Q&A with Lindsay Cogan-Sant, new Project Director of the Sunnyside Shower Project
Three years ago, Lindsay Cogan-Sant arrived in Portland from Chicago and a year later they moved to Sunnyside. “It quickly became my favorite neighborhood that I’ve lived in,” they said. “It’s such a tight-knit community. There’s a lot of care for everybody and I think that is a unique thing.”
Cogan-Sant was already experiencing this tight-knit community as a neighbor with their partner and three cats, working at the Belmont Inn. But in January, they added another dimension to this experience: they became the first paid project director of the Sunnyside Shower Project, thanks to a grant from the Oregon Community Foundation.
Before taking on this responsibility, Cogan-Sant worked and volunteered in several areas related to social causes, including eight years in sexual assault domestic violence advocacy, as an abortion rights activist, and more recently managing a program for unhoused survivors of sexual and domestic violence with the YWCA.
How has this first month on the job been for you?
Lindsay: It’s been a really incredible experience so far. January was kind of a wild month…but I thrive in chaos. I’m really looking forward to all the amazing things that I think that we can do.
Could you explain more about what January has been like?
Lindsay: Winter is especially tough for our unsheltered neighbors. And with everything happening in the world, there’s a heightened sense of uncertainty and anxiety—especially around the availability of critical services that many rely on. On top of that, our washing machine broke and we spent two weeks battling a broken water heater—frustrating at any time, but especially in the dead of winter. We’ve had a nonstop stream of challenges to keep things running smoothly. The need for sleeping bags, tents, and warm clothing (especially coats and jackets) has been constant, as more folks struggle to stay warm and safe in these bitter cold temperatures. But this is such a resilient and resourceful group, and despite the setbacks, we kept pushing forward, finding solutions and making things work however we could.
You have mentioned that you love the sense of community in the neighborhood. Where do you see that in your daily life?
Lindsay: The Sunnyside Shower Project is definitely a big part of that. I think about everybody who volunteers and lives in the neighborhood. I’ve also had so many of my neighbors make a conscious effort to shake my hand and introduce themselves. There’s a lot of community events and things that I’ve seen happen at a lot of local businesses—there’s such great rapport between them. Everybody looks out for our neighbors. And there’s lots of very cute dogs that I’ve gotten to meet, which has been kind of my favorite part.
Beyond volunteering at the Shower Project, I’m curious if you have recommendations of how we can be more welcoming – not just to our unhoused neighbors but to anyone who is experiencing a difficult moment.
Lindsay: There’s a couple of things, I think. When we have bad days, [many of us] can process that in private; if we’re feeling really emotional, we can go home and cry in the privacy of our own homes. When you are unsheltered and living outside you don’t have that privacy. Your bad days are on display for everyone. So, it’s really important that if you see somebody who’s having a bad day, to treat them with compassion. Also, it’s important to remember that they are not just our neighbors, they’re our most vulnerable neighbors. Everybody deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Make a conscious effort to introduce yourself, like you would to any neighbor. Ask, “Do you need anything? Do you need some water? Do you need some warm food?” Basically, just treat people with compassion.
What are your priorities with this new responsibility with the Shower Project?
Lindsay: My priorities right now are getting folks connected with all the things that they need (like extra warm jackets) and refining certain procedures– getting things consistently on paper.
Long-term, I think this is one of the most incredible projects I’ve seen, and I would really love to see it grow – maybe someday introduce case management services or have more showers. I really just want to be able to provide a space for our neighbors to feel safe, warm and comfortable, get their basic needs met, and take a shower.
With your presence, and having someone professionally working with the project, it seems that this initiative is taking a step forward. Is that something you are looking for?
Lindsay: I really love the way that the project is currently. It is very community-centered – more mutual aid based than it is focused on being a standard nonprofit. I would really love to find a way to grow while keeping that community-centered, mutual aid mindset. I think that’s one of the things that makes this so special and so important. I really want to keep that focus as much as possible, but I do want to take this to the next level.
I imagine that one way neighbors can always help is by volunteering. But in what other ways could they contribute to the Shower Project?
Lindsay: Yeah, come volunteer! But also just stop by and say hi. I try to be here for most of the shifts. Come and get to know your neighbors, both housed and unhoused. If you have extra blankets or sleeping bags feel free to swing by and drop them off. Did you make some extra snacks that you want to share? Feel free to swing by! Just come and get to know your neighbors. That’s the best way to build community. I really think that we’re building such an incredible community. I’d love to get to know everyone in the neighborhood and I’d love for there to be more community engagement.
If you want to make a tax-deductible donation to the Sunnyside Shower Project, go to this link: https://tinyurl.com/3njsup3u, then select “SNACC” from the pull-down menu. You can make a one-time donation or become a monthly sustainer!