Hi everyone! Hope your summer is going great!
Just a few things as we prepare for the return of regular Sunnyside Neighborhood Association (SNA) meetings in September:
• The SNA, through its Land Use Committee, is working with a Sunnyside
architect and the owner of the empty lot at 4511 SE Hawthorne Blvd. to
activate the space until it is developed. This is an exciting opportunity to bring new life to the neighborhood on a blank canvas. The architect recently worked with our neighbors to the north in Vancouver, WA to create the Heights Bike Garden, a space for kids and adults to learn how to bike safely in a fun and creative environment! The project at 4511 is still in its early, idea-forming stages. If you are interested in helpingout with this effort, please contact the committee at [email protected].
• With the Belmont Library set to close this fall for a major upgrade, the library will no longer be able to display the quilt created by Sunnysiders in 1988. Do you have a space or an idea for a new home for the quilt? Please reach out to [email protected].
• The Belmont Street Fair (on Sunday, September 8th) needs our help and the SNA is stepping up! If you are interested in volunteering to help at the fair, please email us and we will put together a group. I volunteered last year and it was super fun assisting vendors and non-profits find their spots and get set up.
• We will see you at a bunch of events in the coming weeks, including:
Hawthorne Street Fair, Sunday, August 25th
Sewallcrest Movie Night with A Million Miles Away, Friday, August 30th
Belmont Street Fair, Sunday, September 8th
There is a change coming to the SNA meeting schedule. To better accommodate some board members’ schedules we are moving from our usual 2nd Thursday of the month to the 2nd WEDNESDAY of the month. Meetings are in person at SE Uplift and online via Zoom. We will continue having General meetings every other month and monthly Board meetings. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 11th. We will learn about how Portland’s new election system will work and how to fill out a ballot. Hope to see a lot of you there!