SNA September Notes and October Plans

Board Member Officer Positions Established,  Inner Southeast Action, and Community Engagement

On September 9th, the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association held its first meeting with newly elected board members. The board appointed new officer roles which you can see updated on the last page of the newsletter. The board appointed Emily McCadden and Chris Waldman to fill the vacant board seats. The board reviewed some operational workflow processes and held conversations on the organization’s endorsement process. The SNA will pick up on endorsement protocols for October’s meeting. During the General Meeting we had Doug Klotz from Inner Southeast Action! present information about their petition to Save the Fred Meyer Hawthorne Pedestrian Entrance! (Read more about this in a separate article in this newsletter.) The SNA is inviting Doug and the Inner Southeast Action! team back to the October meeting for further conversation and to answer any questions the Sunnyside community may have. We ended the General meeting with an open forum – speaking with attendees on efforts they would like to see the SNA work towards in the coming months. Topics mentioned included hosting more community events to connect on a local level with other neighbors and coordinating a neighborhood clean-up like we’ve held in past years. The SNA will reach out to the Richmond Neighborhood Association to see if they’d like to partner with us.

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming October meeting on Thursday the 14th. Meeting details and the agenda will be posted on the SNA website ( on Monday the 11th. The Board meeting is from 7:00-8:00 p.m. and is open to the public. The General Meeting follows directly from 8:00-9:00pm. We encourage you to join us.

Ash Hester