Last Month’s News. This Month’s Plans.

During February’s Sunnyside Neighborhood Association meeting we discussed advertising updates for the newsletter. Thank you to the folks who have donated. Your support is greatly appreciated. We’ll keep the website donation link live so folks can contribute at any time (

We hosted Josh Roll from PBOT’s Pedestrian Advisory Committee. He spoke about the revised endorsement letter on reinstating the traffic calming program within neighborhoods. The SNA voted to endorse revisions that did not include installing speed bumps, but instead allows neighborhoods to initiate projects to build community and offer additional tools to meet safety, climate, and livability goals. 

The Board finalized the SNA Public Endorsement Policy and Procedure form that will be on the SNA website. This process outlines how the SNA will consider future endorsements from organizations and the general public. We discussed developing a Community Agreement – a recommendation from the DEIA Committee – which will guide SNA on best practices for communications and interactions between each other. 

The Board is extending the General meeting for an additional half hour – now running from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. This time will allow Committee and Officer reports to be shared during the General meeting. A lot of important information is shared during those reports and we want to ensure transparency and awareness with the entire Sunnyside community. 

The SNA has two roles that are seeking interested individuals – Land Use & Transportation Chair as well as Newsletter Communications & Advertising Coordinator. To learn more about either of these opportunities, please reach out to the [email protected]. 

At the March meeting we will host Erik Dorsett from TVA Architects ( to discuss their development project at 4406 SE Belmont St. Erik will provide an in-depth presentation of TVA Architects’ development plans. We will hold a Q&A session after the presentation. 

Thank you to the new attendees that showed up at February’s SNA meeting.
It was great to have your input and see fresh faces. We look forward to seeing more folks at our upcoming March meeting on Thursday the 10th. Meeting details and the agenda will be posted on the SNA website ( on Tuesday the 8th. The General meeting is held 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. with the Board meeting to follow directly after from 8:30- 9:00 pm. 

The SNA Board is curious about how we can build a stronger community for local residents, business owners, and members of local worship. We encourage you to participate in local civic service and join us in making Sunnyside and Southeast Portland a thriving community. 

Ash Hester

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