Here is the tentative agenda for our August meeting. We will be hearing from Portland for Everyone regarding the Residential Infill Project and have a discussion about the Sunnyside Park and school playground safety issues.
Reminder: meeting starts at 7:00PM.
What I find troublesome?
Everyone for Portland, a project by 1000 Friends of Oregon, are funded by Developers, who have donated $60,000 to hire a Land Use Attorney and Project manager.
I am asking that you invite a United Neighborhoods for Reform UNR volunteer representative to enter the discussion on the proposed Residential Infill Project
SNA community input is needed on the draft proposal by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 15, 2016. In several inner-southeast neighborhoods — including SE Uplfit Board of Directors do not meet in August, is vital we hear from the community-at-large. We meet on the same time as the City’s Lights out celebrations.