Here’s what’s on tap for this month’s general meeting. Please join us at 7 p.m. at Southeast Uplift, corner of 34th and SE Main.
- Introductions (3 min)
- Approve agenda, circulate August minutes (2 min)
- Sunnyside Tree Planting (Jeff Cole, 5 min)
- Leaf Day Overview (Grant Morehead, PDOT 10 min)
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Choya Adkison-Stevens, YWCA 5 min)
- Committee Reports (15 min)
Sustainability (?)
Land Use and Transportation (TJ)
Crime Prevention (HW)
Southeast Uplift (HW)
Treasurer’s Report (JP)
- Announcements (5 min)
- Approve minutes (2 min)
- Next meeting on November 10 / Newsletter articles (due Oct. 15)
- Adjourn