Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Elections 5/09/2019
Present: Board members: Lorraine, Matt, KC, Reuben, Dave, Pat, Maggee
Community Members: Colin Wonnacott, Precinct Officers Fox and Mina, Christina (SEUL),
Meeting came to order at 7:29
Introductions\Proposed Bylaws change announced by Matt
Discussion about the current language of the Bylaws regarding meetings, Article IV, Section 2 Subsection A
Proposed language is: Regular meetings: the Board shall endeavor to meet at least 6 times per year on the second Thursday of the month and up to 6 times per year at a place, date and time determined by the Board to conduct the business of the association. Opportunity will be provided at regular meetings for the membership to advise the board of current concerns and possible actions. Notice of regular meetings of the board to the public must be at least 7 days in advance. Direct notice to the Directors and individuals known to have an interest in topics on the meeting agenda must be provided at least one day in advance.
Maggee moved to amend language in proposed bylaws regarding notice from…”from 7 days…” to “from 30 days.” A straw poll was taken, and the amendment did not garner interest, so no formal vote to change language was made.
Motion to approve Bylaws change (Reuben) seconded (Dave). Motion passed
Reuben gave a presentation about the history of SNA-Reuben has served as a Board member for 13 years. He discussed the current projects: The Good Neighbor Agreement which is in process between Sunnyside Neighbors and the Sunnyside Community House, Community Clean-Ups, Belmont Street Fair, Sunnyside Foot Patrol, and others. He highlighted why being on the Board was fun and valuable as a community member.
Elections ballots were handed out. There are 5 open seats-Sean stepped down, and Maggee is not running again. Voting results: Board: KC Hoffert, Colin Wonnacott, Pat Schwiebert, and Lorraine.
Bylaws change-results showed that the votes were even.
Goals of new Board were discussed: Improvements to digital communications, Board Development and Engagement, Events Committee/fund raising, Land Use and Transportation.
New Board will meet and discuss goals, ideas, and officers/committee chairs May 25th. Motion to Approve April minutes-(Dave) seconded (Reuben). Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM
Minutes submitted by: Lorraine Henriques