April Meeting and Events Cancelled, May Board Elections Postponed

We are working with SE Uplift on a protocol for conducting public meetings and board elections while complying with physical distancing recommendations. Our hope is to have this protocol in place in time to hold a regular May meeting and proceed with board elections in June.

The District 42 Candidate Forum scheduled for April 16th is indefinitely postponed. We will post back here if a plan emerges to hold this event at a later date either online or in person if conditions permit.

For the most locally relevant info, you can follow Multnomah County’s COVID-19 response measures at their website: https://multco.us/novel-coronavirus-covid-19

Stay kind out there and please check on your neighbors. If you or a neighbor you know needs help, or if you’d like to offer to be a neighborhood help coordinator for your block or immediate area, please contact us via email. [email protected]

Matt Lembo