Community Forum Nov. 6th

Hello Neighborhood Association and Community Leaders,

Portland Parks and Recreation is facing the possibility of having another cut to its budget this time that of 6%.  This may have significant ramifications to the neighborhoods that you represent in terms of lost services and lost care to existing sites.
The workers of Portland Parks and Recreation, cordially wish to invite you to come to our community forum that we are holding.  Presentations will be made in regards to who performs the work, why it matters who performs the work, what taking this work away will mean to the community.
Our effort is seeking to be as inclusive as possible, to that end we have formed a new coalition called Progress Forward NWbecause we are seeking solutions that progressively build a better tomorrow for PP&R and the community it serves.
In addition, we are open to hearing from the neighborhood associations, what projects or initiatives they are working on and what opportunities there may be to support your efforts as well.  This may prove to be a great event to network different plans for the greater Portland area.
So please join us this Saturday, November 6 from 1-3 P.M.   The site is 1125 SE Madison, Portland Oregon 97214.   Food will be catered in by Madison’s Bar and Grill.  There will be a Q&A session in which you will be able to ask questions of the presenters.
For more information, please contact me.
Thanks for your time,
Toby Green
Progress Forward NW/ Laborers Local 483



SE Uplift Hosts Community Resource Fair as One-Stop for Interested Community Advocates

Portland, Oregon – SE Uplift will host a community resource fair focusing on community planning, environmental justice, public health, sustainability and livability on Saturday, November 6, 2010 from 10AM to 1PM. Non-profit organizations from across Portland will gather at SE Uplift to offer community members one convenient place to gain resources, get training and create essential networks.

This FREE resource fair will provide avenues for motivated citizens to learn how they can better organize around issues for the purpose of uplifting their neighborhood and community. This fair will provide the tools to empower and inspire citizens to become effective community advocates.

Participating organizations confirmed thus far: Ainsworth Street Collective, Roadway Not Improved, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Urban Garden Collective, Our United Villages, DePave, Second Stories, Upstream Public Health, Community Energy Project, Neighborhood Emergency Team. Trainings will cover advocacy, grant writing, asset mapping and how to start your own street collective.

Keep up-to-date with updated event information and additions of organizations through SEUL.

Click on the pdfs below for more information. Spread the word!

Color PDF for More Info

PDF with more info

Hawthorne Safeway Remodel Meeting

From Kevin Caplener, HBBA

Below is a message from a neighbor of the Safeway on Hawthorne. They have organized a meeting this Thursday at 6:30 to discuss the new store going in. It will be at the library of Hosford Middle School, 2303 SE 28th and anyone is welcome to come:

This is Mike Rogoway, a resident of Southeast Clay Street. I’m working with HAND and our neighbors to organize Thursday night’s meeting with Safeway and the city of Portland to discuss the company’s proposal for a new Hawthorne store.
I know my last note went out on the HBBA mailing list, but I wanted to ensure your members know we now have a places, as well as a date, for the meeting.
It’s at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, October 28 in the library of Hosford Middle School, 2303 SE 28th Place.
We’re working to ensure the new store is a plus for the area and that it fits with the character of Hawthorne and the residential neighborhood.
We’d love to have you there, and as many of your members as would like to attend. If you or your members have additional questions or comments, please pass them along — or they can contact me directly.
Thanks so much,
Mike Rogoway
SE Clay Street


Halloween in Lone Fir Cemetary

Mary Faulkner                     Marissa Johnson Karen Kane, Metro

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

(503) 789-5887                    (503) 853-9352                    (503) 797-1942


Lone Fir Cemetery’s Sixth Annual Tour of
Untimely Departures on Halloween Night

Proceeds support education, preservation and restoration efforts


PORTLAND, Ore. – October 7, 2010 – In the spirit of Halloween, Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery extends an invitation to the community to meet some of the cemetery’s deceased “residents” during guided tours from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 31. Proceeds from the tours will go toward Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery outreach and education efforts for the cemetery.

Last year, more than 2,000 people toured the cemetery on Halloween night.  Guests learned about the history of the cemetery, as well as stories about the unusual circumstances surrounding the deaths of some of the buried. “The turn out from 2009 was incredible it was double from 2008, the event is becoming a part of Portland’s Halloween event scene,” said Marissa Johnson, event chair for Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery’s Tour of Untimely Departures. “With the anticipation of more people attending this year, we are seeking as many volunteers as possible.”

Anyone interested in volunteering on Halloween can leave a message at (503) 224-9200 or email [email protected]. Remaining volunteer meetings are scheduled for October 10 and 24 at 12:30 p.m. at Lone Fir Cemetery. Tour guides, actors, logistic coordinators and other volunteers are needed.

There will be two different tour routes where guests can elect to go on one or both of the 45-minute tours for $10.00 for individuals and $15.00 for families. To accommodate the number of visitors anticipated in the cemetery, 1,000 pre-sale tickets will be available online or at any Tickets West outlet. Tickets will be sold in three one-hour blocks for tours leaving at 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Online sales will continue until midnight, October 30. As in past years, tickets will be available on Halloween night at the gate on a first-come, first-served basis. Online ticket holders are encouraged to arrive 20 minutes before their tour. Guests should gather at the main entrance on Southeast 26thand Stark Street, and should dress for wet or cold weather as the event will take place … rain or moonshine. TriMet bus 15 stops at Southeast 26th and Belmont, which is a couple blocks away from the entrance. No pets or alcohol are allowed in the cemetery and children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

About the Tour of Untimely Departures

For a number of years, volunteers had patrolled the grounds on Halloween night in an attempt to prevent vandalism from occurring. The cemetery is usually closed to visitors after sundown. In 2005, Friends of Lone Fir volunteers and Metro staff decided to welcome the community into the cemetery. “The best way to prevent vandalism is to educate the community that this special place deserves to be cared for and preserved,” said Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder.

About Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery

Founded in 2000, Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery is an all volunteer, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to education, restoration and preservation efforts for the cemetery. With its first burial dating back to 1846, Lone Fir is one of the oldest cemeteries in the Portland area and the largest pioneer cemetery managed by Metro, the regional government in the Portland metropolitan area. Through fundraising events, monument repair workshops, clean up days, and historic tours, Friends of Lone Fir strives to raise dollars and awareness to overcome the inevitable deterioration that many of America’s oldest cemeteries face. Burials still occur regularly for families who own graves, and Friends of Lone Fir seek to honor the deceased and their survivors through encouraging community involvement in this treasured greenspace. For more information, call (503) 224-9200 or visit



Rachel Fox, Manager

Metro Parks & Environmental Services Administration

Metro Pioneer Cemeteries

[email protected]



Metro| People places.  Open spaces.


SES Winter Craft Fair Dec. 4th

SES Winter Craft Fair – December 4, 10am-4pm

Come do your holiday shopping at the Sunnyside Environmental School’s annual winter craft fair, Saturday, December 4, 10-4. Local artisans as well as creative SES students will ply their wares. A percentage of the profits will go toward funding the arts at the school and students will use their earnings to help fund their grade-specific overnight trips in the spring.