The SNA Needs You!

The SNA is searching for neighbors to volunteer for a number of openings on our board and committees. Volunteering with the SNA is a great way to bring about positive change in our neighborhood and city, gain new skills, and meet new friends! We are looking for volunteers for the following positions:


The Treasurer is the board officer responsible for managing the finances of the SNA. They create and certify required financial reports and give updates to the board on the financial health of the organization. They are also a board member, with all of the duties and responsibilities that entails. They may be assisted by a bookkeeper (or perform that role themself), who would be responsible for the day-to-day accounting duties like balancing the accounts, producing financial reports, preparing payments and processing donation receipts. Our current Treasurer, Vincent, will be leaving us after his term expires. The position will be up for election by the membership during our annual elections this spring.

At-Large Board Members (x2)

Board members help the SNA set a direction for the association. They participate and vote in board meetings, may be assigned to chair committees and may represent the interests of the SNA in front of the city and regional governments. 

Land-Use & Transportation Committee Chair

The chair of the Land-Use & Transportation Committee (LUTC) is responsible for representing the SNA’s interests regarding development and transportation in the neighborhood. They may coordinate with developers regarding planned buildings, testify to the city about zoning issues and variances, or work with PBOT to make our neighborhood easier to navigate on foot, bike, bus or car. The LUTC chair will give occasional reports to the board, but they do not need to be a board member or officer.

If you (or someone you know) live or work in Sunnyside and are interested in any of these positions, please reach out to [email protected] to learn more.