SNA EP NET Meeting Notes – Sep 15 2015

Notes from SNA EP NET Committee meeting 9/15/15, 7-8:30pm at Hawthorne Hostel (12 attendees)

Jessica from Eastmoreland is about to begin EP work in her neighborhood. She offered to share some online docs with us she will use in her work.

Tom from the soon to be built PDX Commons senior co-housing project at SE 42nd and Belmont was there, as well as nearby neighbors who wanted to learn about our commitee work.

Glenn and Jan were asked if they would be available to come and talk to small neighborhood groups about the work and they both agreed to do so. Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]

Also attending were other Sunnyside NET Team Members and Applicants including Lee and Ann, who are very supoortive of the work the committee is doing, and actively engaged NETs. They recently attended a workshop presesnted by Melanie, a Mt. Tabor Portland NET member. They talked about a slide show that Melanie presented.

Glenn and Jan talked about the integrated SNA EP NET Committee.

Micro goal:

  • continue to connect all all EP and NETs within Sunnyside around emergency preparedness.

Macro goals:

  • Continue to  connect NET and EP people in all of the 21 SEUL neighborhoods for regional resilience and interreliance.
  • Continue to liase with NET Team Leaders citywide to share resources, replicate and magnify individual efforts, and avoid duplicating work.

Jan told the group that the committee would  probably apply for a SEUL Neighborhood Small Grant to support our macro and micro goals. Jan also mentioned that Katy Asher at SEUL is extremely supportive of all the EP work that is being done in the Sunnyside neighborhoods.

It is also possible to connect up with ONI (Office of Neighborhood Involvement) if they present a 2016 Community Summit, and become presenters at the summit.

Belmont Street Fair tabling was a great success. Thanks to the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association for giving us its booth space. Thirty-one people signed up for NET training from neighborhoods throughout the city; 10 from Sunnyside.

Stephanie led NETs in an ICS (Incident Command System) tabletop exercise. We discusssed the importance of keeping records during an emergency to facilitate communication, track equipment and people, and not let things slip through the cracks. Homework for NETs and Applicants: Complete FEMA’s basic Incident Command System courses IS-100.b, IS-200.b, and IS-700.a. Upon passing each online test you will receive a digital certificate to download / print. Log your time as ‘Advanced Training’. We will do hands-on exercises using this knowledge because it is fundamental to basic ops.

Next meeting: Tue, Oct 20, 10-11:30am. Location to be announced on

Glenn C. Devitt