Board Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 13

Here’s what’s on tap for this month’s general meeting. Please join us at 7 p.m. at Southeast Uplift, corner of 34th and SE Main.

  1. Introductions (3 min)
  2. Approve agenda, circulate August minutes (2 min)
  3. Sunnyside Tree Planting (Jeff Cole, 5 min)
  4. Leaf Day Overview (Grant Morehead, PDOT 10 min)
  5. Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Choya Adkison-Stevens, YWCA 5 min)
  6. Committee Reports (15 min)

Sustainability (?)
Land Use and Transportation (TJ)

Crime Prevention (HW)

Southeast Uplift (HW)

Treasurer’s Report (JP)

  1. Announcements (5 min)
  2. Approve minutes (2 min)
  3. Next meeting on November 10 / Newsletter articles (due Oct. 15)
  4. Adjourn

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