We hosted our first hybrid SNA General Meeting for the month of April in-person at the Sunnyside United Methodist Church and on Zoom. We had a good in-person turnout and virtual attendance. A big thank you to the folks that showed up and tuned in. The SNA Board gave a high-level introduction to the Association’s operations along with the Officer and Committee Chair reports to keep our local community informed. Then, we quickly dove into the Candidates forum to hold an in-person discussion with the City’s Metro No.6 and Commissioner No.3 positions. The SNA hosted an engaging Q&A debate that covered the concerns of governance, housing, public safety, and community issues. A very lively and collaborative conversation was had by both groups of candidates and our neighborhood is grateful for their participation. We certainly look forward to hosting more public forums that bring information firsthand to the public.
SNA Board elections will be held at the June meeting on Thursday the 9th at the SE Uplift parking lot (3534 SE Main St). Join us for the elections to learn more about the opportunity. No previous experience is required and existing Board Members will help you navigate this role. It’s a great way to get involved in your community, have a voice, represent your neighbors, and make a meaningful impact. Please join us for the May SNA General Meeting to ask questions and learn more.
Welcome to our newest committee lead, Jamie Smith, who will be partnering with the SNA to help manage the Land Use & Transportation committee. We’re very excited to have her support. We’re still searching for a Newsletter Communications & Advertising Coordinator. If you’re looking to engage with your community or get involved in a local civic service, we encourage you to learn more about this role. You can reach out to [email protected] for details.
Many thank yous to our recent newsletter donors. We greatly appreciate your generosity and goodwill. Please keep the support coming so we can continue to publish our local newsletter. The donation link is on the SNA website for folks who would like to contribute to the newsletter’s expenses (https://sunnysideportland.org/donate-to-our-newsletter). We also have available advertising spots if you have a business or want to spread the word about something. We’re still plugging along to reach our annual production costs of $6,000.
May’s meeting will be held virtually on Zoom on Thursday the 12th. Meeting details and the agenda will be posted on the SNA website (https://sunnysideportland.org) on Tuesday the 10th. The General meeting will be from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. with the Board Meeting directly after from 8:30- 9:00 p.m. Please join us.