Last Month’s News. This Month’s Plans.

We kicked off the first SNA meeting of 2022 welcoming new members and taking time to get to know one another by sharing what we’re looking forward to in the year ahead. There was a good amount of optimism for better days ahead in regards to dealing with Covid and folks wanting to get more involved within the neighborhood. 

We currently have two open positions: Land Use & Transportation Committee Chair, and Newsletter Communications & Advertising Lead. If you would like to learn more about these positions and how you can get involved, please email [email protected] for further details. 

The group then brainstormed fundraising strategies to generate incoming revenue to sustain the neighborhood newsletter. In the past, a large portion of funding was provided by a communications grant from SE Uplift. As the community needs have shifted to reflect appropriate equity, assistance grant funds have scaled back. We need to generate $5,000 yearly to continue publishing our monthly newsletters. This publication reaches nearly 3,000 households and 8,000 people in the Sunnyside neighborhood. We are adding a donation link to the SNA website ( for folks to make personal contributions. We are also planning an outreach advertising campaign to local businesses within the Belmont and Hawthorne districts and establishing package rates to advertisers for an extended amount of time. If you would like to get involved or have fundraising ideas, please reach out to the SNA at [email protected]. We look forward to your support. 

The SNA hosted Josh Rolls, from Portland’s Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Pedestrian Advisory Committee, to speak on behalf of reinstating the traffic calming program. While the group did not support the proposal for residents to self-fund speed bumps, the SNA did support the idea of alternative traffic calming solutions that are more cost-efficient and provide a call to action for safety. Ideas proposed were to paint traffic control signage around crosswalks, stop signs, and schools as well as to install planters and trim back landscape overgrowth near stop signs to help create clearer visibility. The SNA encourages continued conversation with the PBOT Pedestrian Advisory Committee with hopes that we can still participate in welcoming back this necessary program for public safety. 

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming February meeting on Thursday the 10th. The general meeting will be dedicated to learning what our neighborhood would like to see more support towards. The SNA Board is curious about how we can build a stronger community for local residents, business owners, and members of local worship. Meeting details and the agenda will be posted on the SNA website ( on Tuesday the 8th. The General meeting is held 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. with the Board meeting to follow directly after from 8:00- 9:00 pm. We encourage you to participate in local civic service and join us in making Sunnyside and Southeast Portland a thriving community.

Ash Hester