Owning my own personal training business before Covid meant I could train anywhere – client’s homes and private gyms. Training outside was a fun treat for good weather, and online training was something I had never tried before. In March, my business came to a screeching halt and I HATED taping videos of myself to send to clients! Maintaining client’s progress with limited strength training equipment outdoors was another huge challenge, but I knew I could still contribute to my community’s well being. I focused on creating a weather-friendly outdoor gym and taught myself the wonders of Zoom live training.
Through many trials and errors and reminding myself that EVERYONE has been dealing with their own struggles through this, I learned that we can all adapt to make our community a happier, healthier place. I want to help anyone who desires a healthier, stronger body to not only reach their goals but change their life for the better. Reach out to Kelly for inquiries at [email protected]