- Introductions (3 min)
- Approve agenda, circulate minutes (2 min)
- Communications strategies: new directions/electronic media (Michele 3 min)
- East Portland Historical Calendar Project (Heather 3 min)
- Neighborhood Cleanup/Useful Goods Exchange future collaboration (Karen Hery 5 min)
- Self-Help small grant application proposal (George Slanina 10 min)
- Group GNA on Belmont – discussion (Paul, Katherine 5 min)
- Committee Reports (15 min)
Land Use and Transportation
Crime Prevention
Southeast Uplift
- Announcements (5 min)
- Approve minutes (2 min)
- Next meeting on November 11
- Adjourn
SNA Board Meeting Agenda
October 14, 2010, 8:00 – 9:00 PM
- Approve agenda/minutes (2 min)
- Treasurer’s report (Jane 3 min)
- Finance Committee report back (Jane, Tim 5 min)
- Do we want to partner with anyone on this grant cycle? (discussion 10 min)
- Action items? Liquor licences? Self-Help grant proposal? (20 min?)
- Newsletter articles (due September 15)
- Other Business
- Adjourn