Community Safety & Livability Monday December 28, 2020 6:30 PM

Community Safety & Livability
Monday, December 28⋅6:30 – 7:30pm


  • Follow up on outreach meeting with SES Park camp residents
  • Discovery of areas for potential sanctioned camps
  • Coordinate winter gear drive
  • Clarify Community Safety & Livability Meeting Time

Meeting ID: 836 8491 5370 Passcode: 128522

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Meeting ID: 836 8491 5370
Passcode: 128522

SNA Safety & Livability Update

At the November SNA meeting we discussed the ongoing crisis on Oak Street by Laurelhurst Park, deciding that we need to ask the city what their plans are for services to the camp. At this point there is a discussion of a sweep rather than an effort to provide assistance and sanitation. While the City claims there is a public health issue with the manner in which people are living, the CDC is crystal clear on not moving people regardless of ability to social distance. The City secondarily claims a “verified nexus of criminal activity.”

We proposed getting a written commitment from the City of their intention to do a deep clean, allowing people to return. The City has been doing that throughout COVID19. We believe that the City’s messaging isn’t successful enough in making it clear how these sweeps benefit the houseless campers in Laurelhurst Park.

My personal perspective is that if there’s criminal activity, then the Portland police should do law enforcement and leave the rest of the camp alone. The logic behind the “sweep because crime” narrative baffles me. Using this logic, if I went on a crime spree the city, in the form of its various agencies, would show up, and rather than arrest me they would evict not only me but all my neighbors and bulldoze our building. The loss of human life is unacceptable and the enormous expense has to outweigh the cost of law enforcement. If this is because of the “catch and release” program alleged to be happening at the County level, then we need to start addressing that.

We discussed the existence of disconnected “information silos” being an issue between city agencies, NAs, residents, activists, and service providers. A motion was unanimously approved for the following action items:

  • Liaise with the Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association to understand their plan of action and feelings, and
  • Reach out to the City to ask for a mediator to begin a conversation with campers and surrounding neighbors

We welcomed Vahid Brown, a founder of Agape Village ( and Hazelnut Grove, whose expertise and experience with managed service providers and shelters is invaluable. We continued discussing various possibilities including sanctioned tent camps, parking spaces for community members who are vehicle camping, more permanent structures such as tiny houses, and services. Vahid noted that there was a statement released by the Village Coalition ( underscoring the harmfulness of sweeps.

We are working to have the Sunnyside Methodist Church Emergency Warming Shelter available for freezing nights, and we discussed how to get an inspection. The church can provide 10 beds and has lists of potential volunteers. For a properly managed service, the shelter would need two volunteers per shift; there would be two to three shifts of four to six hours each. Emergency shelters usually operate from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.

At our November 17th Safety and Livability meeting we welcomed a member of HUCIRP (Homelessness/Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program) to get some answers and learn what policies are in effect during the COVID19 pandemic.

Community Safety & Livability Committee – Tuesday December 15, 6:30 – 7:30 PM

Tuesday December 15, 6:30 – 7:30 PM Agenda:

  • Refining our goals from milestones in opening meetings
  • Confirm a move to Monday meetings
  • Follow up on potential sites
  • Discussion on mitigation of the City’s sweep policy

We are looking for meaningful, impactful ways to positively affect the lives of people living with us on the streets, solutions in which everyone is treated with dignity.

Topic: Community Safety & Livability Meeting

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Meeting ID: 836 8491 5370
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SNA Safety & Livability Update for October 6th Meeting

At the most recent Community Safety & Livability meeting, we discussed a draft of the Community First Strategy to Address Houselessness in Portland, Oregon and shared it with members of the neighborhood who attended the meeting to get their thoughts and feedback. We started the process of brainstorming how we might take actionable steps to help the houseless neighbors in our community immediately and voted unanimously to do so.

We like the Community First Strategy as a high-level, inclusive guideline to work from, as it attempts to address many perspectives. Of particular interest is the Action Plan near the bottom, which begins with the sentence  “There must be programs for short, medium and long term solutions.” If you’d like to look it over, it can be found on our website at

We are reaching out to adjoining Neighborhood Associations to get their thoughts, and to examine processes already in action to address the emergency of houselessness as winter approaches. We’re also seeking strategic alliances with other organizations who can help.

The Houseless emergency will likely encompass most of the discussion at our next meeting which has been moved to November 10th to provide everyone undivided attention to vote in the Tuesday, November 3rd election.

Please join us at the next Community Safety & Livability Meeting Tuesday after Election Night. Discussions have remained collaborative and solution-focused with all perspectives shared and  respected.

Community Safety & Livability Meeting Tue, November 17, 2020

  • 10-15 Minutes Lucas from HUCIRP –  brief overview of team HUCIRP
  • Further discussion on houseless crisis relief efforts in Sunnyside
  • Assistance we can offer neighboring Laurelhurst NA and Oak Street Camp
  • Action items from the Community First Strategy
  • Propose alliances and assurance from the City of Portland for holistic, fair and humanitarian responses to the community
Tue, November 17, 18:30 – 19:30

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Meeting ID: 836 8491 5370
Passcode: 128522

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