News from the President

Hi Sunnysiders! By the time you receive this newsletter, the election season will be over (or nearly so) and we’ll know who will be in charge of our city government from the new city council to the mayor (and beyond). I don’t know what the results will be, but I am hoping that all those elected have the ideas, strength and ability to help this city continue to grow and recover from the recent difficult times and to enable all Portlanders to live and thrive in our beautiful city. All elected officials will need our support and guidance, so keep on making your voices heard, starting at the hyper-local level with your neighborhood association which is a collective voice to your government.

On to the news…

In October, the SNA Board discussed a letter of support for the upcoming pilot of the pedestrian plaza at 37th and Hawthorne, by 3 Doors Down and Buffalo Exchange. Representatives from Buffalo Exchange and Gold Door Jewelry & Arts joined us and expressed some reservations about how they would handle deliveries if automobiles could not park on that street. They expressed tentative support for the project, but are hoping for some accommodations for their businesses’ needs. Given the concerns from these constituent businesses and the fact that several Board members were not able to attend the meeting, the Board decided to table the decision on a letter of support until November. The first design workshop is on Nov. 2nd from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at Southeast Uplift. (You can drop in any time.) If you miss it, please reach out if you have an opinion on this new proposed neighborhood space.

On the lighter side, did you see that Time Out magazine rated our neighbor to the northwest, Kerns, as the fifth “coolest” neighborhood in the world? Congratulations, Kerns! I don’t want to start an inter-neighborhood fight, but really, let me tell you why they overlooked an even better neighborhood: Sunnyside! You want great coffee? I give you Tov, Never Coffee and a multitude of others! A fun bar with great food? Alto Lounge, Bar Loon, Gold Dust Meridian, Horse Brass Tavern and on and on. Vintage stores? Take a stroll down Hawthorne any day! Delicious local bakery? Tabor Bread! Lovely homes on tree-lined streets? We have that in spades. As Time Out says, 28th is “the heart” of Kerns, but I posit that Sunnyside gets to have two hearts, each with its own character and amenities. I feel so lucky to live with all of you in this neighborhood and hope to for a long time to come.

Finally, we’d love to see you on Wednesday, November 13th when Representative Rob Nosse joins us for a discussion on the upcoming legislative session. Bring your questions!

Have you emailed the SNA but not gotten a reply? If so, we sincerely apologize. We identified an issue that seems to block some emails (without any notification) to our [email protected] email address. Until we resolve this issue, please feel free to reach out to me directly at my personal email [email protected]. Talk to you soon!

Chris Waldmann