Last Month’s News. This Month’s Plans.

Happy Summer! As I write this in mid-July, the weather is sunny and there’s not a cloud in the sky. These are the Oregon summers we look forward to all year long. Hopefully you’ve been getting outside, spending time getting your hands dirty in the garden, or spending time at the Coast or river(s) for some kayaking or swimming! 

At our board retreat in July we came up with a new schedule for the SNA General Meetings. We’re going to have them every other month, starting in September. Board meetings will continue to happen on a monthly basis. Our next General Meeting will be on September 8th at 7 p.m. We are hoping to transition to in-person meetings, but we know that the option to attend virtually may be better for many people so we plan to maintain that as well. Check the SNA website in early September for details. 

Continue reading Vice President Hannah Wallace’s update

What if We Got it Right?

I wake up with a song in my head most mornings. Today it was “On the Street Where You Live” from the musical My Fair Lady.

 On a trip back home in May to the Chicago area, my husband and I were treated to a great impromptu brunch on the street where we lived for 33 years in Evanston, Illinois. We all fell back into our comfortable
neighborly rhythms on the street where we raised our kids, celebrated births and deaths, and ate many wonderful potluck meals. We moved to Portland in July 2012, but many of our neighbors have remained in their homes.

The question that comes up often when we go back and visit is “So when are you moving back to Evanston?’”

Our response is “Well, probably never.” 

We loved living there, and we love living here in the Sunnyside neighborhood. I know that we may not be able to re-create that same history of neighborhood warmth here, but we chose to live in a neighborhood. That’s the major reason I trained as a Neighborhood Emergency Team member, a great excuse to get to know my neighbors through the lens of emergency prep.*

It’s been a lot harder to do this outreach during COVID, so that’s why I submit a monthly article to the SNA newsletter and why I continue to encourage Sunnysiders to “be prepared, not scared.”

So, you might ask, “What are you doing to continue to be prepared? 

*Recently, my husband drained some of the water from our water storage barrel outside and refilled it with fresh water. I have tasked myself with going through our water storage bottles and seeing which ones need to be replaced and which are still viable. The recommendation is for 1 gallon per person per day for 14 days. Stay tuned for an update about my water storage journey.

Questions? Need materials to learn more about e-prep? Feel free to reach out. 

Stay hydrated and get to know your neighbors. Yep, that’s the way to go and to be in this lovely Sunnyside neighborhood.

Sunnyside Neighborhood Community Cares (SNACC) Committee Updates

The Sunnyside Shower Project needs volunteers! Consider contributing to your community and getting to know your housed and unhoused neighbors by attending one of our New Volunteer Orientations in August. In the session, current volunteers will give you a tour of the Sunnyside Community Center where the Sunnyside Shower Project is located. You will get an overview of the tasks required of volunteers during their two hour shifts, as well as an introduction to basic concepts of de-escalation, conflict management, and non-violent communication which are necessary skills for volunteers. The hour will end with a Q&A session as well as time to sign up for your first shower shift. 

We will meet outside at the Sunnyside Environmental School park, located on the corner of SE 35th and Yamhill at the following dates and times:

• Thursday, August 18th, 7 – 8 p.m. (following the SNA Board Meeting from 6 – 6:30 p.m. and a brief SNACC Committee Meeting from 6:30 – 7 p.m.)

• Saturday, August 20th, 1 – 2 p.m.

RSVP by emailing Emily McCadden at [email protected]. If you are unable to attend but would like more information about volunteer opportunities with the Sunnyside Shower Project, contact Hannah Wallace at [email protected]. 

Sunnyside Neighborhood: Getting to Know Your Neighbors

Q&A with Mathew Brock, Mazamas ​​Library and Historical Collections Manager

The Mazamas, formerly known as the Mazama Mountaineering Center (MMC), may be the oldest community organization in the Portland area. And, it happens to be located on the northern edge of the Sunnyside neighborhood at SE 43rd and Washington.

I sat down with Mathew in the middle of July at his office, which is next door to the beautiful and rich Mazamas Library.  I wanted to learn more about Mazamas history and programming, his work, and to ask about ways Sunnysiders can get involved in this rad organization. One thing I learned: you don’t have to be a member of the Mazamas to enter its library and peruse its vast collection of travel guidebooks that cover everything from hiking in Yosemite to where to climb in Spain. 

Continue reading our full Q&A with Mathew Brock

Critic’s Corner

Introducing a new column where we let a Sunnyside student review a book, film, local restaurant or attraction.

Efrén Divided, by Ernesto Cisneros
A Book Review By Nadia Pozos, 11-year-old Sunnyside resident
and SES student

Most of us can’t relate to the constant threat that a family member could be taken from us. Author Ernesto Cisneros introduces us to the point of view of a school boy, Efrén, who has lived this way his entire life. Overnight Efrén is thrust into a new reality where he is taking care of his two younger siblings as his father works extra hours to pay for his mother’s return. 

Continue reading “Critic’s Corner”