Happy Summer! As I write this in mid-July, the weather is sunny and there’s not a cloud in the sky. These are the Oregon summers we look forward to all year long. Hopefully you’ve been getting outside, spending time getting your hands dirty in the garden, or spending time at the Coast or river(s) for some kayaking or swimming!
At our board retreat in July we came up with a new schedule for the SNA General Meetings. We’re going to have them every other month, starting in September. Board meetings will continue to happen on a monthly basis. Our next General Meeting will be on September 8th at 7 p.m. We are hoping to transition to in-person meetings, but we know that the option to attend virtually may be better for many people so we plan to maintain that as well. Check the SNA website in early September for details.
Because of board members’ busy vacation schedules, the next Board Meeting will be on August 18th at 6 p.m., right before our SNACC committee meeting. At this meeting, we will vote on new officers and set the agenda for the September meeting. Remember that though board meetings are open to the public, only board members can vote. We will hold our Board Meeting in-person at the Sunnyside Environmental School park on the corner of 35th and Yamhill. In future, board meetings will resume on the second Thursday of the month, right after the General Meeting. In months when there isn’t a General Meeting, we’ll start the Board Meeting right at 7 p.m.
We continue to receive donations for our newsletter. Many thanks to all of you who have donated! It’s so encouraging to see that you not only read the newsletter, but you want to keep it going on a monthly basis. We’re still looking for someone to be in charge of finding advertisers. If anyone out there wants to help our busy board by volunteering in this role, we would appreciate your help! Contact us at [email protected].
Please let us know if you have any ideas for upcoming agenda items or guest speakers. We are open to your ideas!