This meeting is open to the public and will take place at Sunnyside Community House, 3520 SE Yamhill Street.
6:30pm – 7:30pm: Sunnyside Community House Good Neighbor Agreement work session.
Detailed Agenda (subject to change)
Sunnyside Neighborhood Association
Helping connect neighbors through events and information in Portland's Sunnyside Neighborhood.
This meeting is open to the public and will take place at Sunnyside Community House, 3520 SE Yamhill Street.
6:30pm – 7:30pm: Sunnyside Community House Good Neighbor Agreement work session.
Detailed Agenda (subject to change)
Big thanks to everyone involved in developing this draft especially the Drafting Committee, Community House guests and volunteers, SNA Board and all of the thoughtful, caring neighbors and community members who made the time and effort to offer their experiences, views and concerns.
This draft will be available here for public comment until at least May 28th. Continue reading “Community House GNA Draft for Public Comment”
This meeting is open to the public and will take place at Sunnyside Community House, 3520 SE Yamhill Street.
6:30pm – 6:40pm: Introductions & Announcements.
6:40 – 7:30pm: Sunnyside Community House Good Neighbor Agreement work session.
It was very encouraging to see some new faces at the second GNA-focused meeting of the Safety and Livability Committee last Tuesday, February 5th. We spent the hour reviewing a draft outline of the Goals and Principles section of the agreement and sharing perspectives on safety, empathy and inclusion. Some great suggestions were made regarding how to improve the draft language as well as additional educational and services-based resources we can reach out to as the process continues.
You can find a copy of the draft discussed at this meeting (without suggested edits) as well as meeting minutes below. Thanks to everyone for their participation in this process and please encourage anyone you may know who might be interested in joining us to do so at our next meeting on Tuesday, March 5th.
Thanks to everyone who attended a very productive January 8th meeting of the Safety and Livability Committee. We spent the entirety of the meeting taking the first steps toward a Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA) with the Sunnyside Community House including discussing the goals and purpose of a good GNA (hint: the proof is in the process), outlining an approach (a smaller Drafting Subcommittee will work to craft language that reflects the higher level goals of the community as determined at the larger Safety & Livability meetings) and beginning to craft some core principles on which to build our agreement.
You can find an outline of the GNA process we discussed as well as minutes from the January 8th meeting below. We’ll continue our work on the GNA at the next meeting of the Safety & Livability Committee on February 5th.