Sunnyside Neighborhood: Getting to Know Your Neighbors

Q&A with Mathew Brock, Mazamas ​​Library and Historical Collections Manager

The Mazamas, formerly known as the Mazama Mountaineering Center (MMC), may be the oldest community organization in the Portland area. And, it happens to be located on the northern edge of the Sunnyside neighborhood at SE 43rd and Washington.

I sat down with Mathew in the middle of July at his office, which is next door to the beautiful and rich Mazamas Library.  I wanted to learn more about Mazamas history and programming, his work, and to ask about ways Sunnysiders can get involved in this rad organization. One thing I learned: you don’t have to be a member of the Mazamas to enter its library and peruse its vast collection of travel guidebooks that cover everything from hiking in Yosemite to where to climb in Spain. 

Continue reading our full Q&A with Mathew Brock

Critic’s Corner

Introducing a new column where we let a Sunnyside student review a book, film, local restaurant or attraction.

Efrén Divided, by Ernesto Cisneros
A Book Review By Nadia Pozos, 11-year-old Sunnyside resident
and SES student

Most of us can’t relate to the constant threat that a family member could be taken from us. Author Ernesto Cisneros introduces us to the point of view of a school boy, Efrén, who has lived this way his entire life. Overnight Efrén is thrust into a new reality where he is taking care of his two younger siblings as his father works extra hours to pay for his mother’s return. 

Continue reading “Critic’s Corner”

Last Month’s News. This Month’s Plans.

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association held its annual Board Elections at the June meeting and voted in three new members – Emily McCadden, Chris Waldmann, and Cole White. Congratulations to the newest members to represent and serve the Sunnyside community. 

There will not be a SNA General and Board meeting for the month of July due to organizing officer roles and preparing for the August meeting. 

I close with my complete gratitude for having had the opportunity to serve Sunnyside. My term is now complete and I will be stepping down from my role as the SNA President. There is much that I have learned through the process. I made many connections and got to see the organization develop a strong foundation. I’m excited to see the SNA continue this momentum and be the example within the city of Portland that local government does have a high impact. 

Be well and stay involved. 

Sunnyside Neighborhood Community Cares (SNACC) Committee Updates

The SNACC committee will hold its monthly meeting on July 21st from 6:30-8 p.m. Weather permitting, we hope to meet outside at Laurelhurst Park. Last month we discussed strategic planning for the Sunnyside Shower Project. We will be continuing this conversation and picking up any new topics relevant to the community that emerge over the next few weeks. Check back on the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association website for details about the agenda and location of the meeting or email [email protected] for my information.

What if We Got it Right?

I was listening to a recent podcast from On Being with Krista Tippett. She was interviewing a marine biologist who asked a BIG QUESTION….  “What if we got it right?” She is referring to the fact that, we, as humans, know all the reasons that there is a climate crisis, and that, in fact, we already know many right actions that, taken soon and collaboratively, might put us on a better path.

Jumping to my favorite topic – emergency preparation. What if the BIG QUESTIONS questions shifted to something like this…What have I already done to be prepared for any type of emergency? What else needs to be done? Who can I engage to help me be more prepared?

When it finally stops raining, I plan to write a chalk greeting on the public sidewalk in front of my home, something like… “Are you my neighbor?” I plan to invite friends on my block to write a similar greeting. It’s a conversation starter and a way to build community. And then I can ask my neighbors the BIG QUESTIONS mentioned above. One conversation at a time. 

What might you plan to do to build/expand your community and build resilience and safety?

Cheers for summer, and continue to reach out ([email protected]) if you need support with your questions about emergency preparedness.