Meeting of the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association 6-13-19
Present: sitting SNA Board members-Pat, Collin, Reuben, KC, Matt, Lorraine, Dave
Not present: Russell
Meeting came to order at 7:04. Introductions were made
Motion to approve agenda (Reuben) seconded (Dave) Motion carries
Announcements were made-Mazama Open House July 28th-an application to close SE 43rd Avenue between Stark and Washington was made for the event
Police Officer Report-no Officer attended
Town Centers Main Street Overlay Zoning-presentation was given by Chris Trejbal from Overlook Neighborhood Association
This involves a project north of Kaiser on Alberta. Prosper Portland purchased the land and it became an affordable housing project.The City created a Comp Plan last year which designates “Town Centers” along major transit routes were 25% of building space is for “Active Use” to encourage pedestrians and visitors to walk the neighborhoods. Developers of this new project in Overlook sought to reduce that to 14% and City Planners granted those adjustments. There is a public hearing next week. The City is looking for clarification-a 19% gross instead of the 25% it should be. Chris says the City needs to enforce the codes and is asking SNA and other NA’s to testify or prepare statements to be read at the hearing next Thursday, June 28th at the Design Review office (PPS building in 2500 B at 5PM.
A motion was made to support this appeal (Reuben) and seconded (Dave) Motion carries
Lorraine will compose a letter to be read at appeals hearing. For more information, contact [email protected], with subject Case # LU18-277183
Deborah Johnson discussed a crosswalk at 39th and Alder. She is requesting a letter of support for PBOT. She reported that a pedestrian was hit by a car and injured at this crosswalk which does not have white lines or any signage identifying it as a crosswalk. She was told by a City Commissioner’s office that there is no funding for this. Matt suggested she look at “Safe Routes to Schools” as a source of funding.
Sunnyside Work Crew-David Rees
David has lived in Sunnyside for 18 years, and he would like to see more storage space for houseless people’s “stuff” and a resource for gigs and jobs, especially ones that would “put money in their pockets.” Colin suggested this would be an excellent pilot project for the Homelessness Response Committee.
Committee Reports were given.
Reuben announced he will be going to Germany for as long as 3 months-he may not return until September.
Matt: Chair, Reuben-Vice Chair, KC-Treasurer, Lorraine-Secretary
Vote to install Officers-Unanimous vote to install these officers.
Amended May minutes to reflect vote to pass new SNA Bylaws was 19-1 in favor
Motion to pass minutes as amended (Reuben) Seconded (KC) Motion carried.
Communication funding-SNA Board members decided to allocate all of the $1099.00 to Newsletter production
Matt asked if committee chairs will remain in their roles. Reuben will continue as SEUL liason and LUTC, KC will continue with SES and PTSA, Matt and Dave will share the HBBA and BABA. Communications- Dave passed this on to Colin who agreed to chair.
Homelessness Response Committee will be chaired by Colin and Matt, and Russell Rinaldi will be included.
Events Committee was discussed. There are now 8 Board members, unless Sunia, the new Pastor at SHC would like to be involved.
Meeting adjourned at 9:17. Next meeting will be Thursday, July 11, 7-9PM at SEUL building. Minutes recorded and submitted by Lorraine Henriques, SNA Board Secretary