to draft a budget, sign checks and execute financial decisions on behalf of the SNA not to exceed $18,000. Any funding from the SNA that would exceed that amount requires additional board review. Tim also will provide monthly street fair financial reports to the board.


The board also discussed, but did not formally vote on its support for, a local, community-based event that celebrates the culture, character, spirit and enterprise of the SNA, BABA and surrounding stakeholders.


Karen added that she hopes the bouncy house will at least break even, rather than be a street fair cost this year and will keep us updated.


  1. Support of the Sunnyside Piazza.


Reuben: suggests the board support the annual painting of the sunflower with a symbolic endorsement.


Karen motions, Tony seconds that the board support the endeavor with a matching grant not to exceed $100 for 2012. So, if the neighborhood raises $100, the SNA will chip in $100.


  1. Bagdad Movie Fundraiser: Reuben outlines two options for the board as presented earlier by Allen Field, one is to go with the movie the Bagdad is showing anyway for $3 and split the entry fee.


The other option is to select a movie and charge a higher entry fee.


Tony motions to go with whichever movie is playing and promote it heavily. Gina seconds.


Motion carries with 7 votes. Tim opposes the motion.


Meeting adjourned 9:12




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