General Meeting This Thursday November 11th!

It’s time once again for our General Meeting at 7pm at SEUL 3534 SE Main St. Please come join the conversation, get to know some neighbors and enjoy the snacks provided by some of our local businesses. Please see the PDF below for the details of our agenda.

Immediately following with be our monthly Board of Directors Meeting.

Agenda November 2010

General Meeting Agenda for October 14th

  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min)
  3. Communications strategies: new directions/electronic media (Michele 3 min)
  4. East Portland Historical Calendar Project (Heather 3 min)
  5. Neighborhood Cleanup/Useful Goods Exchange future collaboration (Karen Hery 5 min)
  6. Self-Help small grant application proposal (George Slanina 10 min)
  7. Group GNA on Belmont – discussion (Paul, Katherine 5 min)
  8. Committee Reports (15 min)

Land Use and Transportation

Crime Prevention

Southeast Uplift

  1. Announcements (5 min)
  2. Approve minutes (2 min)
  3. Next meeting on November 11
  4. Adjourn


SNA Board Meeting Agenda

October 14, 2010, 8:00 – 9:00 PM

  1. Approve agenda/minutes (2 min)
  2. Treasurer’s report (Jane 3 min)
  3. Finance Committee report back (Jane, Tim 5 min)
  4. Do we want to partner with anyone on this grant cycle? (discussion 10 min)
  5. Action items? Liquor licences? Self-Help grant proposal? (20 min?)
  6. Newsletter articles (due September 15)
  7. Other Business
  8. Adjourn


Thursday September 9th Neighborhood Meeting

SNA General Meeting Agenda

September 9, 2010, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min)
  3. P:EAR Mural project (Rodolfo Serra/Esteban Camacho, 10 min)
  4. Belmont Street Fair – logistics, tasks (10 min)
  5. Bagdad film/fundraiser (5 min)
  6. Committee Reports (15 min)

Land Use and Transportation

Crime Prevention

Southeast Uplift

  1. Approve minutes (2 min)
  2. Next meeting on October 14
  3. Adjourn

August 12th Meeting Agenda (proposed)

Sunnyside General Meeting Agenda

August 12, 2010, 7:00-8:00pm at the SEUL headquarters (SE 35th & Main)

  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min)
  3. Clearwire – wireless transmitter tower (Steven Topp, 20 min)
  4. Safeway remodel on Hawthorne (Diane Phillips, 10 min )
  5. Introducing ‘Hawthorne Open’ event (Kevin Levy, 3 min)
  6. Formation of working group to focus on the long term health and livability of the SES Park and its surroundings (10 min)
  7. Committee Reports, abbreviated (8 min)

Land Use and Transportation

Crime Prevention

Southeast Uplift

  1. Approve minutes (2 min)
  2. Next meeting on September 9
  3. Adjourn