News from the President

Greetings Sunnyside! I’m here, as usual, with the news from our April board meeting. As you might expect, much of the meeting focused on the elections on May 11th. There are numerous opportunities to serve your neighborhood on the board with four seats on the ballot and multiple incumbents leaving for new adventures and/or more pastoral settings (we will miss your tireless work Matt and Vincent!). As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, elections will be held in person on May 11th. You must be physically present at the meeting to vote. I apologize for the error in the last newsletter where I said that you could vote if present online. Unfortunately, some of our bylaws are still stuck in the pre-Zoom era, maybe something that the next board could look at modernizing?

In addition to elections, the board discussed and approved the new committee charter written by our Land Use and Transportation Committee. You can read the charter at and if you’re interested in joining in on the work this committee will be doing, please reach out to [email protected].

The last item we discussed was using our social media and website reach to do a better job at publicizing community events. Do you have an event the neighborhood might be interested in or you think would be beneficial to Sunnyside? Let us know and we will try to get it out to our subscribers on Facebook, NextDoor and on the calendar.

That’s it for now. We look forward to seeing you in May for a bit of hyper-local democracy!

Chris Waldmann

SNA President

Author: Chris Waldmann

SNA President