Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board Meeting-February 14, 2019 Meeting came to order at 7:02
Present: SNA Board-Reuben, Dave, Lorraine, KC, Pat, Matt, Maggie Community members: Colin Wonnacott, Dale Pepper, Rob Filitor
Agenda-Motion to approve Reuben, Pat seconds, motion approved
January minutes-Motion to approve-Reuben, Dave seconded, motion approved
Announcements: Matt says we have an invitation to meet with a developer for 3150 SE Belmont-45 unit (Mcguirl Design and Architecture) building proposed-across from Substation-5 story building. Reuben says we should meet with the developer as they have invited us. KC will contact him to ask him to come to next meeting. Reuben would like a synopsis put in newsletter so neighbors will know.
Dave has brought an orange comment box for anyone who would like to leave one.
KC announces that light at Sunnyside Park was replaced on January 25th at her request.
Officer present commented that if this kind of thing happens again we can contact them.
Officers present commented on importance of being careful not to leave valuables in car and visible. Officer reported on 24th century Policing-Pilot for idea was Hawthorne District-one of the key goals is to reduce calls for service, and improve livability-Officers doing community outreach to familiarize themselves with people in neighborhood and let people know who they are.
Officer reported on Crime Stats for Sunnyside-4351 crimes reported a year ago-same number year before, so level of crime is not changing overall. 3120 calls for service in a year. Average response time is 26 minutes citywide average. Crimes reported as occurring now is about 9 minutes. Officers asking SNA to brainstorm issues that are of concern that need attention. Discussion ensued about issues with cold temps and houseless folks. Officer Fox is our contact in this district.
Sunnyside Community House GNA-Matt reported on 2nd session-Community House has received more attention lately, so GNA is in the works. Basic structure is Safety and livability committee acts as community sounding board. Small drafting committee takes info and works on the language. Outline, principles and goals were developed. Next meeting is next weekend. Meetings are the first Tue of the month. Next meeting is March 5th.
Committee Reports: LUTC-Dave-
BABA: met today, Tom Weber has Hawthorne Gardens Senior Living invites SNA to have our meeting there sometime. Board will discuss for a future meeting.
HBBA: K.C.: she attended the Hawthorne Vision meeting-get out in front of development before demolition happens. Mapped out neighborhood/buildings. PDX initiative is being worked on.
SES PTSA=K.C.: doing fundraising for school in May, tree recycling event coming up.
Communications: Dave: Website, neighborhood groups and crime watch and Park Watch, Community Gardens. May be able to product something by end of year.
SE Uplift Neighborhood Support Overview and Discussion: Reuben Overseen by Office of Community and Civic Life
SE Uplift is here to support Neighborhood Associations.
There is an annual grant
Grant Stipulations:
Outreach Organizational Support Advocacy Support Participate in OCCL programs Neighborhood Small Grants Program
Training and Skill Builds Maintain accessible office
Document management
SEUL Programs and Services:
Communications Funds Neighborhood Cleanups Fiscal Sponsorship
Grants Events, Trainings, Workshops Land Use and Transportation Admin Support Board Support/NA Liason Outreach and Communication
SNA Budget Allocation Work Session-Maggie
Maggie asked Board last month to think about our priorities
We are losing funds gradually, and we have to consider how we want to allocate funds, or raise them. Matt suggested we set aside money for a project that comes into focus as a result of the GNA.
Ideas for budget building and general budgetary structure were discussed
Maggie said we need to have speakers, community events to let neighbors know who we are so they will participate
What are our priorities? Safety and livability seem to be the issue this year.
Board may meet fewer times/year and have more informational/community events
We will discuss this issue at our next meeting
Meeting adjourned 9:02
Minutes recorded and submitted by Lorraine Henriques, SNA Board Secretary