Board members in Attendance: Reuben Deumling, Gina Binole, Bill Stites, Tim Brooks, Tony Jordan, Josh Palmer, Heather Wilson
Excused absences: Karen Hery, Paul Loney
Neighbors and Guests: Valerie Strickland, David McGarry
Reuben: Calls meeting to order at 7:04
1) PDOT canceled, will come back in the fall, but Reuben briefed the leaf program. As he understands it, within our neighborhood there are only a few blocks in the program, one block in from Stark. It is an opt-out program, so unless you do this, you are in and pay fees.
2) Tim motions to approve agenda, Heather seconds, agenda approved
3) Crime Prevention Report– David McGarry with E. Precinct says the neighborhood is unique because of the boundaries. He has been a district officer for just a month or so. He noted that ever since SE Precinct closed, they do rotate people to attend SNA meetings and to patrol the neighborhood in general. But David reports that crime is slow. The biggest concerns have been the bars on Hawthorne. Transients on the Eastside of 39th have been quiet as well.
4) Belmont Street Fair Volunteers – Tim announces new fair hours will be from noon to 8, also shares new lineup of 6 bands because of the expanded hours. On the Main Stage expanded kids’ activity area, bouncy houses, slides, mini-golf.
Also new, which we’ve discussed, is artist alley on 34th, which has been slow to fill up, but they get a half-price booth if they are interested.
Katie from Hall of Records (Belmont St. Fair co-chair) and Tim have been meeting every week. Tim asks for help circulating posters.
Anyone interested in volunteering needs to contact board member Josh. There is a need for volunteers. Josh is hoping for a lot of interest within the last month for this.
5) Non-conforming sewer updates – In response to neighborhood concerns, Reuben reports Commissioner Saltzman has put out a flyer explaining the issue that shows private sewer lines, the city’s main line and the city’s lateral line.
$64,000 is wanted from just Reuben’s block alone.
BES, Saltzman have stopped the program and admit that it should be done better.
At this point, people are being billed for the public portion between $6,000 and $18,000. Reuben says more will be said on this issue.
6) Committee Reports:
Sustainaibilty – nothing to report
LUTC – Tony reports discussion of the Portland Plan, Comprehensive Plan is moving forward, City officials coming along in the fall, they would like to review neighborhood plans. There is nothing they can do right now.
Walgreen’s is doing what it wants to do on its private property.
If they were applying for an encroachment into the setback, neighbors would oppose it.
SNA encourages neighbors to work for creative solutions with government officials.
Tony is going to start posting a LUTC agenda online to ensure public participation in LUTC
Discussed potential to talk about GNAs, saturation and the nature of Belmont Biz in the future.
SEUL – nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report – Balance is about $7,000. Josh says everything is good.
Announcements – Back to School Exchange fliers distributed
This Friday at Sewallcrest Park in Richmond is the Japanese monster film with the orchestra performing and doing all the sound.
The Old Waverly School in Richmond is interested in purchasing it, developing it and tearing down that building. Maybe seeing if the building could be saved and repurposed.
Building is on Woodward, a few blocks off of Clinton.
7) Bill motions, Gina seconds, motion carries to approve July minutes, Tim abstains
8) Tony motions, Josh seconds, motion carries, Heather abstains minutes from June
Meeting adjourned at 7:44 P.M.
Board members in Attendance: Reuben Deumling, Gina Binole, Bill Stites, Tim Brooks, Tony Jordan, Josh Palmer, Heather Wilson
Excused absences: Karen Hery, Paul Loney
Reuben: Calls meeting to order at 7:50
1) Belmont Street Fair Agreement – Tim feels the street fair could definitely raise some funds for the SNA.
There was discussion of BABA’s emphasis that the agreement cover the 50/50 sharing of any profits or losses from the fair, but concerns were raised that BABA continues to fall short of its commitment to share responsibilities for the work that is needed. Board members noted that the lion’s share of the tasks that are not being completed by Tim and Katie and paid contractor TSG are being done by SNA board members and volunteers.
Bill moves to support the draft agreement Tim has brought forth this evening, Tony seconded.
Heather amends the motion to reflect that enables Tim has the leeway to make minor adjustments as necessary.
Bill accepts the amendment, Tony seconds it.
Motion passes unanimously
2) Belmont Street Fair Volunteer Status – Josh, maybe we could approach biz directly. Hey, could we get one volunteer from your biz for this day? Give them shifts, tasks, etc. that they could sign up for.
General discussion on how best to recruit volunteers, give them shifts, specific tasks, etc.
3) Succession planning – write up descriptions, put things online as much as possible for the treasurer.
Will get to this by fall, some sooner, some later
4) Need to loop back with George to discuss grant for our neighborhood group for the unemployed
5) SNA agreed to write a letter of friends in support of community gardens – Gina will write the letter
6) Update on Walgreen’s letter, which is still in the works as we await Walgreen’s latest proposal.
7) Heather asks for a Blair Community Garden update on signage updates. Tim says we are looking for an artist who would design and make such a sign.
Discussion begins whether SNA should vote to decide whether to seek bids, match Dane’s $1,000 pledge (or contribute some amount) for the SNA sign at Blair Community Garden
Heather will measure the dimensions, take pictures put this on the agenda for October.
Send out a call for bids in the next newsletter
Minimum things we need on there, put all of that together, and we can vote on. Take a picture of one at HAND, TABOR, etc. so we can decide what we like, not like, etc.
Meeting adjourned 8:40.