At the last SNACC meeting on Thurs. Oct. 18th, we discussed conducting a needs assessment of the shower program to gather feedback from the people who use the showers to learn what is working well and what isn’t. The shower program is also organizing another clothing drive to provide requested winter gear for the houseless community. The date and location to be determined. There wasn’t much to report on trash removal, other than that the same areas continue to be a challenge. There was some talk about investing in longer term solutions, which the group agreed was important to revisit. The committee will also finish the work needed to launch the “Get On The Sunnyside” communication plan. Some members then signed onto (zoomed over to?) the South Tabor Neighborhood Association meeting. Tremaine Clayton and Britt Urban shared information about the work they’ve been doing with Portland Street Response (PSR). This program will be expanding starting November 1st to include East Precinct, which covers Sunnyside east of Cesar Chavez Blvd. Next Mireaya Medina and Babatunde Azubuike from “Black and Beyond the Binary Collective” facilitated a conversation about how their organization could collaborate with neighborhood associations to reimagine community safety. We encourage anyone who is interested in these efforts to attend our next SNACC meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18th at 6:30 p.m. Meeting details will be posted on the SNA website the week of Nov. 15th.